» Adventure » Generations, Nick Venom [best ereader for comics .TXT] 📗

Book online «Generations, Nick Venom [best ereader for comics .TXT] 📗». Author Nick Venom

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shot six bullets into her brain and chest. The slug-like creature once again appeared, but this time Mert was ready for it. He took out the slug with ease as he already did the hard part. Mert stared at Red torn. Red nodded at him, then looked around to see the community no longer a community. [Generation I] Creation - Season One {Episode One "New Life / Heavenly Sent"}

Daniel Harrigo was a normal teen who passed away during his sleep due to a heart attack. His normal life was discarded away in a moment’s notice; a normal life of being rejected by women and spending his time at conventions. He also enjoyed lighter colors; his clothes were all lighter shades with his natural black hair being dyed to lime green.

Daniel was also burdened with his fair share of problems; lack of friendships and money, constantly unemployed, and dealing with a mental illness at the same time. The stress that the problems caused, eventually, led to the heart attack that took his life.

His body then began to rot slowly while his mind transcended into the sky, waking him when he made it to the plane of time referred to as ‘Heaven’. That’s where he met the God known as Hunter, the god of Earth that many people looked up and prayed to. Hunter is also the god of another world, Astriocal. Hunter took the appearance of a middle-aged businessman who wore a black suit and shoes with straight whitish-grey hair descending to his chest “I made a mistake. You weren’t supposed to die so young!” Hunter declared while bowing his head to Daniel. Daniel looked around the plane and noticed that only Hunter and he were visible. They were surrounded by endless white clouds, blocking Daniel’s sight from what lies around them.

“What do you mean I’m dead?” Daniel asked him.

“I’m telling the truth! You were meant to live for another decade!”

Daniel looked down at the floor and noticed that he was standing on a cloud. He looked around his feet, but couldn’t see anything else aside from clouds. “What will happen to me now?”

“I will reincarnate you into the other world I manage!” Hunter declared before standing up straight.

“Reincarnate? I can’t return home?” Daniel asked. Hunter shook his head. “Then can I ask for something?” Hunter nodded his head.

“Anything that I can provide you with, I will,” Hunter told him.

“Can I keep the same look and body that I had on Earth? I also want offensive and defensive skills that can keep me safe.”

“Granted,” Hunter said. “Physical Enhancement will increase your strength, speed, and stamina. Forcefield will emit a large yellow circle that will surround you and keeps you safe for an hour, at most. I will also give you three Creation skills, which are some of the strongest skills available!” He declared. “Creation: Light, Creation: Fire, and Creation: Darkness!” He then closed his eyes as the cloud from under him, began to dissipate. “Welcome to your next life,” Hunter said as Daniel began to fall from Heaven.


Daniel woke up in an open field with a pond next to him. He stood up and scurried over to the pond. He checked his face and noticed that he kept his lime green hair that was raised up a few inches. He then checked his clothes, which was a light gray sweater, baby blue jeans, and a pair of white sneakers with patches of grey in them, remained the same. He looked around the area and noticed that a small “I” appeared in the corner of his vision. He reached out and touched the small “I” symbol, activating his menu and displaying his skills and stats. Every skill that Hunter mentioned was there. Daniel’s information also has an “I” on it, which he pressed. Once he pressed the second “I”, he was given the ability to edit some of his information. He then looked at his name and decided to erase it, writing the name: “Ex.”

“I’ll live my life like my favorite anime protagonists! A hero with beauties surrounding him!” He declared, pointing his fist towards the heavens. “I won’t waste my second chance at life. I was heavenly sent to accomplish great things in life!”



