Destiny of Pain, Wolf Jager Night [good novels to read txt] 📗

- Author: Wolf Jager Night
Book online «Destiny of Pain, Wolf Jager Night [good novels to read txt] 📗». Author Wolf Jager Night
I swear to god if that damn moron does not stop that god damn giggling I am seriously going to stop considering murder and actually commit it. As I am thinking this very scary thought Hell High Academy comes into view. I shit you not. The fucking school looks like a castle only Dracula himself would live in.
The school has a total of six floors and three towers. The first floor is for the cafeteria. The second floor is for the art and music programs. The third floor is the language classes. The fourth floor is for the mathematics classes. One of my worst subjects that I am good at, it being the worst because of bullies. The fifth floor is for the other clubs, such as the Occult Club, Manga/Anime Club, Art Enthusiasts, and so on and whatever. The sixth floor is for the history classes. The first tower on the left side of the school is for the science department. I say department because those science teachers prefer it to be called that. The tower on the right side of the school belongs to the astronomy classes. I love astronomy. It’s one of my favorite classes. Finally, the last tower located at the back of the school is the Tower of Grimm.
The Tower of Grimm is called that because the school belonged to a young lord who went by the name of Lord Grimm. He was a kind hearted man who loved all. No matter what or who they are. One night he was pushed from his tower where he researched the occult. His body wasn’t found until two days later. Poor guy. Who would murder a nice guy who wanted peace and quiet to study his life’s passion? I’ll tell you who! A sick son of a bitch! That’s who! Anyway, The Tower of Grimm has been abandoned. All the entrances accept the window near the top. But Char and I found a hidden passage way that leads to a staircase that then leads to the top of the tower. The view is fantastic. Great place to relax or hide out when someone is looking for you.
“Hey Wolf! Wait Up!” Charles, aka Char, called from behind me. I turned around to see my only friend in this godforsaken place. Charles John Manson or Char as he liked to be called came running up to me. As always he’s dressed in a plain white t-shirt with a hand written logo saying, “I rule world with an iron fist of hate and pain”. Man I love that shirt. So morbid and threatening. Just my style. Char has ash blond hair with neon green streaks running through the left side. He bright blue eyes that can make any girl swoon. If they bothered to even look his way. Wouldn’t matter anyway seeing how he happens to be one the two gay guys in the whole school. I happen to be the other. But only Char knows that. No one knows that Char is gay too. We plan to keep it that way. God forbid two gay kids in a school that looks likes Dracula’s vacation home full of gay haters tell that there are two gays in their school. That will bring out the pitchforks and torches faster than mob going after witches.
“What’s up Char. You look like you’re in a good mood. Meet any hotties over the weekend?” I asked. Hotties being codename for hot guys. Everyone here thinks we are talking about girls anyway.
“Unfortunately, no. But I heard we are getting a couple of new kids.” New kids? That’s rare. I was the new kid last month. That was total hell. I voiced my thoughts.
“I know. I heard one of them is totally hot. Like Spicy god of hot-ness!” He squealed. Wow. If uses a name like that this guy must be extremely hot.
“Wow. Ok. Anyway let’s get to class before we are late. God forbid Mrs. Markowitz has a heart attack at two students being ten seconds lat.” I grumbled. Giggle. God that giggling finally stopped and it comes back! What the hell?!
“Hey Wolf? Did you hear that giggle?”
“Oh Thank God! I’m not crazy! You can hear it too?” Char just looked at me funny. I explained that I have been hearing that damn giggling the whole way here. He just gave a sly smile. Oh no. He’s up to something. And I am not going to like it.
“I do not like it when you smile like that.” I said.
“I know. But this surprise is going to be golden!” He giggled as he ran off. I seriously wonder why I let him adopt me as a little brother. I sighed and started off to the history floor. Char adopted me awhile back. Not legally. Like we care if the adoption was legal. We did one of those blood pact things or whatever he calls it. Basically we cut our palms into a cross and then mixed our blood together. You know one of those things that little kids do. But that wasn’t all. We then when and got matching tattoos. Sort of matching tattoos. Char got a snarling brown (looks more like dried blood) wolf surrounded by roses on his right arm near the shoulder. I got a snarling silver wolf surrounded by a pool of blood with a bloodied dagger hanging in its jaw on my left arm near the shoulder. Of course the school won’t allow this so we cover our tattoos with bandages. It works.
I start heading towards my first hour math class on the fourth floor when I am suddenly lifted by the front of my shirt and slammed against the millions of lockers throughout the whole school. I look up to see the football jerk. Michael Hanasey. He is the head of the football team. He is also the quarterback. The perfect student in every one’s eyes. When in actuality he is nothing but a bully. Great…just how I want my day to start.
“Well…well…If it isn’t the weirdo. So what are you doing here? I thought I told you not to come back. We don’t want trash like you at our school.” He spat. His ugly brown eyes were narrowed and his greasy blonde hair was matted and covered in sweat. Great…his breath smells like alcohol. He’s drunk this early. Wow…new record. Well thanks to my mouth talking before my brain caught up I basically dug my own grave for the day.
“Dude. Say it, don’t spray it.” Wham! The back of my head hit the lockers. Spots entered my vision. My head lolled to the left and I saw we had a decent sized crowd. Great an audience. I noticed three new students watching as well two girls and a guy. Before I could study these mysterious people any further. Michael slugged me. My head snapped to the right. Guess he was talking to me.
“Answer me when I’m talking to you, Freak!” he yelled. Freak. That word echoed in my head. I hate that word. I hate that word. I hate that word. That word is associated with a lot of pain and many memories I would rather forget. Before anyone could react I had flipped our positions to were Michael was face first on the floor with a sprained wrist and I was snarling like a wild animal.
“Call me that again. And I will not hesitate to snap your arms like fucking toothpicks.” I hissed in his ear. I let go and walked past the new students. An electric charged flared through me as I past them but I ignored it. I vaguely heard Char calling through my red tinged anger and frustration.
“Dude. Are you ok?” Char asked worriedly.
“I-I just need to relax. I’ll be fine in bit.” I sighed. Char is the only one who knows about my past. I haven’t slipped like that in two years. That word really gets to me.
“Okay, man. Go up to the tower and relax. I’ll cover for you.”
“Thanks. I owe you.” I said as I walked to the Tower of Grimm.
Images: I do not own the picture! It did not say who owns it.
Publication Date: 12-07-2012
All Rights Reserved
I dedicate this to everyone. Even if i don't know you!
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