» Adventure » Survival of the Fittest, kitsune9797 [interesting books to read TXT] 📗

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asleep. Guro walked over to Hikaro and nudged him with his nose “Wake up Hikaro, Wake up” Hikaro stirred, but fell back asleep. Guro’s eye twitched in annoyance and this time he jumped on Hikaro waking him up instantly. Guro shushed Hikaro and whispered “Hikaro we need to get out of her before Akuma and Chess wake up” Hikaro arched an eyebrow up in confusion “Just follow me and I’ll tell you later” Hikaro looked at Chess and Akuma and sighed, he stood up and followed Guro out of the hut. Once they were a good distance from the hut “Hikaro last night I heard Akuma only agreed to take us to the City of Shadows is because she plans on using us to achieve her goals” Hikaro eyes showed much anger and his mouth formed a scowl “I knew trusting that wolf demon was a bad idea” As they continued walking for a few more hours until they sat down for a break. Guro looked at the direction of where they had left the hut with Akuma and Chess in it. “I wonder if they are awake now and looking for us or finding some other poor pair to use as tools” Hikaro closed his eyes and wondered to himself “She seemed so different from the other demons I’ve seen, more kind, caring, and gentle, but I guess I was dead wrong. I shouldn’t have come to that conclusion she was different and because of that, this happened” Hikaro looked into the distance and noticed something running towards them. Hikaro shot up, but was too late when the object ran into him and they went tumbling. “Oh I’m very sorry, I didn’t mean to run into you” Hikaro rubbed his forehead and looked at the little boy about 8 or 9 who had white hair with a dog tail and ears. He wore a white shirt that was too long for him, his red eyes looking worried. “Oh its okay, you didn’t hurt me that bad” The little boy let out a sigh of relief and smiled, Hikaro thought it looked a lot like Akuma’s smile. “Hey little boy what’s your name?” The shook his head “My sis said not to talk to strangers” Hikaro smiled at how innocent the answer was “What’s the name of your sister little boy?” The boy looked down and tears started falling down “I can’t find my sis, she’s gone and I can’t find her” Guro ran over “What’s wrong little one?” The boy wiped his nose “My sis and I were separated when this mean guy attack us” Hikaro wiped a tear from the boy’s cheek “I’ll help you find her, but tell me your name and hers” The boy shook the tears from his eyes “My name is Shiro, but my sis calls me Shiro-kun and her name is Akuma” Hikaro and Guro froze at that name and then it all snapped back into place, Shiro-kun looked a lot like Akuma; his hair and eyes also his ears and tail. The boy tilted his head to the side in confusion “What’s the matter strangers, you guys aren’t moving or saying anything”

Elsewhere; “They left here without me, I’m going to kill them!” Akuma shouted, Chess was just sitting and drinking tea “Well they really didn’t trust you and I’m surprised that they didn’t kill us in our sleep” A vein popped out of Akuma’s head “You know what Chess your getting on my nerves and your annoying cockiness is something I don’t need at the moment” Chess just smirked and continued sipping his tea “Without my chance of finding my brother are gone” Akuma closed her eyes “I’m going after them Chess, don’t wait up” With that Akuma disappeared leaving Chess alone sipping his tea. Akuma was racing through the dead trees trying to find the pair “They couldn’t have gone far after all there scent is somewhat close” Hikaro and Guro shook themselves from the stupor they were in “Well little one we don’t know where your sister is” The boy looked down “You don’t? Well that’s okay I thought it would be a long-shot anyway, but thank you for helping me a little” Hikaro felt very bad “Hey! I know where your sister is going” The little boy turned around and ran up to Hikaro “Really stranger you do, where?!” “She’s going to the City of Shadows and we’ll help you look for her if you take us there” Shiro nodded and the three of them set off to the City of Shadows, where Hikaro thought that he and Guro were less likely to be betrayed by a little boy.

Publication Date: 03-10-2011

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