» Adventure » Power, Amber Beck, Xavier Standing [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗

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tall young one.” Jasmine whispered.


“Kind of hard to do that!” I shot back. Easy for her to say that, she has been doing this for thousands of years for every other witch before me. 


Hoping beyond hope that this monster is not as strong as the last one, I shot up my hands in an attempt to freeze him. To my relief, his sloshing water body froze. It just occurred to me that I could have done that back in the restaurant. Jasmine chuckled.


“You certainly could have.” She said. I scowled.


“Could you stop doing that? My thoughts are PRIVET.” I said. She looked at me and nodded. 


“I believe you can just turn him into steam. These ones are quite easy.” She said. I walked over to him and concentrated. It was not that hard, it comes to me easier if I am mad. I had PLENTY of things to be mad about. It was cold around my wrists, but that was soon solved. The steam started to come, and more and more of it. He happened to unfreeze just as I reached his head, and he roared in anger. His anger made me more angry. HE didn’t have to ditch his boyfriend to come and fight some dumb monster in the middle of a snowstorm. After he evaporated, I whipped around and jumped into the water, Jasmine at my side. 


We reached the shore and I dashed over to a rock where I hid my socks, shoes, coat, and purse. I pulled out my phone, and I had a text from Xavier. 


Your not answering the door,  r u OK? I have 2 go home, a spaghetti incident happened, I payed for the food and Jake playing vid game with quarters I gave him see u.


I yelled out in frustration. I stomped in the snow back to the restaurant.


“Why are you so mad?” Jasmine asked. I rolled my eyes.


“I thought you could read my mind.” I snapped.


“You asked me not to.”


“I am mad that I had to swim in freezing cold water for five minutes to defeat a monster that took five seconds to beat! And if that's not bad enough, I messed up my date with my boyfriend!” A lady walked by and looked at me like I was crazy as she walked by. I probably did look crazy, I was dripping wet, and it looked like I was yelling at myself in the dark.


I walked into the restaurant and froze the whole scene. Jake was in the corner dancing his butt off winning a high score on Dance Off. I smiled and walked back into the bathroom, happy that not one was in there. I cracked the door and unfroze everything. Then I stood there for a second, then I walked out, pretending to be confused. Then I walked over to Jake, who was grinning ear to ear over his high score. 


“Hey, where is Xavier?” I asked.


“He went home, he was covered in spaghetti sauce because this crazy waitress jumped on the table because she saw a mouse.” Jake did not look sorry at all. Then he looked at my hair. My hair was dripping wet. Crap. 


“Oh-um I had sauce in my hair.” I lied. 


“SO you got your whole head wet?” He asked.


“No- let's just go home.” I sighed. It was nine o’clock. Mom should be on her way home. We walked home. Jake chatted my ear off about how Billy Wilson thought he should be Santa in the play, and how Jake thought it was a stuipd idea. But honestly, I was only half listening. I can’t keep going like this- My life is being ruined because of these monsters. I wish there was more of me, then I wouldn’t be doing this alone. 


Publication Date: 03-02-2022

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this to the illustrator of this book, Xavier Standing.

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