Β» Adventure Β» Desolation, J. B. Everett [reading a book txt] πŸ“—

Book online Β«Desolation, J. B. Everett [reading a book txt] πŸ“—Β». Author J. B. Everett

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whispers from inside her cage, her eyes wide with fear.

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Dylan stands up shakily, wiping blood off of his forehead.

"Well that was fun" he mumbles.

"We have to go now. Before others come" Tristan says quickly.

"There's no use in running. We will find you" a voice says.

I whip around to see the man who I locked in the cage. I almost forgot about him. He grins, a wicked, evil grin that reveals his yellow, crooked teeth. I glare at the man, wishing that he was knocked out like the other three.

"We've got to get them out" Dylan says, pointing to Nikki and Alyssa.

I look down at one of the men laying on the ground and spot a ring of keys hanging out of his lab coat pocket. Bending down, I grab the ring of keys and walk over to Nikki's cage first. I begin to try every key in the lock, trying to find the right one. I notice that my hands are still trembling. Finally, there is a click as Nikki's door swings open. She crawls out, standing up.

Next, I quickly walk to Alyssa's cage. She is sitting in the corner, crying quietly. When I starting trying keys in the lock, she shakes her head.

"Stop" she sobs, looking up at me with red, puffy eyes.

"What?" I say, looking at her.

"Just leave me" she whispers, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"What? You have to come with us" I say.

She shakes her head.

"No, please, just leave me" she murmurs.

I turn around, looking at Ian, Tristan, Dylan and Nikki. They all look at me, shrugging.

"If she wants to stay, then leave her. We have to go now" Dylan says.

I turn back to Alyssa.

"Are you sure?" I ask her.

She nods.

"Alright then. Let's go" I say, standing up.

I want to get the hell out of here.

We begin to run through the jungle as fast as we can. My legs are burning and I am gasping for breath, but I don't care. All that I want to do is get as far away from their place as we can.

There's no use in running. We will find you.

The man's haunting words echo through my mind as we sprint through the jungle, with absolutely no idea where we are going. My mind is racing so fast that I still can't even process everything that has just happened. Running away is all that I know right now.

Finally, we break out of the trees and screech to a stop. When I see what is in front of us my jaw drops. We are standing on the edge of a rocky cliff.

My stomach flips when I look down. Twenty feet below, waves crash over large jagged rocks jutting out along the coast. Gasping for breath, I stand there for a moments, transfixed. We must be on another side of the island.

I am broken out of my trance when I feel hand on my shoulder, pulling me away from the edge. Turning around, I see that it is Tristan. He immediately drops his hand from my shoulder, looking at the ground furtively.

"Holy shit" Dylan murmurs, stepping back as well.

Nikki and Dylan sit down by the edge, exhausted. Nikki leans her head on Dylan's shoulder, closing her eyes.

I suddenly feel wobbly and dizzy.

"I'm going to go walk for a second" I say breathlessly.

I turn around and begin to walk through the jungle, my head still spinning. A wave of nausea passes over me and I lean against a tree, closing my eyes. My heart is still pounding in my chest and my legs are burning. Then suddenly, I feel two arms wrap around my waist from behind.

I don't have to turn around to know who it is.

He presses his lips onto my cheek, kissing me softly. I lean backwards onto his chest, relaxing onto his body. Chills shiver down my spine as he plants a trail of kisses down my cheek then down the side of my neck. Then suddenly, I whip around and crash my lips onto his. Passion explodes throughout my entire body as his tongue presses against mine.

My entire mind has shut off. All that I want right now is Ian.

He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I run my hands through his tousled hair as his tongue revolves around mine.

Damn, he is a good kisser.

He deepens our kiss, and I small moan escapes from my throat. He pulls me even closer, completely eliminating any space that there was between us.

I don't know how long it lasts, but finally we break apart. He presses his forehead against mine, panting. I am gasping for breath as well, my heart pounding in my chest. We are silent for a few moments, our breaths intermingling with each others.

"I missed you so much" he whispers huskily, his arms still wrapped around my waist.

"Me too" I say.

"You know, you were a fucking bad ass with those men. I didn't know that you could beat up full grown men like that" he says, grinning.

I laugh slightly.

"Yeah, me neither" I say, grinning back.

Just then, I hear the snap of a twig.

I lift my forehead off of Ian's and look across the jungle to see Tristan, standing about twenty feet away.

Staring at us. Chapter Twenty

My cheeks immediately burn bright red when my eyes meet with Tristan's. He looks at me for a moment, then looks down at the ground furtively.

"What are you doing here?" Ian calls out, sounding agitated.

