» Adventure » Lost Souls, Abbie Davis [best ereader for academics .TXT] 📗

Book online «Lost Souls, Abbie Davis [best ereader for academics .TXT] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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the only two allow at school. He had beach blonde hair but had the brownest eyes you have ever seen.

We were suppose to be watching for activity in the west over route but he saw this Death Livers as we called them and decided to follow him. I been protesting over and over that we should stay at the post but he refuses to go back. I smiled as he took my hand and kissed it.

“I guess it won’t hurt to stay a few more hours,”I said as he smiled at me,”Then we go back.”

“Deal,”He said as we went on our way.

We walked for hours till we got to a little hut and we saw the death livers. I smiled as my dad was never able to find a hide out like we did. I stayed close to the ground like Dad had taught me as I watched them. I went to turn to Nathan as a rock hit the back of my head.

I woke up hours later strapped down to bed. I look around as my hands were tied to the sides and my feet to the end. I looked around as I saw Nathan in the corner. He smiled sadly at me as someone walked into the room I was in.

He was taller than me and Nathan put together, and Nathan in taller than me. He had greying hair and white eyes. He looked at me like I was a prize. I squirmed trying to get away as Nathan looked away from me. The man looked at Nathan with pride in his eyes.

“Good job my son,”the man said as I looked at Nathan.

“Nate,”I said in a small voice.

“I had to,”He said walking over to me,”Please understand me Max. If I didn’t they wouldn’t let you live at all.”

"I thought you were my friend,”I cried as the man raised my head up,”I thought you cared for me.”

“I do that's why I had to,”He said as the man looked at me again.

“She’s yours when we are finished with her,”The man said as Nathan looked at me again,”Don’t worry about her. We are only going to take her memory and replace it with a better one.”

“Ahh,”I screamed shooting up in my bed stabbing the bed,”Not again.”

I removed the knife and got out of bed. I had always felt bad for that night. But thankfully right before anything happened Dad came with Linus to save me. He then took it a step further and shipped me off to my mom for two years. Yeah that was my dad for ya. I loved him but he can get on my last nerve.

I went to my closet and picked out a simple black tank top, black t-shirt, shorts, and my black combat boots. I slipped all of that on after a quick shower and went to my bed side table. I picked up my spiked gloves and slipped them on my hands. I picked up my Ipod and put it into my pocket. I put my earbuds in and turned on Up All Night by Nightcore.

I smiled lipsinging it as I ran out my door. I went down to the first level and ran all the way around the room. The first floor was like a little training room. The rest were rooms for us to live in. I ran my laps as I saw dad walk out to the middle. It has to be around five in the mourning for he never comes down here unless no one else is awake.

I turned my run into a jog as I watched him practice techniques I’ve seen only once or twice before. I stopped and watched his movement as they were like an elegant dance. He jumped into the air spinned around and landed on one foot and did many things like that.

“Wow,”I whispered to myself.

I stayed there as I watched him move like he was in a battle with someone. He had his eyes close like this was natural and he didn’t need to see what he was doing. My song changed to Savin Me by Nickelback as I watched his movement. I watched him sing the song as I hide in the shadow I was in. He stopped in the middle and looked up at the sky. I saw a tear roll down his cheek as it was like he was crying now.

“Where did I go wrong?”He asked the sky,”Where did I go wrong in raising my little Max?”

I watched as he looked around the room as if trying to see if anyone would answer him. I exhaled as he stood there looking in my direction. His eyes didn’t leave mine but stayed on me like I was his new prey.

“Max I know you're there,”He said as Angel of Darkness by Nightcore played in the room and in my ears,”And don’t try to shadow travel out of here.”

“Yes sir,”I said walking into the light.

“You saw that didn’t you?”He asked me as I looked away,”I’ll take that as a yes then.”

“I didn’t mean…”I started but he put his hand up to stop me.

“I know,”He said looking at me,”But why are you here at this hour? You should still be asleep.”

“Bad dreams.”

“You can’t be thinking about that day. It will try to get in your head. That’s why I sent you to your mother. So she could help you with that.”

