Ninja Creed, Anthony Claek [ereader android .txt] 📗

- Author: Anthony Claek
Book online «Ninja Creed, Anthony Claek [ereader android .txt] 📗». Author Anthony Claek
Weels Later... At the funeral for Mainman. as every one cried and wallked away. i ran to hos tombstone whispering i will findout who did this! i will not stop until he dies. i could only rember the good times with him. such as we raced our cars around ny but usely we get pulled over. and beating him at video games. us free styling and doing rap battles. training eachother new fighting moves and skills. and also geting eachother out of trubble. he reminded me of my african american mom and my american dad because of his race and becuse he stoof by me until the day we would diie. as i walk around new york i rember walkng down the streets with my crew. But there was sad parts of the job also when jimmy got shot dead. but Mainman avenged him by smashing a glass bottle on that damn pice of crap's head!
So many times of sadness and joyfulness but now its just depresing and anger of Rage! i knew someone had to do something about it!
Payback Time!I then rember a pice a papper in the ware house before it blew up. it was a bounty hunter card. i guest one of thouse guys started the fire to get payed big time cash! $$. I knew something was up. i then go to the ware house to see if it was still there. i go to enter the building but then! Smack! Bash! i was hit my a baseball bat. i fall to the ground knocked out cold i then wake up and here i am back to present day
Back To The Present Day.They Missel just missed me sking my hair. i then luckly jump on the boat. The ninja lady say's start the boat and i shoot. Ok mam. She pulls out dual Pistols and starts fireing as i get us at of the area. Where do we go? Head to that Island By the moutin. we pull up at the island. she says fallow me. we clime up the mountin. Damn how much longer until we get up there? 2 hours. Wait What! just kiding we are about to be there. how do you know? we dont see a ending or top of the monthin. She then grabs onto me and says hold on. Ok? She dashes so fast we mad it in less then a minute.Wait? what? how? huh? im confuesed how does anyone run that fast? you should know by now look around we are ninja's What? ninja's are dead at this time peroid. No we just always kept in the shadows defending our brotherhood of ninja's. so why did you save me? becuase your our last hope. What? Me? your the one who will save this earth from the terrorest and modernday pirates. they have tooken most of our land. we are losing the wars. your the one. No im not you dont even no who i am. devin we always knew. we watched you in the shadows for years. ok thats creepy. your ansisters were ninja's we need you to find out more about them. Your our last hope. but i suck at combat. we teach you all we know.
The Fallen Truth.As i then look around my heart starts pumping. i felt wierd and unsafe...
bu t i still went with it. ok im ok with the facts so when do we start?
first you must learn how to take a beaten and recover from it. wait what? she then kicks me in my balls.
i fall to the ground. Why Did You Do That. she then kicks me as i try to get up. i fall back to the ground. Now recover and attack. i try to get up she goes to kcik but i roll over to the side before see kicks me. i pick up a rock and i toss it at her she doges and dashes over to me and she grabs me and toss me into a wall. Ow damn your realy good at breaking people... Get Up! i get up again i run to her but she flips me onto the ground. Focus find my weak point. try to follow my moves of attack. Ok one more Time! she goes to kick me i doge and i run a leap off a wall and i punch her from mid air. she then takes out her blade. now catch my sword. What Are You Crazy! She goes to swipe but i catched it with my bear hands. How the hell? I did it. good now bye. she then punches me in the face and i then get knocked out. i wake up where am i. oh another part of the training you much learn how to esape prison cells. there is a hidden key you just have to find it. Where is that key i wondered. i check in the sink and in the crack in the wall. please god dont let the key be in the tolet. i open it damn you world! its in the tolet. i grab it and i free myself. Good. now you have to survive in the shadows i got 10 highly tained ninja's hide from them and steal the dimond axe all the way across the building's wall...
Fight In Run!
as i sneak my way to find the dimond axe. two ninja guards are guarding the dimond axe standing for watch.
i toss a rock at the lights. What the hell happend to the lights? lets go check it out. as they go to find out what happend. i finaly grab the dimond axe and then a alarm goes off. all the ninja's run to me and they get to fight mode.
Next part of you traing fight and run. they take out there swords i take out my dager. Bring it on! theye all charge at me at once. i doge to the side, the i dash to one ninja and i disarm him then i jump to the others i disarm them with my bear hands also. one pulls out a gun. a toss a smoke bomb and i then run. and i left in the shadows.
i run out side. Well you did good. welcome your traing is almost done. now you must find our trader who i giving info about are creed. find him and bring him to us alive.
First Missionas i go to do my mission. i look back and i then rember about mainman's death. i must hunt down that guy soon! but i may need some help. arrive at the the bank. i was sent to kill a trader that was going to meet someone in the back of the bank. but there were hidden guards surrounding the place.
damn how am i going to get past these guys. they are armed with shotguns and some had ak-47's.
i go into the bushes sneaking my way there. the two men were talking. That's my target. i listen in. So do you have the plans. yes but where is my cash said the target. you will get it after you hand over the plans. ok ok i will. he then hands it over to the unknown stranger. now fill free to tank anything out of the bank i opened all the door's even the safe so enjoy. the stranger walks away. i
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