Β» Adventure Β» Desolation, J. B. Everett [reading a book txt] πŸ“—

Book online Β«Desolation, J. B. Everett [reading a book txt] πŸ“—Β». Author J. B. Everett

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Chapter Forty-Two

For a few moments, they all stare at me with shock and confusion on their faces.

I look down at my feet and sure enough, there is a small glass panel on the jungle floor.

"What did you just say?" Ian asks.

I point to the ground.

"Th...There's some sort of glass door on the ground" I say.

Without a word, they all rush over, looking down at the glass panel.

"Holy shit..." Dylan murmurs, slowly tracing his fingers along the glass.

I suddenly remember the words of the men in the jungle last night.

"Do you think they've found the other stations on this island?"

"Let's hope not..."

Well I am pretty sure that we just found one.

Dylan begins to lift the glass panel up and I grab his wrist, stopping him.

"What's wrong?" he asks, looking up at me.

"Don't you guys think that we shouldn't go down there? It's one of their stations" I say warily.

"Yeah, I know. But what if there's food or supplies down there?" Dylan asks.

"What if they're down there?" I ask.

Dylan swallows.

"Then we shoot them" Eve says, taking out her gun.

I sigh. There's no way that I am going to win this argument.

"Fine. But if there is anything fishy down there, we leave immediately" I say firmly.

Everyone nods. I let go of Dylan's wrist and he continues to wrench open the glass panel. Once it is removed, we all look down to see a rope descending down into a brightly light room. For a few moments, we wait, listening to hear if there is anyone down there. When all that we hear is silence, Dylan begins to slide down the rope.

We all wait apprehensively as he shimmies down the rope into the room. Finally, he jumps down onto the floor and spins around in a slow circle, looking around him.

"What's down there?" Nikki calls down.

"I...I don't know" Dylan murmurs, his voice echoing.

A few moments later, Dylan cries out,

"Whoa, wait a second!"

"What is it!" I call down frantically.

"THERE'S FOOD!" Dylan shouts, running across the room.

Excitement rushes throughout my entire body. Food; that is something I haven't seen the past week. The mere thought of it makes me giddy.

We all instantly begin to scramble down the rope. When it is my turn I slide down as fast as I can, even though the rope burns my hands and legs as I do so. Once I reach the bottom, I look in the corner of the room to see everyone crowded around a refrigerator. I run over to them, my heart hammering in my chest with exhilaration. As I run over, I don't even bother to look at the rest of the room. The only thought in my mind right now is food.

Dylan has the refrigerator door open and is pulling out an assortment of food and drinks. On cue, my stomach growls. We all greedily reach for it, grabbing random items. I look to see that I have grabbed a block of cheese, and think of something that I hadn't thought of before.

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"Erm...what if this food is really old?" I ask, skeptically looking at the cheese.

Dylan, whose mouth is full to the brim, exclaims,

"Ooo cares! It's food, izznt that awl that madders!"

True. Bracing myself, I unwrap the block of cheese and take a huge bite out of it. Even though tastes funny and is probably moldy, I don't care at all. The mere presence of food in my mouth is enough to make me not worry about how rotten this cheese may be. As I swallow, I can literally feel energy flowing back into my body.

We all devour the food from the fridge like savages. In less than a minute I have finished the block of cheese, and I am still starving. I reach into the fridge and grab a can of something. I look at the can and my stomach flips when I read the label.

Diced peaches. Canned by the Blair Institute.

Okay, if I wasn't absolutely starving, then I would refuse to eat anything from them. But this is a different situation.

I pop the lid of the can open and begin to gobble down the peaches with my hands.

Wow, I am literally the definition of a savage right now.

About halfway through the can of peaches, I begin to have sharp pains in my stomach. I set down the can and look around at everyone else. They have all stopped eating and are holding their stomachs the same way that I am.

"Is it just me or do your stomachs hurt?" Dylan asks.

"Nope, it's not just you" I groan.

"It's because we ate too fast. Our stomachs went from empty to full in a matter of minutes" Tristan says.

Dylan suddenly belches. Loud.

"Eww!" Nikki exclaims, elbowing him in the side playfully.

Ian stands up and begins to slowly walk around the room. Right; I almost forgot that we were in an underground station.

I look around, surveying the room. Basically, it is bare except for the fridge, a few couches and a bookshelf against the wall.

"This place is so strange. Why do you think that they have this room down here?" Eve asks.

None of us reply. We don't know the answers.