“I been trying. It’s just that it happens alright. I can’t control when it happens it just does.”

“Calm down before you take down the school Max”

I looked around the room and saw that the shadows were taking forms of people and animals. I took in deep breathes as they stopped. I looked at him as he looked at me softer than he would if people were here with us. I looked into his eyes as I wanted to scream at the top of my lunges right now.

“Now go up to your room and relax some,”He said now giving me orders.

“I was down here first father,”I said facing him,”So I should be able to stay down here till I want to go up.”

“Up Now,”He said as I stared at him.

I didn’t break the stare off as I knew he wants me to listen to him. But if I listened to him about staying in that one area he would have never found one of their hang outs. He glared at me as I felt my eyes go pitch black for the first time since I been here and away from the danger outside.

He looked at me as I saw that he was cracking under the pressure of my eyes. He looked away as I had won for the first time ever. He glared at me before walking off leaving me there. Did I just win a fight between us? I watched him disappear as I stood there. He just left without pulling me back to my room for the first time ever.

“That’s a first isn’t it,”Linus said from behind me.

“Yeah,”I said facing him,”When did you get here?”

“During the stare off,”He said holding up a letter,”But this came for you.”

I took it as I didn’t know who it was from. There was a nice looking seal on it. The seal was blue with a teardrop in it. The envelope was green with a little blue heart on it. It reminded me of Nathan a little bit. I slowly opened it not knowing if it was safe or not. It didn’t explode so I unfolded the paper and read it. The handwriting was bad though but still readable.

Dear Max Walker,

I know that I shouldn’t be writing to you for you hate me right now. But I’m sorry for what I did to you. I had to save your life and that was the only way for me to. I know that you think it’s wrong for me to not tell you about that but I had to get you there and like I already said that was the only way. Please forgive me for that. I do really feel bad about putting you through that. I just want you to be safe from it all. I promise that is all that I wanted from it. I had no idea that they were going to erase your memory like that.

I guess what I’m saying is that I don’t know what to do anymore Max. I’m lost and as you proved on I20 you are better than me still. Please think about at least being my friend again. I need you in my life somehow.

From your old friend,


I looked at the letter as it was something he did to see if I was alright. I had wrote him to leave me alone and he did. I folded it back and went up to my room. I needed to be alone right now. I had to clear my head on what just happened.

I ran to my room and hide there. I didn’t want to see anyone right now. I wanted to just hide from the sun and the world. It hated me and that was the truth but at the same time a lie. I looked at the now raising sun as it showed in my dim lighted room. Why must it be so hard to chose who you are? 

Chapter 3

I don’t want to live right now. Nope that’s not what I’m suppose to be thinking right now. I sat on the end of a long table and ate by myself. I felt everyone’s eyes on me as I sat by myself. I never was like everyone else for they looked up to me. I was what everyone liked to say was the top of the top.

“What are you doing here Walker?”I heard her voice ask behind me.

“None of you business Catherine,”I said looking at her.

Catherine Elizabeth Grey was the one girl who thought she was the better one here. Everyone was afraid to stand up to her but me. I turned to meet the eyes of everyone in the cafeteria. They all looked at the redhead and green eyed girl. I stood up as she was a little bit taller than me.

“That wasn’t the answer,”She said stepping forward at me.

“Last time I check you weren’t my parent,”I said mocking her movement,”So back off.”

“Make me Angel of dark,”She said pushing me.

I looked at her as I saw my dad look at me. He shook his head as she smirked at me. I clenched my hand as she smirked at it. I watched her dare me to make a move. I turned to my dad again as he shook his head at me again. I went back to her and grabbed my soda. She laughed as I poured it all over her.

“You freak,”She bellowed as I looked at her.

“I wouldn’t play innocent anymore sweetheart,”I said walking off.

“Mr. Walker look at what she did,”I heard her scream as I left that room.

It could have been worst for her. I could have destroyed what she held close to her. I should have...No don’t step to that level Max. You are the good guy and not the bad one. You are stronger than that. Keep your head on straight.

I went down to the lake as I saw no one was there for

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