[Generation II] The UNDEAD - Season One {Chapter One "The UNDEAD part one"}

The school day was coming to a close. The bell was about to ring. The students waited in anticipation. The clock read two fifty-nine. One minute remains. I want to go home already, thought Scar. Scar is known as an outcast that sits in the corner of the class not paying attention to what’s going around him. His grades started off strong, but slowly they fell. He didn’t care about school anymore. What about his parents, you may say? Scar doesn’t have parents nor siblings to correct him. They were killed in a car accident with a drunk driver last year. That leaves Scar by himself. Well, nearly by himself. The only person that he cares about or listens to is Myra. His childhood friend who he has been with since the age of five. Eleven years later and the two remain best friends. Myra is a popular cheerleader that is kind-hearted and nice. A little too nice anyways. She has been criticized for being friends with an outcast, but she has always shrugged off their opinions continuing to be friends with Scar. 

    The bell rang alerting the class to their dismissal. Their screams were of joy, at first anyway. The screams of delight towards their summer break was cut short. The delight quickly turned into fear and terror. “Somebody was bitten by a homeless guy! The guy fell to the floor and looks dead."  Somebody screamed.

“There are more homeless guys roaming the courtyard!” A girl shouted.

“The guy who got bitten is now biting other people!” A guy reported. Scar saw what was going on outside. People biting and eating others for no clear reason. The thought of Where is Myra echoed throughout his mind. He had nobody aside from her that he cared about. He proceeded to run out of the classroom in search for her. Luckily, he found her with ease. She saw what was going on and stayed on the third floor with her stuff waiting for help. She realized quickly that something was really off. She saw the homeless guys as acting more like the undead than actual human beings. The process of biting a human then that human going off to bite another resembles the actions of the undead, thought Myra. The two reunited hiding in an empty classroom. They heard the voices of the lost that tried fleeing the undead, but didn’t get far. Resembling a virus, the undead swept through the school killing all that face in their way. Now Scar and Myra are contained in this classroom as many undead move through the many halls and floors of the school.

[Generation II] Atlas Online - Season One {Episode One "The Sword of Izeken"}

Tin woke up in a new world. With a confused look, he looked around the field and noticed a new environment. Wasn’t I just in my room? Where am I now? Tin thought. He doesn’t remember how he got into this new world. He looked around and noticed a cow with bull horns. “A bullcow?” Tin asked himself aloud. “Isn’t that from Atlas Online?” He said aloud. “That can’t be! This can’t be Earth! Am I inside “Atlas Online?” Tin shouted. His brain was being fried due to all of the questions running around his mind. He then started hearing grunts. At first, it was one, but the sounds soon multiplied. “Aren’t those the sounds of goblins?” Tin asked himself. He was indeed correct. Ten goblins appeared behind him. “Goblins!” He shouted as he looked at the goblins that stared dead in his eyes. They then charged at him waving their weapons in the air. This scared Tin enough to make him runoff. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to go far. He was soon backed up into a corner created by a large deep hole and a gigantic rock. The ten goblins were closing onto Tin. “How did I defeat them in the game?” He asked himself. He then noticed a sword rested on atop the rock. He scrambled to climb the gigantic size rock and escape the goblins. “Isn’t this the sword of Izeken?” He asked himself. It’s one of the most powerful swords that can be found in Atlas Online. Why is it stuck in a rock instead of inside the demon king’s castle? Tin thought. He looked down at the goblins below him and suddenly a jolt of electricity went throughout his body. He then heard a male voice announce the words

“One Shot Kill activated.” The words were said seemingly from within his mind. The announcer! An a.i that teaches you about skills and weapons that were essential for many players of Atlas Online. Tin thought. “One Shot Kill?” He asked himself. Well, let me try it out. He thought. He then grabbed the sword and slowly pulled it out of the rock. “It’s like the story about King Arthur.” Tin then held the sword in front of him and muttered a prayer before going in for the kill. He jumped off the rock and sliced a goblin. He then looked at the next goblin with murderous intent. He then sliced one after another making sure that there are no survivors left.

Then he heard the announcer’s voice again. “One Shot Kill deactivated.” He then passed out from the stress the skill put on his body.

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