» Adventure » Entranced, Cama seeney [important books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Entranced, Cama seeney [important books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Cama seeney

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who were his parents? Are they here?' He asked as I connected all the neccesary buckles. 'I do not know, I found him in the forest when he was young I nursed him back to health. Oh I wouldn't stand to close he may bite.' I warned as I walked behind Ghost to check his hoves, his main and tail were pure white whilst the rest of him was black. His main was so long it reached his knees and his tail was inches from the floor. 'He trusts you.' He stated. 'Yes and I him.' I said proudly. I let him eat a little and drink as to not over fill his belly, horses don't like to ride with a full stomach.


I held led him out of the stable,the reins sat in there riding position I did not need to hold them as I rode I knew he would not ride off. As soon as we were a single step outside he stopped and waited for me to mount. I placed my left leg on the sterip and pulled myself up. Will and rich sat upon there identical black horses, caspians was a beautiful white. As we waited for the rest of the party to catch up I braided his main so it would not tangle itself in the twigs. He was agitated and would not stay still. 'Hush now Ghost we will move soon.' I told him jumping down to finish the braid and tie it with a ribon that was tied in my own hair, the silver stood out. He hid his head in my sholder and continued to make agitated noises. I called one of the stable hands over. 'Oliver, would you mind fetching Ghost an apple I do not belive hes very happy.' I asked sweetly, oliver was a sweet stable hand who was like a second farther to me he must be nearing his fiftys but he was the best.


He handed me four and kissed my cheek before leaving, 'Thankyou sweet Oliver I wish to see you again one day.' I told him before feeding Ghost one. I bit into another and walked over to Caspians horse, he smelt the apple and ate bobbing his head. I did this with his brothers horses also. 'Why did you bite them, surley you are not still hungry? Though you probbly did not eat because of manners right? Do you want me to fetch something from the kitchen?' Asked Nathen with a concerned look on his face. 'No thankyou I am not hungry. It's something I learned as a child, I used to sneek Ghost appels but the other horses smelt it therefore they'd be grumpy, plus get in there good books and they are less likely to bite.' I told them swinging eaisly back into my seat. This time Ghost remained still.


Casbian shot me an amused look before riding over to his farther. My maid Alice aproached she was only a little older than me but she had been with me since she was ten ( since I was six) at twenty one she was unmarried yet expecting her first born a matter of months. She had on an old riding coat 'Do you not have more sensible clothing?' I asked concerned 'Of course I do, but the night is warm and the babe heavy' she told me biting her lip. I imediatly asked Oliver to fetch my old coat ( It lived in the stabes mother refused to allow it in the house anymore, it was warm but warn. She put it on before Oliver helped her sit on Ghost, I would not permit her to walk when pregnant. I had two personal foot soldiers with me who automatically offered up there horses but I poiletally refused. There were many people walking becase of the carts so I did not feel bad for holding anyone up, I was a fast walker any how.


The path ahead was scarsly lit, lantern light only lit so much but my eyes were well adjusted. The walk was long, my farthers land was very large and a few vilages lived between the kings. Walter and Jesse kept looking at Alice concerned, Walter ( the elder of the two - I think he was in his thirties ) 'Has the phisition said it was fine to allow her on this journey?' He asked quietally, 'I do not know, even if he said no I know she would have came anyway.' Walter nodded, Jesse rode his horse even closer to Alice allowing her to lean on his sholder. He was young and attractive, red haird and accented he was well looked at. I began singing softly, last time Isobella was ill she said my singing helped. So for once I took no notice in the fact that we were in public and sang until I was sure she was sleeping.

Chapter 5

 The days began freezing and slowly warmed but night always came and forced us to walk at night or wake up frozen. My feet constantly ached, my shoes barely waterproof after just three days. No matter what I endured on foot I knew that Alice would have it worse, she nearly didn't wake from our afternoon sleep. It was bliss, feeling the sun warm your frozen body, but the weather quickly dropped alas we had to move at night again. The food was scares, not that we could catch much at night let alone during the snow. In the morning I would fine some, I promised Alice I would.


