Β» Adventure Β» Desolation, J. B. Everett [reading a book txt] πŸ“—

Book online Β«Desolation, J. B. Everett [reading a book txt] πŸ“—Β». Author J. B. Everett

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"I know. But what if they ask why we're leaving?" Tristan asks.

"I don't know. We'll just say that we're going to get some fresh air or something" Ian says.

Tristan nods.

"Are we ready?" Ian asks, looking at all of us.

His eyes meet mine and I nod, even though my heart is pounding in my chest.

"Alright, let's go" he says, then opens the door.

We all walk out of the room and into the hallway. Before we leave, Dylan turns around, taking one long, last look into the gloom.

"Goodbye prison. I'll miss you" he says in a mock-sad voice.

We begin to walk down the hallway. With every step my heart pounds faster. One step out of line and we're all doomed.

We turn the corner and start walking down the main hallway. I begin to sweat uncontrollably when I see many doctors walking back and forth, leaving and entering rooms. A few of the doctors stare at us when we walk by, but then resume what they are doing. We are almost at the end of the hallway when I hear a voice behind us call out,

"Where are you all going?"

We all freeze mid-step. Shaking, I slowly turn around to see the man who I despise the most, wheeling towards us. I swallow hard, trying to calm myself down.

He doesn't know it's us. At least not yet.

"Er...we just wanted to go up to get some fresh air. It's getting a little stuffy down here" Ian says.

Hal eyes us and for a horrifying moment, I think that he sees through our disguises. But then, he says,

"All of you?"

"Yeah, we all want some fresh air" Dylan says, making his voice sound deeper.

"Don't you all have work to be doing in the labs?"

"We'll be quick, I promise sir" Ian says mechanically.

Hal nods slowly.

"Alright then" he says, then turns around and begins to wheel away.


By now, I am completely drenched in a nervous sweat. We all turn around continue to walk towards the large steel door at the end of the hallway. Once we reach it, Ian reaches into his pocket and pulls out a key, sticking it into the knob and twisting. I look down to see that his hands are trembling.

There is a click and the heavy door swings open, creaking on its hinges. We all walk into the blackness and close the door behind us. Once the door is completely shut, we all sigh huge sighs of relief. I cannot believe that we actually made it this far.

"That was a close one" Dylan murmurs.

"C'mon, let's get the hell out of here" Ian says.

He reaches around in the darkness, searching for the ladder.

"Found it" he finally says.

Ian starts to climb up, his feet clanging on the metal rungs. I go next, followed by Tristan, Nikki and Dylan. The ascent seems endless; every time I except to reach the top I just reach up onto another rung of the ladder. All that I want is to is be outside again.

Finally, Ian stops, halting the rest of us. I hear a loud creak as he pushes open the hatch door. Sunlight shines down, blinding me temporarily. It feels as if I have never been out in broad daylight before. We all climb up and out onto the soft earth. I stand up shakily, my legs feeling like lead, and rip off my mask. I close my eyes and slowly spin around in a circle, holding my arms out and breathing in the sweet scent of the jungle. For a fleeting moment, I truly feel free. Chapter Thirty-Six

"There is no island there"

The man's words reverberate in my skull over and over again like a broken a record. It can't be right.

"What do you mean?" Tristan asks, gripping the intercom speaker so hard that his knuckles turn white.

"I mean, we looked up those exact coordinates and there's no island there. Your coordinates are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean" the man says.

I suddenly feel dizzy. What the hell is going on?

"But we're on an island I swear! Are you sure you entered the coordinates correctly?" Tristan exclaims, frustration evident in his voice.

"I'm sorry kids, but there is no island there. How about you all just stop playing make-believe and go home" the man says.

"You think we're making this up?!" Tristan yells incredulously.

He is abruptly cut off by a crackling noise as the line goes dead. Suddenly, Tristan lashes out in rage, punching the wall. I swallow hard, feeling like a deflated balloon. All of the hopes of being rescued have completely diminished.

"Well this sucks" Dylan murmurs grimly.

None of us respond. We're all too miserable to do so. Tristan storms out of the room, walking outside. I've never seen him flip out like this before.

"I'll go try to calm him down" I say.

Ian glances up at me, his eyes locking with mine. Before he can say anything, I get up and walk out.

A strong breeze blows through the air, whipping my hair around in all directions. Ominous, dark storm clouds have begun to settle in the sky, masking the bright sun that was out before.

At first, I can't find Tristan. I look around, spinning around in a slow circle until I spot him. My heart skips a beat when I see him standing on the edge of the cliff, his back towards me.

"Tristan!" I exclaim, starting to walk towards him.

A low rumble of thunder resonates in the humid air and the wind begins to pick up.

