» Adventure » The Students of Sarila, Elsie Janda [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗

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of cake batter when someone knocked on the door. I answered it, and Alexander was standing out in the hall. “Come in!”
Alexander obeyed. “Now, I know the two of you have a lot of questions. I am here to answer some of them.” He told us. “Hold out your hands, palms up.”
We did exactly what he had instructed. Alexander put his hands on mine and muttered something that sounded foreign. I suddenly saw that flash of baby blue light again. But instead of fading, the light remained. I realized that the light was surrounding me. Alexander did the same to Peter, and soon he was surrounded by a dark blue light. “Whoa.” He said.
“This is your aura.” Alexander told us. “It’s a bunch of energy that surrounds you. Everyone has one.”
“Then why isn’t it better known?” Peter asked.
“Auras are often incorporated with magic, which to most is imaginary. Therefore auras are taken as just that.” Alexander replied. “They are commonly used for healing, creation, divination, and,” A bright blue ball of energy appeared in his hand. “magical combat.”
“That’s cool.” I whispered.
Wisps of bright blue smoke flowed out of Alexander’s hand and snaked around the room. “Yes, Tina. Very cool.” Alexander smiled at me.
Then our auras disappeared. “You must be careful with your aura. If you use it to much, it can literally burn you up.” He warned.
“And what does all this have to do with rescuing Sally?” I questioned.
“Ah, I’d better leave that explaining to her.” He answered and looked at his watch. “I need to get to bed. Peter, you may stay a little while longer.” And then he left.
Peter and I were left together in a silent room. “Can I… can I finish braiding your hair?” He asked, somewhat nervously.
My hand immediately went to my braid, and I realized Sally had never finished. I would’ve said no – to preserve what Sally had done – but I felt bad for snapping at him. “Yeah, sure.” I replied.
His fingers worked quickly and carefully. “You don’t meet many guys that braid hair.” I was trying to kill the silence.
“Well, I learned for my little sister. My dad was always too busy.” He explained.
“What about your mom?” I asked. I could tell by the quietness following that I had probably stepped into forbidden territory. “Never mind, I don’t need to know.”
He sighed. “No, it’s fine. My mom died three years ago.”
I now felt really bad for asking. “I’m so sorry… I shouldn’t have brought it up.”
“Well, I’m done. Good night, Tina.” Peter walked out of the room.
So now I sat alone, feeling absolutely horrible. But I put those feelings aside and sat on my bed. I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

That night I dreamt that I was in a fudge shop. My mouth watered at the sight and scent of the treat. It also reminded me of Sally’s bakery…
It wasn’t until I few seconds later that I realized Sally was there. “Sally!” I exclaimed.
“Hello, Tina.” She smiled at me, her blue eyes filled with care.
“Are you hurt? Are you dead? Oh, Sally!” I started crying.
“Relax, Tina. I’m just fine. How are you?”
“I’m scared.” I told her. “What’s going on?”
“I’ll explain everything when you get here.” She told me reassuringly. “Everything will be okay.”
“Where exactly is ‘here’?” I inquired.
“Oh, of course Alexander hasn’t figured it out.” Sally rolled her eyes. “Men.”
I thought about it for a moment. “Mackinac Island?” I guessed.
“You are so very intelligent. Then again, I trained you to be.” Sally hugged me. “Oh, I can’t wait to see you again!”
“Same here.” I replied, wiping the tears from my face.
“Well, tell Alexander to hurry. You can’t sleep forever.” She was right. I could already feel myself waking. “I love you, Tina. Please hurry.” Sally kissed my forehead.
“I will. I love you, too.” And then, I woke.