Ian's arms are still wrapped around my waist, keeping me close to his body. Tristan looks back up at the two of us, his cheeks red as well.

"I...I was just checking to see if Tessa was feeling okay" he says.

Before Ian can say something rude to him, I quickly say,

"Thanks Tristan. I'm feeling better now"

Ian glances at me, then back at Tristan, who is still standing there.

"Well is there anything else you want?" Ian asks.

I can't tell I am detecting a slight edge of hostility in his voice.

"I guess I'll go back now" Tristan says awkwardly.

He puts his hands in his pockets and after glancing one last awkward time at me, he turns and walks away. My heart pangs for a moment, feeling bad for Tristan. I want to call after him, but I don't know what to say.

Once Tristan is gone, Ian turns back to me.

"You know you didn't have to be so unfriendly to him" I say, looking up into his eyes.

"He was stalking us" Ian says flatly.

"No he wasn't. He was just coming to see if I was okay" I say.

Ian nods.

"So try to be nicer to him next time?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"Okay" Ian says, smiling slightly.

He looks into my eyes and pushes a stray piece of hair behind my ear. My hair is an absolute rat's nest. Thank god that there are no mirrors on this island because I don't want to see how awful I look.

"You know, you're beautiful" Ian says softly, pushing another loose strand of hair behind my ear.

My cheeks immediately burn bright red. I smile, looking down at the ground then back up to him.

"Ian, I haven't showered in days and I've been sleeping on the jungle floor. I'm pretty sure I look like shit" I say.

"Well if you look like shit, then shit is pretty damn hot" Ian says, grinning.

I lean up on my tiptoes and kiss him softly on the lips, letting my lips linger on his for a few moments before I pull away.

"We should probably head back" I say.

"But I want to stay like this; just us" Ian whispers, leaning forward and pressing his forehead gently against mine.

Butterflies flutter in my stomach as his breath intermingles with mine.

"No, we have to go back to them and figure out what we are going to do" I say.

He nods. We began to walk back through the jungle to the cliff. Ian slips his hand into mine, which sends tingles throughout my entire body.

We finally arrive back at the edge of the cliff. Dylan and Nikki are still sitting together at the edge of the cliff, Dylan's arm wrapped around Nikki. Tristan is standing by the edge, alone.

He turns around, looking at us. I give him a small, weak smile, which he returns. I see his eyes dart down to our hands, which are still clasped together. My heart pangs again.

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Dylan and Nikki turn around, standing up.

"Okay so these people are probably coming for us right now. What are we going to do?" Dylan asks, crossing his arms.

I don't know what to do. We are stuck on an island with water surrounding us on all sides. There is no where to go.

"I don't know" I say solemnly, looking down at the ground.

Ian squeezes my hand lightly.

"They're going to find us eventually, aren't they?" Nikki says, her voice trembling with fear.

There is a long silence.

Finally, Tristan says,

"Not unless we stay hidden from them"

I look up at him and his eyes meet mine.

"We should stay on the move. In the mean time we should try to look for some water. Or food. And hopefully if we stay on the move they won't be able to find us" Tristan says.

On cue, my stomach growls.

We all agree, since we have nothing better to do. We then begin to walk through the jungle. It is still cloudy, so for once, the sun is not blazing down on us. The entire time, I have the unnerving feeling that we are being watched. Then I realize where this feeling is coming from; we are being watched. By the cameras mounted up in the trees.

They are always watching.

I keep expecting one of them to come jumping out from behind a tree, but it doesn't happen. The jungle is silent, except for the chorus of exotic birds. Ian's hand is still in mine, which makes me feel slightly more at ease.

Suddenly, Tristan stops, putting a hand to his ear.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Do you hear it?" He says, turning around and looking at me.

At first I don't hear it. But then, my ears pick up on the sound that he is hearing.

I am unmistakably hearing the sound of running water.

"Do you guys hear it?" Tristan exclaims.

"I don't hear anything. I think you're going crazy." Dylan says.

"Listen!" Tristan shouts.

"It's the lake" I say.

"The lake? What lake?" Dylan exclaims.

"There's a fresh water lake and waterfall we found a few days ago in the jungle" Tristan says.

"There's a fucking freshwater lake in the jungle and you guys didn't tell us!" Dylan shouts incredulously.

"We tried to! We set up a signal fire, but you guys must of not seen it" Tristan says.

"Well let's go!" Dylan exclaims.

We all begin to run through the jungle, towards the sound of the rushing water. Adrenaline courses through my veins as the rushing noise gets louder and louder. Finally we screech to a stop and I gasp. We are standing at

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