I get up and walk over towards the bookshelf, where Ian is standing. In silence, we look at the books. Most of them appear to be old and tattered, with yellowed pages sticking out in all directions.

Ian reaches up to grab a book, but when he pulls on it it doesn't budge. He pulls again, this time harder, but still the book won't come out.

"What the..." he murmurs under his breath.

He tries to pull a different book out but the same exact thing happens. I try too, but nothing will budge. It's as if all of the books are glued to the shelf.

Sighing with exasperation, Ian leans against the bookshelf. And that's when it happens.

Slowly, the entire bookshelf begins to revolve. I gasp, jumping backwards and watching as the bookshelf completely rotates.

The others rush towards us at the sight of the revolving bookshelf. Definitely not something that you see on a daily basis.

"What do you think is on the other side of it?" Dylan asks excitedly.

The bookshelf continues to slowly revolve, making a horrible grinding noise in the process. Then finally, it completes it's rotation, clicking into place.

We all look in awe at the other side of the bookshelf. There, carved into the wall is a small door.

"Holy..." Dylan murmurs under his breath.

He then reaches out and grabs the knob. He begins to twist it until Eve grabs his arm, stopping him.

"What the hell is your problem?" Dylan asks sharply, looking up at her.

"Do you think that it's good idea to go into a secret door of theirs?" Eve asks, raising her eyebrows.

"I don't see why it would be a bad idea" Dylan says.

Eve rolls her eyes, then says.

"This door is kept secret because obviously there is something behind it that they want to keep hidden"

"And your point is?" Dylan asks.

Eve sighs.

"My point is that I don't think that it's a good idea to go through this door. We don't know what is behind it and I don't think that we want to find out" she sighs.

"Well I'm sorry Eve, but I want to. Anyone who doesn't want to come can stay here" Dylan says defiantly.

He then continues to twist the knob. I swallow apprehensively as there is a small click and the door begins to creak open.

The door swings open to reveal utter darkness. My stomach flips nervously.

Dylan steps in first, disappearing into the darkness. Next Nikki goes, followed by Tristan. Ian begins to go through next until I call out his name. He turns around, looking at me.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I...I don't know about this" I say nervously.

"See? I told you all it's not a good idea. I'm staying right here" Eve says firmly.

Ian glances up at Eve, then back to me.

"Tess, we'll be okay. Just come with me" he says, holding out his hand.

After taking a deep breath, I step forward and take his hand in mine. He squeezes it once before we walk into through and immediately get swallowed up by the darkness.

"Can anyone find a light?" Dylan asks, his voice echoing off the walls.

Ian and I walk through the blackness, trying to follow the sound of his voice. I suddenly yelp out in pain as I stub my toe on something hard.

"You okay?" Ian asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I murmur.

We continue to walk cautiously through the dark abyss.

"I found some sort of button on the wall! Do you think it will turn the lights on?" I hear Nikki exclaim.

"Yeah, just press it!" Dylan yells.

"Wait!" I cry out.

"What?" I hear Nikki ask from somewhere across the room.

"I don't know if you should press it" I say cautiously.

"C'mon Tessa, don't be a scaredy cat. What's the worse that can happen from pressing a button?" Dylan asks.

I don't know, and I don't think that I want to know.

"So should I press it?" Nikki asks after a long silence.

"Yeah, just do it" Dylan says.

"Alright then" Nikki says.

I hear a soft click as Nikki presses the button. At first, nothing happens. I swallow hard, waiting tensely for something to happen. But nothing does.


Then, all of a sudden and I am blinded by bright white light. I squeeze my eyes shut as brilliant, fluorescent lights turn on from above.

When I finally open my eyes, it takes a few moments for them to adjust and see what is in the room.

And when I see what is in front of me, I scream out in terror.

There, lying on a bed in the center of the room is a girl. She is hooked up to a large humming machine and appears to be unconscious.

But that's not what caused me to scream.

What caused me to scream is that the girl lying on the bed looks exactly like me.

Chapter Forty-Three

I am pretty sure that I must have passed out because the next thing that I know, I wake up on a couch. There is a dull pounding in my head, like a hammer constantly hitting my skull. When I open my eyes, I groggily look up to see everyone leaning over me.

"She's up" I hear someone murmur quietly.

I slowly sit up, looking around the room.

And that's when I remember what happened.

The memory of who I saw laying on that bed in the secret room comes crashing back into my mind.

The memory of seeing someone that looked exactly identical to

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