» Adventure » CharaMystic, Shante` G.J.G [best novels in english TXT] 📗

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said as I was walking away from my mother.

But before I could get far enough away from her she grabbed and hugged me tightly.

“Mommy what are you doing? Why are you being all emotion again?” I mumbled since my face was smushed in my mom’s chest.

She looked down at me still hugging.

“I know it’s just your growing up so fast. Your graduating high school and will be off to college soon. And then you’re not going to need me anymore.”

“Mommy! Please don’t. Not this again. Look I will always be your daughter and around you. You’re not getting rid of me that easy.” We stopped hugging at this point.

“And besides who’s gonna do my laundry, cook me my favorite meals and even protect me the monsters under my bed.” I said jokily trying to get my mom out of her funk.

“Yeah you’re right you’re completely hopeless without me.” Mommy chuckled looking proud and finally chilled.

I started walking towards the stairs again to head to my room.

“Obviously. Ok I’m gonna go up to my room now. And please, no more mushy mushy moments.”

My mom put her hand up facing my direction. “Pst whatever homes. You always be on me like butter on toast son.” She said trying to impersonate her version of I’m guessing a ghetto person. My mom tries to be funny sometimes by trying to talk like kids my age or what she thinks we talk like.

I started to giggle all the way upstairs. “Whatever lunatic!” I shouted towards my mother.

I get into my room, drop my bag and flop onto my bed.

“Phew, so tired.” I closed my eyes with my hands on my chest thinking about the party and how much fun it’s going to be. I was thinking about finally graduating and moving on with my life. And all the great things I was going to do.

Just as I was about to doze off to sleep I could swear I almost heard Reenee’s voice; but very lightly, almost chanting “Help me Am. I’m scared. I don’t know where I am. Please help me.” I could nearly see Reenee now.

The whole space that Reenee and I are suddenly in is dark and pitch black. There’s no one around but us. So I start running to her. “Reenee I’m here. Just wait for me I’m almost there.” I start to notice that the closer I got to her, the further away she seemed to be. I just couldn’t reach her.

All of a sudden the area around us changed to a lab type view and there were men in white coats surrounding everywhere, running about. Then I saw Reenee, she was on top of a lab bench being poked with needles and screaming her head off, pleading for the men in white coats to stop. She looked up at me as I stared back at her crying my eyes out in disbelief that this was all really happening.

“Amethyst save me. Please save me. It hurts. It’s hurts so much. You’re my best friend. Save me.” Next she started screaming profusely breaking free from the right cuff that had her right arm pinned down tight. Next she broke loose her left foot. Then the men started yelling “She’s getting out of hand. We have to sedate her. Hurry!” That’s when I couldn’t take it anymore; I started screaming Reenee’s name and yelling at the men to stop. I couldn’t understand what was going on. I wanted to run to her side but I was so terrified I just froze up.

I’m on the floor crying on my knees with my hands covering my mouth. And at that very moment I was grabbed. The men in the white coats were taking me to a lab bench just like the one Reenee was on. I started to scream and kick trying to escape but it was useless there was just too many of them. But I kicked one in the face and punch another and I managed to wiggle my way out of the clutches of the rest. But just as I picked myself up ready for escape, a tall man stabbed me with something. I looked over at him and realized it was a sedative. Damn! I tried to look up at his face before I completely passed out but I couldn’t see his face it was almost as if he didn’t have one. He was blurred.

I’m being carried back to the lab bench as my body whimpered. I tried my best to look over at Reenee one last time before I fully passed out from the drug; but she wasn’t there anymore I couldn’t see her.

Was she dead? Where did they take her? Couldn’t she handle whatever experiment they were doing to her? And was the same thing about to happen to me.

Tears ran down the side of my face as I was about to finally slip into a deep sleep. But just as I was about to absolutely go under the tall man said “Your friends alright. She’s in our special hands now. No need to worry. You just need to wake up now just wake up.” He announced as he was putting a mask over my face.

“Ahhhhh!” I woke up and looked around my room frantically expecting to find my dream coming to life.

“Oh thank god that was just a dream.” I said with relief flopping my head back onto my soft pillow.

“Phew. Most realistic dream I’ve ever had; especially during the day.”

I’ve been having these same dreams lately, of Reenee. In each one she’s always being taken and experimented on. She screams my name for help but I always freeze up and do nothing. I never told her about these dreams. I mean they are just dreams right. Or so I hoped.

I looked over to my right and saw my alarm clock. It said 4:30.

