» Adventure » Hunters & Dragons, Nick Venom [free novels to read .TXT] 📗

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Noah said. “It’s best to get some rest and prepare for tomorrow.” Russ nodded, laying down on the blanket. “What happened to the others?”

“Checking the perimeter,” Russ said. “They’ll be back within the hour.” 

Noah nodded, his eyes growing tired. He started to drift off to sleep before a small vibration woke up. He searched his pockets for the vibration and found out that it originated from the earbud. He popped the earbud into his right ear and was instantly blasted by shouting. 

“Racekillers attacking the front! All remaining teams must protect Katelyn!” One of Katelyn’s guards shouted into his ear. Noah shot up and looked over at Russ.

“Russ, get up!” He shouted. Russ, who was on his way to drifting to sleep, opened his eyes and looked over at Noah, tilting his head

“What’s up?” He asked, annoyed.

“Racekillers in the front! Get the rest of the team, I’m going to see if I can help!” Noah shouted. Russ nodded and got up, adjusting to the darkness of the night. He rushed off to find Thatcher and Jean while Noah ran in the opposite direction to meet up with Katelyn’s security detail. He quickly found her and her security detail amidst the chaos and panic, sprinting to reach them. “How can I help?” He asked. The first guard that Noah interacted with glanced over at him. 

“Five racekillers have appeared in front of us. The front three teams have been decimated. Apocalyptic, Rejects, and Order Den are gone.” The female guard shouted.

“How can my team help?” Noah shouted.

“Night Devils, Holy Land, and Blue Knights are doing their best to hold off the racekillers. Most of the princess’s guards are helping them, so we’ll need your team to evacuate princess Katelyn back to the capital.”

“No!” Katelyn shouted. “We’ll be continuing our journey to Titoria.”

“But princess we-” The female guard started.

“White Rose will send me to the village while the rest of the teams will follow after me.” Katelyn declared. “I have the final say here.”

The female guard opened her mouth, but no words came out. She nodded and talked into the earbud, sending out orders to the remaining teams. She then glanced over at Noah. “What are you doing? Get the princess out of here!” She shouted. 

Noah nodded and grabbed Katelyn’s hand, dragging her towards their campsite. Noah saw the rest of his team suiting up. Jean looked up and noticed the handholding, which prompted blushing on her side.

Russ looked up next and noticed Noah. “W-What’s going on?”

“We got orders to continue the journey. We’ll be escorting the princess to Titoria without aid from any other teams.” Noah announced, releasing Katelyn’s hands before walking away from her.

“Well… isn’t that fun,” Russ remarked, grabbing a crate of supplies and discarding it as it was too heavy to carry conveniently. 

“W-Wasn’t expecting this,” Thatcher whispered. 

Jean opened her mouth but didn’t speak a word. She didn’t know what to say, instead nodding in agreement.

“Should we start on this journey?” Thatcher asked, putting on his bulky armor.

“Do we have a choice?” Russ asked.

 Noah shook his head. “Unfortunately-” He glanced at Katelyn. “We don’t. We have to get to Titoria as soon as we can!” 



Episode Four "Titoria"

Noah led his party towards Titoria, their weapons prepped and themselves geared. They walked for two days without confrontation or communication. All communication with the security detail and the other parties were lost in the chaos. Now all they needed to do was pass through an open field that lacked cover of any kind and they'd reach Titoria. 

Noah carried his weapon, a wooden longbow alongside a wrist crossbow that he had prepared. His black hair was short but long enough for him to comb it to his right, going down like a hill. He wore a thin sand yellow vest with a black tee-shirt under it. Under that, he wore black jeans that matched with his black boots. 

Russ followed behind Noah carrying a bo staff. He wore the same vest but had a blue tee shirt under it. He wore light blue jeans and brown tactical boots. He had a belt wrapped around his waist with numerous potions varying lengths and widths. Most of the potions were healing potions, but some were poisonous.

He skimmed his right hand through his red messy hair that slumped on his forehead. He didn’t smile as he stared intently at the trees, scanning for threats on the treeline. 

Katelyn walked in the middle of the group, wielding a sword. She was the third princess of the kingdom but acted more like a knight than a princess, scars burdening the top of her eyebrows. 

Her flowing straight pink hair went down to her waist and was dark pink at the ends. She wore a full set of iron armor that was silver in color. The armor was bruised and damaged as if she had been through constant battles. The armor covered her entire body, hiding her clothes under it. She wore a normal pair of jeans, a short-sleeve black tee, and a half-cloak.

