» Adventure » My Flower, Zion Phoenix [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

Book online «My Flower, Zion Phoenix [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗». Author Zion Phoenix

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I should tell or not................... The Chain

"Well.............I woke up in a place called Taflamai, and there was this flower and this guy named Tei Abbler. And we went on adventures." I told my mom. About 2 seconds after, I was back in Taflamai with my leg tied in a chain. My flower was nowhere to be seen. I was upside down which made me get a very, very, bad headache. I was in a dark, gray, big, cave. Then suddenly I  saw an old looking person walk by. "You tried to leave Taflamai didn't you? You should already know that you are not supposed to. If you do it again, I will turn the Arrow of Time." he said. "What is the Arrow of Time?" I asked. " The Arrow of Time is pointing foward. If I turn it back, people will be born old and die young. And you will have less time to live. The flower will just die." he said. "Who are you?" I asked. "The King of Taflamai. I will let you loose from the chain, but DON'T LEAVE TAFLAMAI!!" he said. He let me loose. I ran out of the cave.

The Search for My Flower

I started the search for my flower. My flower seemed to be gone. Just as I was thinking about that, I remembered that big, gray, cave I was in before.. My flower could have been in there. I ran to it, finding my flower just hanging on the end of that chain. I noticed that the king wasn't there so I went to the flower. "Get out of here!" said the flower. "Why?" I asked. I looked over. I saw the Arrow of Time turn. "The king walked in. "You have came to the wrong place." said the king...............

Regarding The Turn

The King kicked us out of the cave and made it so nobody could get in. Luckily, he threw the flower out too. I grabbed him and started to look for Tei Abller. My mind was very, very, confused. I didn't leave Taflamai, but he turned the Arrow of Time. I suddenly heard Tei Abller's voice screm "Over here!". I couldn't find him. "I am slowly dying because the Arrow of Time is turned," said the flower.  I buried the flower into the ground, and went to turn the Arrow of Time back to the direction it was pointing before. I went to the castle. I had no clue how to get in until I saw a key left outside the door. I opened it. I then turned the Arrow of Time to it's normal direction. I fell asleep and woke up with my parents, in my house, but still in Taflamai. Now I have my parents, my flower, Tei Abller, - wait! WHERE IS TEI ABLLER!! 

The Search for Tei Abller

"Tei Abller!!" I said about 40 billion times (not really). I kept hearing his voice but I could not tell where he was. First I walked in the SBNT (the Semimomistramestra Bellfront Neble of Taflamai). It looks like a giant statue of - a bla. Points and prickles BLA BLA BLA is what the statue looks like. Well, Tie Apple is not there. Whoops!! I meant Tei Abller. Next, I looked at the NBNYUA (I have no time to explain what that means!!). My gosh!! Not there! I then went to the Ice Skating Rink of South Taflamai. Not there either. I went to the Blue Palace of Taflamai. He was not there. OH NO!!!!!

The Next Day

I woke up the next day. The next thing to do was to make it so the king can't turn the Arrow of Time. I walked in the palace. I then realized that I was like before, upside down with my legs tied to a chain. I started crying. The king walked in. "Boo hoo. Boo hoo. Eek eek. Like that sounds so convincing!!" said the king. " Your crying won't help! You are going to stay up there forever!" he said.  I started biting the chain. It broke. I tied him in the chain. I then broke the arrow so it could not be turned. I ran out, unaware that I dropped the key. He broke his chain, picked up the key, and chased me. I was running as quick as possible. I didn't know what to do...........

Tei Abller the Hero

Then, Tei Abller jumped in front of the king. Tei Abller carried him, and threw him to -  who knows!!! I thanked Tei Abller and gave him a huge hug. 

Collision No. 2

Then, there was a collision between the Great Gray Wall of Taflamai and the Great White Wall of Taflamai. I saw Tinerals about to come to the ground. "RUN!!", I screamed. I then took the heaviest thing I could find and slammed it on the Great Gray Wall of Taflamai so that could never happen again until next year. What a relief. 

5 Years Later........

I went downstairs to have some breakfast. I had some Strawberry-Banana yogurt but that doesn't really matter. I watched a TV show, played outside, bla bla bla bla bla etc.  It was a regular day with my parents, Tei Abller, the flower and, of course, me. So I pretty much adopted Tei Abller and my flower from Taflamai who I named Melanance. I knew I had saved the life of Melanance and Tei Abller. If they would have stayed alone, their whole life would be focused on getting away from the Tinerals. I had the feeling that I was finally home in Taflamai. 


                                                               The End





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