» Adventure » Interdiction, W.Addison Gast [room on the broom read aloud .txt] 📗

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to him when we leave.” Said Cowboy.
The group entered the eating area and DJ gestured to the picnic type table and asked the Colonel to please sit. DJ then instructed the colonel that he was going to let him talk to the prisoners but if he so much slapped or hit any of them during the questioning, he was going to remove him from the area and not provide any information to Mossad what they had obtained from the prisoners. The colonel agreed and said he understood the terms of his being able to question Raj Al Kayev.
The group moved back to the interrogation room where DJ had left Raj not more than an hour before. DJ asked the group, The colonel, cowboy and The Gunny to wait outside the door until he called for them.
“May I take this ice water into the interrogation room Lt.?” Asked the colonel.
“By all means sir.” Replied DJ.
Guard, take the glass from the colonel and replace it with one of those Styrofoam cups over there with plenty of ice and water.” Just in case, colonel you don’t have any ideas of breaking the glass on the table in front of the prisoner and slitting his throat with a piece of it. Thought DJ
DJ entered the room as Raj was reading his Quran. “Is there a section in there that tells you when to get smart Raj? Not to belittle your holy book there but you seem to lean on it pretty heavy for advice.. Let me let you in on a few bits of information we have obtained over the last few hours. Number one, we have a track on the group that left Mazar I Sharif and headed for Faisalabad, you know, Badra, the goat, the engineer, actor and Ali Baba ? He walked across the room and picked up the file and removed several photographs “These friends of yours,” quickly letting Raj glance at the material only long enough to confirm what DJ was saying. Secondly, your camp outside Mazar I Sharif and the subterranean room have provided us with quite a bit of information, especially those computers, they were loaded. We’ll keep the surveillance section of our agency busy just confirming these locations and cells you were talking to on the net and radio. My point being, you could save yourself a lot of misery by agreeing to just answer a few questions about what you know about the planned operation in the United States. Besides, with all these people in our detainment area, there probably isn’t anyone left on the other end to carry out the mission. Especially considering the fact that we are about to get our hands on the last of the X437.” DJ looked at the prisoner and with a gesture of open hands, said; “This is the last offer Raj, it won’t get any better.”
“Stupid infidels. You think that because we have lost a few of our brothers that this mission can not go on? It is too late for you to stop what will happen. You will learn soon that the power of Al Queda extends far beyond the borders of these countries. The American people with live with terror in their hearts every time the name of the supreme commander is spoken. Allah is great!”
“Ok, Raj. Boy, I really thought you were smarter than that. I mean you would think that a guy with your background would know when his balls were in a vise and who was turning the crank.”

“Guard, tell the Colonel he can come in now.”
The leader of the Mossad unit entered the room and silently moved to in front of the prisoner. Raj Al Kayev recognized the man in front of him and he also understood the threatening look in his dark evil eyes.
“Congratulations Lieutenant, this is indeed Raj Al Kayev you have captured. This is the murderer of hundreds of my countrymen and women who can now rejoice from their graves that this demon will soon get the death he deserves..
In the name of the Free State of Israel and according to United Nations convention on the capture and treatment of enemies of the homeland, I demand that you, representing your government of the United States of America, turn over this individual for prosecution. “
“Well colonel, I’ll have to check on all that foreign affairs terms and conditions before we do that. Besides, we still have a lot to talk about, don’t we Raj?” Asked DJ
The prisoner remained silent this time. No expletives, no bragging and no bravado. He just remained quiet as the colonel walked behind him. Cowboy moved to be between the prisoner and the colonel if the Colonel tried anything silly. The colonel slowly raised his had at cowboy as if to say hold on, I’m not going to hurt the guy, just get some answers,…
DJ stood in front of the prisoner and asked a very easy question.
“Was this group of people we just discussed, heading for the United States Raj?”
Raj remained silent. He turned to look at the Colonel behind him.
“Keep your eyes on the Lt. Raj” Ordered the colonel.
DJ asked the question again.
No answer.
The colonel reached into his cup and brought out an ice cube and held it above Raj’s neck. The first drop went between his collar and his neck probably running all the way down the prisoner’s hot back. He jumped.
“Eyes forward you stupid coward” commanded the Colonel. Raj could see that he was becoming more stern with each of his commands.
Another drop down the neck.
“Do they have the x437 with them or is it traveling separate?”
“They have everything they need to strike terror in the minds of infidel Americans.”
The first time this yo-yo has even made a hint as to knowing the operation plans! Thought DJ
Another drop. This time the annoyed Raj tried to move in his chair away from the water.