Thatcher walked behind Katelyn and was scanning the area for monsters as well, his eyes darting from one area to the next. He wore a similar vest, this one black, and a thin black tee shirt with the words “Survival is necessary” in bold print. He wore black cargo pants and black military boots. His shirt was the largest size of the five members as he underwent military training---which everybody except for Katelyn lacked---increasing the volume of his muscles. He was also the tallest member of the five, standing at six feet one while the others were around five foot ten. His hair, which also increased his height, was dark blue hair; gelled to stand up at attention in a box-like shape. He wielded his large red and white shield on his back.

The last member, being Jean, is the only female member of White Rose; she wore the same outfit as Noah. Her black curly hair went down to her shoulders and curled at the ends. She stood at five foot nine, an inch shorter than Noah, becoming the shortest member. Her eyes darted from the trees to Noah, who stood in the front while she took the back. Her stare was intercepted by Katelyn who chuckled. She slowed her pace to meet with Jean, whispering into her ear, “I see you have a crush on one of those boys.” 

Jean blushed. “N-N-No, I don’t.” She stammered.

Katelyn chuckled again. “Is it the redhead or the leader?” She asked. 

Jean stayed silent leading to a loud laugh from Katelyn. Noah turned around and glanced at Jean and Katelyn. “You guys okay?” He asked.

“Y-Y-Yeah,” She whispered. She lowered her head to avoid Katelyn’s stare. 

“We’re fine, just having a girl’s talk,” Katelyn shouted back to him. Noah nodded and turned around after glancing at Jean one more time. “Oh, I see.” She noted. “It’s the leader,” She whispered.

“U-U-Uh,” Jean stammered, her blushing on full display. Katelyn chuckled again. “C-C-Can we drop this. We should focus on the mission.” She whispered. 

Katelyn nodded. “We’ll continue later,” She said, dropping a wink. She walked quicker to get in the middle of the pack leaving Jean blushing and muttering to herself. 

“We’ll be in Titoria by nightfall,” Noah announced, overtaking the silence that built up after Katelyn’s laugh. 

“Any news about the other teams?” Russ asked. Noah turned around and shook his head.

“We lost connection with them an hour after we departed from them. We can only pray for their survival.” Noah said.

“D-Do you think they’re alive?” Jean asked, still blushing.

Noah let out a sigh. “Perhaps… but it isn’t good to ponder about it. We should worry about ourselves first” His party nodded, proceeding on with silence as they moved forward. Within the fleeting hours of daylight, White Rose and Katelyn made it to the elven village on the outskirts of Atraciral; a small village known as Titoria. The village chief Fox, the oldest elf in the village, greeted them. 

“Welcome to Titoria! The outskirt village of the mighty Atraciral kingdom. We’ve been expecting your arrival, third princess Katelyn Atraciral.” Fox declared, bowing to her presence. He then straightened himself and smiled at the members of White Rose. “Adventurers, thank you for escorting the princess. I would also like to enroll your help with a problem the village is dealing with.”

“Depends on what it is and the rewards,” Noah coldly stated.

Fox let out a small laugh to divert Noah’s cold words. “I will present all members of your team an elven coin, worth several silver coins, if you can defeat the Vrikar demon tribe.”

Noah looked at his party. “Should we?”

“Let’s get rid of the demons and return home,” Thatcher stated.

“I agree with Thatcher,” Russ said. “I’ve been waiting to test out a new potion I created.”

“I agree, let’s help them,” Jean said.

“Then we agree.” He turned around to face Fox. “My team will take your request.”



Episode Five "White Rose Will Prevail"

Fox led White Rose and Katelyn through the town and introduced them to the landmarks that made the town proud. 

The first one was a two-story black building with a window in every room, known as Hates Inn. Hates Inn was the only inn in Titoria, specifically made for visitors. 

The second landmark was a three-story building double the width of Hates Inn, measuring as large as a high school, known as Titoria Defense Station. The TDS housed the guards of Titoria tasked with protecting the village and hunting any overbreeding population.

The third landmark, the High Council building, was a grand building that resembled a typical government building with its large carved pillars and marble material. The High Council building housed the several members of the High Council, the government over Titoria, who met every once in a while to discuss matters concerning the village’s future.

With the tour of their important landmarks over, Fox decided to move them to the outskirts of the village, on the opposite side they entered. 

There he stood, pointing over the flat land and at the reddish mountains a decent distance away. “On that mountain lies the Fire Dragon and its subordinates, the Vrikar demon tribe. “ He said. Fox turned towards them, his green trench coat flinging open and revealing his skinny figure. He was skinnier than he appeared to be. His green hair, which went down to his chest, floated in the wind effortlessly. “I’ve sent scouts to check out the cave that the Vrikar live in, but none have returned.”

“This is why you’re sending us?” Noah asked.

“We’re being used again,” Jean muttered under her breath. Russ nodded, hearing

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