“Oh snap” Reenee probably called by now. I scurried out of bed and went to my backpack and saw 2 missed calls both from Reenee.

“Crap she’s gonna give it to me.”

I dial Reenee’s number and waited as the phone rang. It goes to voice mail after a couple of rings. So I call again and she picked up this time.

“Hey sorry I-”

“Did you like me not picking up the first time?”

“Sorry Reenee I fell asleep as soon as I got home. And I just woke – wait are you saying you ignored my call on purpose.”

“Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying jerkface. Now get your voluptuous booty downstairs before I kick it. I’m outside in the car waiting for you.”

“Hahaha right. Give me 5. I did just wake up remember.”

“Fine but a second more and I’m making you the costar to Cassandra’s absolute demise tonight.”

“Yes sir!” I said as I saluted even though I knew Reenee couldn’t see me.

We both clicked over.

I’m looking around my room collecting everything I need for the rest of the day because I’m sleeping over Reenee’s house after the party.

“Ok I need my brush, my comb, my jammies…….”

I finally head out the door to see an impatient Reenee texting then looking up at me with a “could you be any slower” look on her face.

“I’m coming I’m coming. Don’t give me that look.” I said getting into the car.

“Just come on. These shoes went on sale yesterday and I have to have them. They’re gonna make me look so fly like a G6” Reenee protested.

“Wow your soooo lame! Like a G6? Really?” I gave her a hard look.

Reenee chuckled. As I laughed at her.

She started driving and I plug in my mp3 to the car radio and play “like a G6”. We jammed out in the car, singing all the way to the mall.

Chapter 2: And Then We Continued…(Still Friday)

Reenee and I finally arrived and by the time we do, somehow we started rocking out from Far East Movements Like a G6 and ended up all the way to old Disney classics like Lion King and Mulan. We were listening to the song were Simba was singing about not waiting to be king. Reenee teased me about even having this song in my playlist. But I called her out on the fact that she has it too.

I know this is no real excuse why two graduating high-schoolers would have a bunch of Disney songs in their mp3’s; but this stuff kind of happens to you when you have younger siblings that keep on sucking you in every time you try to break free from the power of Disney. We sometimes even listen to Justin Beiber, but that’s our guilty pleasure as well as our dirty little secret. Our little sisters both are wildly obsessed with JB, they both said that they’re going to marry him. And they’ve agreed that my sister Topaz is going to be his first wife and Reenee’s lil sis Csonia is going to be his second wife. The things little kids say these days, right!

“Alright we need to go to Sneakervilla.” Reenee announced looking like a stressed out mother. She was wide-eyed and looking kind of crazy. I swear I could see her foaming at the mouth.

“Ok ok but why are you walking so fast? The shoes aren’t gonna anywhere. They’ll still be in the store when we get there.” I tried.

“No they won’t. Melinda works across from Sneakervilla and she said that there are only three pairs left and there’s more in the back. And only two size 7’s and a size 6 are left. So I absolutely have to get those size 7’s before it’s too late.” She uttered at me sounding like this was a major crisis.

“Ok fine. But I don’t see the big deal Reenee. You have a million really hot and may I add very expensive sneakers in your closet. You have enough to even open your own sneaker store. You can call it: REENEE’S SNEAKER PALACE: WHERE YOUR FEET COULD BE LIVING LIKE KINGS.”

“One that’s lame and two no. These sneakers are special. There from a new but not really known designer Joc’ SePaul. He’s Canadian.” Reenee bragged.

I gave Reenee a defeated look because I knew a story was coming on.

“He is the only designer to use clashing colors in such a successful and complementary way. And he uses just the right amount for each and every piece. He is a genius. Plus these sneakers are a limited edition and really rare, there’s only about 500 made in the U.S.”

“Yeah yeah I get it. I felt the same way when my favorite t-shirt designer had the limited P-Swade edition on sale for only 2 hours at Strip Search.” I reminisced.

“Yeah I remember that you made me wait outside with you for four hours until the mall opened.”

Sneakervilla and Strip Search are both Reenee’s and I’s ultimate fashion obsessions. I just love my graffiti tees and Reenee sure does love her colorful sneakers. We both are absolute slaves to these stores.

Reenee and I finally got to the third floor of the mall and came to an intersection. We saw the store and noticed that there was a huge crowd of people by it because everyone knew there was a super sale in that store today.

“Look! There’re a whole lot of people over there. How are we even gonna get
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