» Adventure » Flip, Erin Gilgenbach [read me a book txt] 📗

Book online «Flip, Erin Gilgenbach [read me a book txt] 📗». Author Erin Gilgenbach

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I lay on something soft and warm. I tried to remember were I was, what happened, and what was that smell? My eyes were still closed I tried to sit up; I fell back in pain and cried out. I opened my eyes; I was in a small room that had only a bed, a small stove, a night stand, a little window, and an old chair by the stove. In the chair sat an old lady staring at me. “Finally up” she said with a little chuckle the lines on her face forming a small smile. “You are properly wondering who I am so I will tell you. My name is Pat Davis, now who are you?” I wonder if I can trust her, she seems nice enough but you never know. This could be trap to get me to talk and seal my death sentence. I should use my made up name, for now that way if she is my enemy she won’t know who I am.
“My...” I stopped my throat ached, I cleared it and went on. “My name is Maurice McGill, where I’m I?” she laughed and looked at me with deep blue eyes.
“I saw you collapse and a man was about to slit your throat and I thought that you might need help. So I grabbed my shotgun and told him to go and boy did he run.”
Her eyes sparkled with mischief and her smile deepened. “I brought you in here and cleaned you wounds. I would have taken you to the hospital but I don’t have a car or a phone to call a taxi. So there you are.”
I sat there trying to make sense of it, my head throbbed and it was hard to concentrate.
“They let people in apartments have shotguns?”
she shrugged
“Never said I couldn’t”
I stared at her, that like saying that you can steal something because no one said that you couldn’t. I didn’t say this seeing that I was lying in her bed not being able to move and she was the one with the shotgun.
“Can I have a glass of water” I asked in a horse voice.
“Of course, I’ll go get it.”
She said getting up and walking out of the room. After she left I looked around the room again. If she had more stuff I would snoop, there nothing here that looks of any worth. I wonder if I should drink what ever she brings me? It might be drugged, smart me in a house with a crazy who has a gun. The world wonders why I’m still alive?! The old lady came back into the room then and I stopped yell at myself in my head and looked at her. She handed me a paper cup with juice inside it. I eyed it suspiciously and looked at her. “What?!” She demanded, looking surprised and confused. “You take a sip first” I said my voice still horse.
She laughed a hearty laugh that stunned me, and then took the cup.
“Ok love, I will take the first sip.”
She took a sip then handed me the cup and went back to her chair. After staring at it for a second I took a sip, and then downed the whole cup. I breathed out and relaxed.
“How long have I been here?” I asked.
“One night” she said smiling at me.
“You should have been out longer but you’re strong. Now, is there someone who needs to know where you are?”
“Yes, my phone is in my pocket, I don’t think I can reach it” I said grimacing.
She came over and asked what pocket it was in, I told her and she got it out of my pocket and handed it to me. She went back to her chair and I sat there trying to remember the number. If I had all my numbers on my phone this would be easier. Oh, what is the number, how could I forget? Oh, now I remember. I typed in the number and waited for them to pick up.
“Dave’s mechanics, how can I help you?” I knew it was my friend Al from his voice. I took in a deep breath and said.
“The road is long the sky is dark.” Silence, then.
“FBI, who is this?” I glanced over at Pat then said
“Harper Elizabeth Marie Armstrong.” Pat’s eyebrows went up; I tried not to look at her.
“Harper! Where are you?! We have been trying to locate you for three days!”
“I know, but I was a little busy at the time.”
Getting a little annoyed, I covered the phone and asked Pat where we were.
“1777 Spring Street.” She said in the same annoyed tone that I had. I ignored her
“1777 Spring Street” I heard a sigh on the other side of the phone.
“We’ll send someone over, are you hurt?”
“Yes, But I’m ok Al.”
“Okay, don’t move and I mean it.”
“Why would I move I like my house?”
“Don’t get smart, just stay there, we don’t want you disappearing again.”
“Do I get a welcome back party?” I said in an excited and slightly pleading voice.
“I don’t think so; I have to go, STAY THERE.”
“One more thing,”
I looked over at Pat and then whispered
“Can you run a quick check on the person that lives here?” “Wait one minuet.”
There was a long silence. I took one of my hands and felt the bandages on my side, it still hurt a little.
“You’re lucky,” said Pat startling me. I looked at her confused.
“He barely gave you a scratch, it bleed a lot that’s all.”
Just then I noticed that Al was yelling from the phone, I quickly put the phone back to my ear.
“Yes Al?”
“Finally, we did a run she’s safe.”
“Ok thanks.”
“Stay out of trouble long enough for me to get to you.” “Killjoy” I hung up and then looked at Pat, her arms were crossed over her chest.
“So Maurice, is there something you want to tell me?” She gave me the evil eye and I felt pinned.
“I wasn’t sure if you were friend of foe, so I made up a name.” I shrugged and waited for her to speak. She shook her head
“I don’t think I want to know.” She smiled. And I lay back and wondered where Luke was. Slowly the world faded and strange images played through my head.

* * *

I sat there wondering what to do when the door bell rang. I almost jumped out of my skin; I was so deeply in thought.
Slowly I opened the door, not sure if I should open it at all. Once I started opening the door the man quickly pushed it open, stepped inside, and closed it in one swift movement. He was about a foot taller then me and when he removed his I saw that he was bold. “Who are you?” I asked.
“I am a friend.” Little red flag going up.
“Do I know you?”
“Not yet but, I’m Harper’s friend and I need your help; do you know where she is?”
“I’m sorry but, I don’t know a Harper. You must be thinking of someone else.”
“Are you sure? She said that this was your house and she sounded so sure.”
“Everyone makes mistakes.”
“I’ll be going. Sorry for the inconvenience.” And with the same move he was out the door and gone. I leaned on the door and let my heart slow to normal pace. Who was that? When are the good guys going to come? How do I know that wasn’t a good guy? I sat there until my heartbeat was normal, then got up and went to the TV. I have no idea how long it will be until they come. So I should relax until then. Or at lest try to relax.
“Luke, who was that at the door?” mom called from her bedroom.
“Just a salesmen, Mom.” I called back. Then sat down and popped in a movie.

* * *

I heard banging and wondered why the lights were turned off? Then realized that my eyes were closed and that I must have fallen asleep, again. I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright light. Pat was walking to the door, and mumbling about people who were too rushed. She opened the door “Hello, who are you?” she asked.
I listened to hear what they would say.
“Hello I’m looking for Silas Lance.”
Before Pat could say any thing I shouted
“I’m right here Al.”
Pat opened the door all the way and in the doorway stood my friend Al. I smiled; better to have a friend help you then a stranger.
“Come on in Al” I said as if it was my place and not some crazed woman with a shotgun. Al eyed Pat then steeped in and walked over to me.
“Hi Trouble, what’d you do now”
He looked me up and down, eyeing the bandage on my side. “Didn’t I tell you about how I got hurt?”
“No, no one knows anything right now. Not since your last report three days ago, you should know that.”
“Well, I was at the zoo and a lion got out of his cage. And I made him chase me so that he wouldn’t eat anyone but he swiped me before the zoo captured him. And I blanked out in front of Pat’s house and she helped me.”
“I don’t believe that”
“It’s true, why
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