» Adventure » The Adventures of Tinchi, Tinchi Wong [free ebook reader for pc TXT] 📗

Book online «The Adventures of Tinchi, Tinchi Wong [free ebook reader for pc TXT] 📗». Author Tinchi Wong

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with a large group of black insects, these little niggas ran very fast, there were a dozen of them suddenly stopped , as if pegged Xu .


These insects also ran his body and turned to climb, then stopped on his skin and acted as mosquito -like, began to insert its tube into blood vessels, wanton suck !


Although he could not move , the feel was still functioning as usual .


Itchy and tender feeling, which made Xu trembling.


For him, this was an unprecedented humiliation . Cried from his heart , if he could be saved , he would immediately take revenge!!


Door suddenly opened , also issued a strange buzzing roar !


One wearing a white vest worn underwear, dark green shorts, a bottle of beer in his hand thin man , mercilessly pegged Xu .


His gait was very unstable , and the thick smell of alcohol coming from him revealed .


Xu was grabbed on the collar , in addition he slapped into his face.


" What are you doing , what the fuck!!" facing such mad but short man , Xu wanted to punch him down, but now he was hit , could only fight back with a tongue , heart full of embarrassment .


"I know you , fucking Xu , the richest man in net worth billions ! Haha , your money is blowing from those of us poor , you ruthless , now your result ." the guy spitted .


" Fuck off !I will kill you " Xu roar .


“Kill me , well, I cannot live in dignity , have no money to pay rent . This fucking rubbish rotten house worth four thousand”


Drunk and single-handedly grabbed Xu 's hair.


"I want to become self-reliant , do not want to rely on the government to take the CSSA and I was downstairs selling nail clippers , the Hygiene department every day sweep , I cannot run faster , goods are confiscated . Neighborhood for my worth, called them a few words , the staff began to do many things against them , and tell them the goods obstruction ......... "


"That's what my business ? You may complain them , stir them up , how to bring it out on me ." Xu shouted .


"Below supermarket, not your kingdom ? They are your pug. Afraid of my things cheaper than your store ! , I haven't got to school , want to depend on me , not to sell heroin , not any soiled place even little way out also not allowed . Okay, now someone concocted you , but now I am impatience , and now is my show time! "


He lifted the bottle , ready to blow Xu 's head ............


Drunkard was knocked to the ground, broken glass also crashed .


The karate guy punched him down in time .


Guy and Xu looked at each other for more than ten seconds , the two sides had felt the confrontation between two different worlds .


"You want me to die? Or play what tricks ? " Xu constantly suspicious of his rescue.


"You are such rich people who like to think people of bad motive , or you stare every morning and find ways to avoid harm , so with this natural instinct ? Really hard for you, money really does not equal to happiness.


"Don’t speak nonsense, you catch me to here is obviously a conspiracy, and now I cannot move. You want to abuse me, deliberately put these small insects suck my blood, till I dyed in AIDS , I swear I will take revenge and give you utter confusion , you will pay for it ! "


"Pa" Karate guy gave him a slap .


"Eternal God is looking at you , you think you could escape ? He will judge you. Moreover, these small insects, you really don't know what ? Not just you, the resident living in here, gave these insects raging per night , but could they move ? Not yet allocated to public housing and have no money, some of which had chronically ill , cannot work , have the ability to choose ? you don't know how much you take this house rent ? Full three thousand ! do you think this is suitable for people live ? Well, let you try a month life of the poor, you are right, we are really a conspiracy, we serve Eternal God to redeem you . "


" Bah ! , What is God ! " Xu still arrogant .


Karate guy 's cell phone rings .


"Hey, hey ..................... ! Shit! .................. Central Police Station, right ? I come now ." His face became solemn.


"Xu , I am looking for someone to get some dinner for you.Don't worry, you will not be thin , you'll remember this meal ." He finished in a hurry to go out .


Xu thought maybe his subordinates doing something !


Also followed his cell phone rang , his heart suddenly sank.


" U.S. does not raise interest rates ? How about the market ? Those bastard trapped me here, I must do something to punish both of you, make you bankrupt ......... " His heart kept muttering .


Fragrant smelling head , Xu 's stomach immediately sounded involuntarily .


A thin, dressed in traditional costume shirt black trousers gray old woman , holding a dish , a limped got Xu place, slowly put it on just given psyllid occupy small wooden desk.


It was a croaker , a few cabbage on top earners .


"I know you cannot move, then let me feed you now ! "


Xu was indifference on such as mother 's gentle voice , even with extremely disgusted eyes, staring at this dish commonplace ............