I Learn How to Properly Extinguish a Flame

As soon as I was fully awake, I went to tell Peter and Alexander everything. Peter was already awake, but we had to dump a bucket of ice on Alexander. “Was that truly necessary?” He grumbles as we handed him a towel.
I told him everything that Sally had told me in my dream. “So, yes. It truly was necessary.”
Alexander and Peter were quiet for quite a while. “That’s really great news. I’m glad Sally is okay.” Peter told me.
“Yes, yes very good. Mackinac Island, you say?” Alexander slapped his forehead. “It was so obvious!”
“Yeah, she wondered why you hadn’t already guessed that.” I told him. “She also said to hurry.”
“And hurry we shall. But first you two need to get ready and get a proper breakfast.” Alexander decided.
“But she said to hurry!”
“Perhaps she did. But I am currently your unofficial guardian and your well-being is important.” Alexander said matter-of-factly. “Sally would agree with me.”
I reluctantly went back to my room and started a shower. I didn’t want to take my hair out of its braid, but I did anyways. I could always ask Peter to redo it for me. He did a good job.
I washed my hair with the little shampoo and conditioner the hotel had provided. For a few minutes, I just let the warm water wash my worries away. When I was done, I dried myself with a towel and got out the hairbrush I had stored in my purse, along with some extra cash, chap stick, and my iPod.
When I was dressed and ready, I went to Peter and Alexander’s room where they had doughnuts. I grabbed one and devoured it, suddenly realizing how starved I was. “You want me to braid your hair again? It looked really nice.” Peter offered.
“Yes, please.” I smiled.
So he did my hair again. While his hands were busy, he was silent. As was Alexander. Alexander did, however, wink at me as though he thought something and wanted me to know it. Then I realized he thought Peter wasn’t simply heart. He thought Peter was flirting. I stuck my tongue out at him, but probably blushed.

In a fairly short amount of time, we were back on the road, travelling to Mackinac Island. Peter and I sat together in the backseat. We were listening to music on my iPod. He was staring out the window; I was staring at him.
For the first time, I really let myself get a good look at him. He wasn’t at all bad-looking – in fact, he was kinda cute. He had messy blonde hair that fell in his eyes. His eyes were a deep blue and had a certain spark of hopefulness I just couldn’t ignore. It was like he knew everything would work out in the end. And I liked it.
After quite a while of sitting in silence, Alexander said, “Well, you two should really be quiet back there. I can’t drive with all that noise.”
I cracked a smile, and Peter was trying to hold back a laugh.
“Sorry. I guess I’m just absorbed in thought.” Peter replied.
“Well, you should try and make some noise. You are teenagers, after all.”
It was kinda ironic how we heard the explosion right after he said that. We pulled over to the side of the road and jumped out of the car. I noticed the front of the vehicle had burst into flame.
Alexander cursed. “Not yet, Ignatio! They haven’t even started their training!”
Ignatio! The same guy that brought me into this entire mess. And what training? Ugh, now this trip started to sound like school.
“I’m going to assume this isn’t a normal fire.” Peter said, staring at the flame fearfully.
“Of course it’s not normal!” I told him. “It came from the same guy that tried to hurt Sally and me!”
“What do we do?” Peter asked Alexander, unable to mask the desperation in his voice.
Alexander summoned his aura, and he hurled balls of energy at the fire. The flames died down a little. “It’s not working.” He said.
I could’ve sworn the fire talked after this. “The girl knows what to do.” It hissed.
I suppose I hadn’t imagined it, because Peter then looked directly at me. “Tina?”
“Let me think…” I told him.
I knew what to do? Since when? I remembered what Alexander had told us last night, about auras. And I knew that somehow Sally was involved in all this. Just… where did Peter and I fit in? I realized Peter and I must be important. Everyone had an aura, but what if some were stronger than others? I finally got an idea.
“Peter, give me your hand.” I demanded.
“What?” It might’ve been from the heat, but his face was bright red.
“Just give me your hand!” I repeated.
He held out his hand and I grasped it. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. I could feel that Peter was uncomfortable and scared. I opened my eyes.
“I need you to relax. Stop thinking. Just… breathe.” I told him gently. “Everything will be okay.”
It took a few moments for Peter to stop concentrating so hard. I began to try again. Our auras merged. I felt extreme power coursing through my veins. I tried to shift the energy to my open hand. After a few seconds, a ball of energy appeared in my hand.
Alexander stared, obviously impressed, as I hurled the energy into the flame. It turned into liquid before hitting the fire, extinguishing it. Still clutching Peter’s hand, I dropped to the ground and passed out.

I felt as though I were floating. I was swallowed in complete darkness. “Am I dead?” I wondered aloud.
A glowing figure appeared. Sally. “No, Tina. It’s not your time.” She told me gently.
“Am I hurt?” I asked.
“No, pet. Only tired. Very, very tired. You will wake soon.” She assured me. “I can’t stay any longer. Hurry, Tina.”
She disappeared, and my dream shifted.
I was surrounded my fire. “Hello, Tina.” A deep voice boomed around me.
“Ignatio?” I called out.
“You are intelligent, girl.” The voice told me.
“Why are you attacking me?”

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