"Please...get away from the edge" I say, my voice cracking.

He doesn't move.

"Please!" I cry out, approaching him from behind.

When he still doesn't move, I grab him by the back of his shirt, pulling him away from the edge. He turns around, a grim look on his face.

"We were so close to being rescued..." he murmurs.

"I know..." I say, my voice trailing off:

I don't know what to say to him. There is nothing that I can say that will make him feel better. I'm not going to lie and tell him that everything's going to be okay.

He rakes his fingers through his hair.

"What is going to happen to us..." he asks sorrowfully.

"I...I don't know" I reply.

Suddenly, I hear someone shout and whip around to see Nikki poking her head out of the radio tower base.

"Guys come in here!" She shouts.

Without thinking, Tristan and I run towards the building. Rain has begun to fall; large drops cascading down from the sky. My heart begins to race as one thought pops into my mind; they connected with someone else who is going to come and rescue us.

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Don't get your hopes up Tessa.

We burst into the room to find Ian, Nikki and Dylan, all crowded around the control panel.

"Listen!" Nikki exclaims excitedly, pointing to the intercom.

Tristan and I rush over to hear. At first, I only hear crackling static. But then, I discern voices.

"We connected to another line! But no matter which way we turn this dial, their voices aren't getting clearer" Dylan says.

I strain my ears, trying to hear what the voices are saying. But I can't. There is too much static.

"Did you try speaking to them?" I ask.

"Yeah, we told them everything. How we're kidnapped on an island and we need to be rescued. But we don't even know if they can hear us" Nikki says.


I jump as a loud clap of thunder sounds from outside. As if on queue, the rain begins to torrentially downpour, drumming loudly on the roof.

"Well at least we're inside" Dylan says half-heartedly.

Right after he says this, there is a bright flash of lightning followed by a loud surging sound.

 "That didn't sound good..." Nikki murmurs.

Suddenly, there is loud noise as all of the lights go out. Across the control panel, all of the flashing lights and screens start fizzling on and off.

"Uh oh..." Dylan whispers under his breath.

All of a sudden, sparks begin to emit from the panel and an acrid, burning smell fills the air.

"We have to get out of here!" Tristan yells.

Instantly, we all get up and sprint out of the building into the pouring rain. The wind howls, blowing the rain straight into my face, and making it nearly impossible to see anything in front of me.

I feel a hand grip my wrist and look up to see Ian. At least I think it's him.

"C'mon we have to get out of this open space! We'll get struck by lightning!" I hear Tristan's voice shout over the roaring winds.

Ian runs, dragging me blindly behind him. I don't know how he can see anything in front of him because all that I can see is a white sheet of torrential downpour.

A deafening roar of thunder rumbles, seeming to shake the earth beneath my feet.

Damn, this is one hell of a storm.

Soon, I know that we arrive in jungle because the rain lightens up. I look up to see the thick canopy of the trees, blocking most of the rain. All of us are completely soaked, dripping from head to toe.

"Holy shit" Dylan murmurs, wiping his forehead.

The wind continues to howl, rocking the trees and blowing leaves around in all directions.

"Let's wait this out until it passes" Tristan says.

And so we wait. Ian and I sit down on the ground, leaning up against a tree. He wraps his arm around me, pulling me close to his side. I rest my head lightly on his shoulder and close my eyes, praying for this storm to pass.

A few minutes later a low rumble of thunder sounds, resonating through the air. But this time, it doesn't stop. It keeps getting louder and louder.

"What's that sound?" Dylan asks, breaking the silence.

"Thunder, duh" Nikki replies.

"No, that's not thunder" Dylan says quickly, standing up.

"Yes it is. What else would it be?" Nikki asks.

I'm starting to agree with Dylan. This noise is definitely not thunder. It almost sounds like...

"I don't know, but I'm telling you this; that is not thunder" Dylan says.

He begins to run towards the clearing at the top of the mountain.

"Wait!" Nikki cries.

We all stand up and begin to run after him. The rumbling noise is so loud now that it is nearly deafening.

"OH MY GOD!" I hear Dylan's voice shout, echoing throughout the jungle.

My heart begins to race in my chest. When we emerge from the trees into the clearing, the rain is still coming down in down in buckets. I look up into the sky, and when I see what is overhead, I nearly faint.

At first, I think I must be imagining it.

But I'm not.

There, flying over the island is a helicopter. The gusting winds blow, shaking the helicopter as it lowers from the sky. Without thinking, we all begin to jump up and down, throwing our hands up in the air and screaming incomprehensibly.

The helicopter flies over us and continues over the top of the trees. We all turn around, continuing to shout and yell at it. And that's when I see it.

Black smoke is pouring out of the back of its engine.

I don't know much about

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