“What city are they planning to bring the X437 in to?” Asked DJ
“ I don’t know.” Replied the obstinate Raj.
“Well colonel, this is what I thought he’d do, just when it gets to the point where he can save his good-for-nothing life, he gets a acute case of forgetfulness. Let’s go ahead with your plan. “At that DJ motioned for the guard to replace the hand and leg restraints on the prisoner and return him to the cell. He practically shoved the Mossad colonel out the door.
“Ok colonel, Thanks for your help when we are finished with the prisoner, he is all yours.”
“When can I expect to pick him up Lt.?”
“Well, I’m kinda new at this international prisoner release and turnover thing Colonel so I’ll have to let you know when my government tells me when and how. OK?”
“I expect an answer with twenty-four hours Lt. or I guarantee you that this will go to the highest level of your administration immediately.” Good Day.”. The colonel climbed back into the humvee and shoved the black head cover away when the gunny started to place it on his head. From in front of the vehicle, DJ motioned the gunny to forget the head cover. The Colonel was not going to have time to get his group together and come back here anyway before DJ had all of them on the 130 headed for Kabul
The small convoy carrying the very annoyed Moussad colonel no sooner left the compound than DJ put his plan into action to move the prisoners. It was perfect timing. DJ had made one last offer to Raj, who DJ knew had the entire operation plans for the terrorist mission into the United States in his head before the Colonel left the room. Raj had refused to cooperate so the group was now being moved. As instructed, all the prisoners were led out of the compound without head covers. DJ wanted them to have a good look at the countryside they were leaving and a hint where they were headed. The group was loaded into one nine passenger van with darkened windows. The prisoners could see out but there was no way to see who or what was inside the van. Cowboy would have to stay in Mazar I Sharif and continue his training of the local police but DJ would take Scorpion and five of his team with him to transport the prisoners.
“Anyone speak decent Israeli?” Asked DJ of the group that was walking out to the escort vehicle that was to follow behind the prisoner van.
One of the team raised his hand and in Hebrew said to DJ. “I do sir, it’s a kind of Yiddish mixture from my grandfather and Israeli from my Mom but I think it will be good enough to converse with the guys in that Moussad group if that is what you have in mind.”
“What is your name Corporal?” Asked DJ in Hebrew.
“Bernie Shapiro sir.” Was the answer.
“Shalom Bernie. Here is what I have in mind”
DJ said goodbye to cowboy and thanked him and the base commander for their excellent cooperation during the mission. He also made it a point to personally speak with each of the non coms that were in on the take down and the group that organized the holding area and then headed out to the waiting van. As he climbed onboard the prisoner van, he looked back to see just where his friend Raj was located. He was in the second seat back from the driver next to the window. DJ sat down in the seat behind the driver and keyed the sat radio on his combat vest.
“Head shed, sheepherder is moving out”
“Roger sheepherder. Advise when you are in a position to initiate a tactical change.”
When DJ heard that on his radio he placed his arm on the drivers shoulder and said; “Hang tight a minute here until I see what this is. Advise our escort that we are getting communications from Arlington and will resume our operation as soon as possible.”
“Head shed, Sheepherder. Go ahead with the tac revise.”
“Standby for Google, Lieutenant.” Was the reply.
DJ recognized the next voice that came on the speaker was that of Penny Buckley.
“Sheepherder we have some instructions from Mother in respect to your prisoners, do you copy?
“Roger Head shed. Go ahead.”
“Mother advises that we can not turn over the sheep as intended. Due to previous experience with the receiver you are in touch with there, Mother advises that the turn over be conducted in Kabul where we have DOJ assets. They want to make sure the international agreements are observed and agreed upon prior to any release of these assets. Copy?”
“Roger Head shed. What does Mother want me to do?”
“You will accompany the heard to Kabul and will act there as the military turn over liaison. Work with the DOJ people if you need to make any changes to this instruction and advise us.”
“Roger Head shed. Sheepherder out.”
The entire assembly inside the van was still sitting quietly and obviously trying to figure out who “mother” was and what changes this had made to the original plans for their detainment. That is all of them were trying to figure out what the revised plan was except one prisoner. He knew his fate was in the hands of this young Lieutenant sitting in front of him.
“OK driver, lets go.”
The van left the interrogation compound and headed for the area where the Gulfstream nine had parked next to the Israeli jet. The prisoners were all talking among themselves in Farsi, Pashtu and Paki as the van sped down the tarmac and came to a stop three hundred yards from the
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