This night like any others was much of the same, a barely lit track filled with stones and twigs which would curse you at any given moment. My feet were so wet at this point - I'd had enough. 'Jesse will you take her? I need to find food. My feet need rabbit fat so badly I think they may fall off without them.' He chuckled quietly and helped me transfer the worried Alice over. 'At least take Walter with you!' She whispered softly shivering as the wind caught her. 'Alice you know I will be fine alone. Walter will attract more attention. Besides red blends in at night - silver doesn’t.' I told her before grabbing the bow and arrows from Jesse.


He looked concerned too but knew it was the best option. 'There’s a stream off to the left near here it's about a ten minute ride, I heard some of the hunters talking about searching there after the sun rises. Go quickly and you will be there before them.' I nodded before climbing on Ghost, he jumped in the air before racing forward. As if he knew were we were going without me telling him. The ride was shot but I still managed to get twigs into my hair. I could hear the stream before I saw it, I slowed us down to a walk and let go of the reins. I jumped off and walked beside him, hoping he would mask me from sight and eyes. Luckily a few rabbits were feeding. I took the bow from my back and grabbed an arrow from the saddle. I lined the arrow and bow up and held the arrow to my chin, taunt I breathed out slowly and then released the arrow. It caught the fat little rabbit though the spine. I quickly shot another before it disappeared, this arrow stuck through its poor little head.


I took the knife from the folds in my skirt and walked through the stream and made sure both were dead, unnecessary suffering was unfair. 'Thankyou moon goddess for the food we eat, and for my blistering feet.' I called up to the moon as I held my captures up. I bent forward to collect water in my leather jerskin before I was interrupted by scuffling leaves. 'Who goes there?' I called out raising the knife - It caught the sun and shone beautifully. 'Put it down it's just me' Caspian appeared on the other side of the river and petted Ghost as he ate his fill of grass. 'So you truly are a barbarian.' He called out laughing.


'A barbarian would kill you for calling a lady that, it would insult them.' I called back a little insulted. 'Doth it insult you my lady?' He asked as he bent down to retrieve his own water. 'May I confess, a little?' I muttered quietly. 'It shouldn’t. Your ability to collect your own water is your most attractive quality, other than your twig filled hair of course.' he told me as he waded through the ankle deep water. He pulled a leaf from the top of my head and looked down at my rabbits. 'Ahh the princess can hunt, yet again you never seem to stop suprising me.' he said stroking the pelt of the smaller one, his hand brushed mine as he did so. The leaves moved again directly behind us, I turned around looking as he pulled out his sword.


The sound of steal scraping passed steal made me shiver in delight. When it appeared nothing was there he turned back to me. His sword was carved with leaves at the left side. 'Your weapon is most beautiful.' I told him as my fingers traced the first leaf entranced. 'Do men with swords not scare you m'lady?' He asked smiling down at me. 'Not when I have a fine blade myself.' I told him still entranced with his blade. 'If you paid half the attention you just paid to my blade to a man, you would be married already.' He laughed as he put his sword away. I laughed and nodded as I walked back over to Ghost. His horse was nowhere to be seen.


'May I be so bold as to ask if you like to ride back to the company with me?' I asked putting my bow on my back once again. I returned the arrows and the newly found rabbits to my saddle. 'Yes my Princess, you could.' He replied playing along with the necessities. He laughed as I seated myself like a male on top of Ghost. I offered my hand down as he put one foot in the sterip and climbed on. I turned so both legs were hanging over the left side, my skirt dangling down. He took the reins from me, placing his chest as the resting point for my back. I leaned back against him, resting my head on his shoulder. The ride back would be much slower as we were not going to be cantering any time soon.

Chapter 6
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