The woman continued to use a kind sight looking at Xu .


"Refuse to eat will starve the body ." looked like his mother .


"These cheap fish I used to feed my cat, and you want me to eat that is contempt for me, I will not eat such garbage ." Xu still fit face.


"Ha ha ! Thanks to this garbage , I stay alive , I have read your autobiography , you say you just ate sweet potato in your childhood ? Real man resilient thing ! "


"Non of your business for my eating ? I hate to eat it , so what ? Both of you who will soon be in trouble , someone will save me soon ."


"Okay ! Take it easy, if you really want to eat it, just ask me ." Old woman slowly moved away .


"Don't treat him good , let him starve till die , let him try starving taste, let those fleas revenge for us , sucking his blood . Such died without pity ." Outside came a rough male voice , estimated a tenant living in here .


"Who are you ? Dare to shout! " Xu retorted .


" Forget it Forget it ! " Old woman trying to ease the atmosphere .


Everyone temporarily stopped the war, was quiet .


Xu 's belly drumming was getting worse , more and more thirsty , but was more difficult to endure the whole body wet. He started his own strong smell sweat , getting more feel dizzy , difficulty in breathing .


His heart finally produced a sense of fear , and feel life safety threat.


Remember, he was so long to try this experience.


Flash from the past starting from scratch, how early opening garment factory to make ends meet , and later by means of speculation U.S. apparel import quotas earned pot of gold , a chance to stir the real estate fortune funding history .


And later thrown a question mark :


"I do not steal them , why those people hate me ? I really cannot think I have any mistake , which is law of the jungle in the world, you poor will be eaten on one day , it is not my fault! "Xu tried to justify.


He thought about the stock index trend, because he really was charge a re-injection bet futures .


He started a little delirious. In fact, after he got rich, really did not try again hungry for a day.


What time was not known, only to find his own will, was gradually and gradually being spun out , it seemed really to bow to beg, but this was his most feared thing , subconscious fear thrown countless confusing feeling .


" Give me dinner, going to die ." Hunger can really destroy people's will and strength of character .


Still the old woman came, but this time was not croaker , but a dish of fermented bean curd spinach .


At this moment , Xu just wanted to fulfill the stomach!


But he had to renege on promise of his oath : to accept the help of others .


Think of that year , with the fermented bean curd Soy meal of the day. One rainy day , in order to pay wages to employees, forced to visit to his grandmother , humbly wish to seek some financial support . But in return sarcastic hit his pride .


"Come on, useless guy , inability to run business , to lend you ? Giving beggars is better than you ."


Xu could not understand why his loved relative turned to so cold-blood, then he remembered that day on a visit to her new home , where the decoration inadvertently criticized owe poor appearance and hand , she immediately pout all day, did not manage color him.


His mom also said that his grandmother was a very narrow tolerance people, but never imagined even this trivial matter will grudge.


And his wife, chose to leave him with suddenly silent , went straight survived by two sons to him.


He began to realize people are non-trustworthy, could not bring any sense of security and trust , but more practical pour money and career , to protect themselves .


Began to shift the mindset unscrupulous money.


He also vowed never to rely on anyone's help charity, even if only for him to pull a little something, also be no exception.


But now actually needed a doddering people to help him to eat ! This was far more than hot and psyllid uncomfortable.


Suddenly a sour nose , tears from the eyes oozed .


It was his first since that expelled tear ........................


He suddenly returned to his helpless ever.


Not willing to be fed , but old woman still put spinach into his mouth. Xu's tears out of control.


wiping away his tears with a tissue , another row of tears fully surrounded his eye corner !


" Wronged it ! Wronged us every day , and there is no escape right in fact, you have had hard times , but may have forgotten !


" .................. "


"Your autobiography I have seen the whole, I believe the content is not the slightest bit exaggerated, but since you have had so many difficulties and setbacks, why do not try to do something back to the community ? Use your experience to encourage a lot of lost youth ? I do not want you to give money around , but I hope you can help to create a fair competitive environment for the next generation of equilibrium . I have no knowledge , so cannot provide a way for you , but I think, if you determined , then you would certainly know what to do . "


" ............... "


" That was actually not too many people going to university in our past months , but instead seemed to have more opportunities than it is now . Least we could make a wooden cart then sold fish balls in the streets, or worked in factories , and much easier to earn living ?But now,listen to my grandson said , economic mainly rely on some service industries , such as what financial sector ,property, Quality Management, he said one important pave way to engage in these professions , we must pay at least fifty thousand or more to attempt some certificate or diploma courses to get a certificate, then maybe have a chance, not guaranteed to join the

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