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reader, while the touch of tragedy describing the noble self-sacrifice of one of them further deepens the interest of this lively story.

The Daily Mail says: 'A thoroughly healthy school story, which touches neither too lightly nor too heavily upon the responsibilities of boyhood.'

The Globe says: 'A splendid schoolboy's story, in which pluck, honesty and steadfastness are winners every time.'

The English Churchman says: 'A very well written story-book for boys, dealing with school life in a lively style.'

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Entering the railway service, Jasper Myddleton worked his way up to the footplate only for the past to rise up against him and cause his dismissal. But his grit and dogged pertinacity carried him safely through various adventures at sea and in Central Africa. He discovered the 'Real King Solomon's Mines,' but in 'Kiddy,' a little girl-friend, he found the greatest treasure of all. The plot is particularly attractive, and the reader will follow Myddleton's vigorous, moving career with sustained interest.

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This is a story of the days of Napoleon, and his threatened invasion of England. Two boys are kidnapped and carried to France, from where, after many adventures, they escape and return to England, bringing with them a lady and her daughter, who had been ruined by the Revolution. It is especially suited for Boy Scouts.



The name of Talbot Baines Reed will always be associated with fascinating, healthy stories for boys, dealing with public school life, and early business careers. No writer has been able more skilfully to give his characters a real personality, or to portray more faithfully their failures, sharp struggles and final successes.


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A splendid story of school life. The rollicking fun of the juniors, the rivalry among the seniors, the school elections, the football match, are told in such a forcible manner that the tale will prove a source of delight to all boys—young and old.


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A lively story, abounding in stirring incident and in humorous descriptions. A thoroughly healthy tale to place in the hands of a boy. It ought to become popular both as a gift and prize book.


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The story of a big ungainly youth who seemed fated to be misunderstood and to be made the butt of his comrades. His trials at school, and as a tutor, and the unsympathetic treatment by his guardian are delightfully told.




With Seven Full-page Illustrations by J. Finnemore, R.I. Large crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.

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The Aberdeen Free Press says:—"This story has a modern atmosphere. The plot is very skilfully constructed and the interest is maintained up to the last page."

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In this volume are brought together a large number of the miscellaneous stories written from time to time for the Boy's Own Paper by Talbot Baines Reed. The collection is prefaced by an appreciation of Mr. Reed as boy and man, and it contains some of his best work and his brightest wit. There are seven sketches of life at Parkhurst School; eleven character delineations of "Boys we have known"—such as "The Bully," "The Sneak"; twelve representations of "Boys of English History"; and seven other short stories of boy life and interest.


The Boy's Own Series.

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This book will be read with eager interest and profit by all boys and girls. The author has produced quite a number of beautiful characters, and some the reverse of beautiful. Lancelot is undoubtedly the hero, and a splendid one, too, but there are several heroines who run him close in the race of unselfishness and purity of character. Boys will vote the book 'jolly' and 'stunning,' and unconsciously they will have themselves imbibed a wholesome draught from a carefully written and good story.

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A breezy boy's book of adventures in the North Sea. It will be sure to interest lads who are leaving school, and are wondering what the future holds in store for them. Honesty, bravery, and a readiness to seize opportunities for advancement are upheld in this well-written story.

The British Weekly says: 'The book is full of adventure, and is most readable.'

The Liverpool Daily Post says: 'A story of adventure on sea and land, which boys will read with avidity, for Jack, among other things, had to find the way out of a very awkward predicament.'


The Boy's Own Series.

FROM SLUM TO QUARTER-DECK. By GORDON STABLES, M.D., R.N., Author of 'Wild Life in Sunny Lands,' 'The Voyage of the "Blue Vega,"' &c. With six illustrations by Alfred Pearse. Large crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 2s. 6d.

The hero of Dr. Gordon Stables' new work is a London boy about whose origin there is a mystery, which is skilfully dealt with and satisfactorily solved. A story of the sea, which the author's many admirers will be eager to read.

The Record says: 'It is a bright and breezy volume, and will please boys immensely.'

The Schoolmaster says: 'This is a good rattling story of a street arab who has a series of interesting and exciting adventures.'

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The Examiner says: 'Allan Adair, the only son of his widowed mother, distinguishes himself as a lad in helping to save a vessel in distress, and in return is offered a berth by the owners in one of their ships. Of course he accepts, and a life of world-wide travel and incident is the result. Among many exciting episodes may be mentioned shooting "rattlers" in the Sierras, encounters with narwhals and bears in the Arctic regions, a hairbreadth escape on the terrible ice-river of Spitzbergen, and adventures among the savages of Patagonia.'

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'Gallant Sir John' is a stirring, exciting tale of the days when Henry V. was gaining successive victories in France. At the same time Wyckliffe's Bible was being circulated by the Lollards, who were being hounded to exile, outlawry and death by the priests of Rome. Once begun this story will hold the reader to the end, for he will be taken into the very heart of those troublous times, and will witness many a thrilling scene.



THE SHELL-HUNTERS: Their Wild Adventures by Land and Sea.

By Gordon Stables, author of "Allan Adair," etc. Illustrated. Large crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 2s. 6d.

This is one of Dr. Gordon Stables' stories of adventure. A middle-aged man and a couple of boys make a voyage of discovery in the South Seas. The tale is full of exciting incidents and hairbreadth escapes so dear to the heart of all boys; and it has the advantage of being cleverly illustrated by Alfred Pearse.

HAROLD, THE BOY EARL. A Story of Old England.

By J. F. Hodgetts, author of "Kormak the Viking," etc. Illustrated. Large crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 2s. 6d.

ILDERIM, THE AFGHAN. A Tale of the Indian Border.

By David Ker. Illustrated. Large crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 2s. 6d.

David Ker, the author of "The Lonely Island," has here written a stirring and highly imaginative tale of India and the North-West Frontier. The heroes are men of high character, and a bright, healthy moral tone is maintained throughout.


By One who was Born There, author of "Annie Carr," etc. Illustrated. Large crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 2s. 6d.

The Guardian says:—"The pictures of the South Sea Islanders are evidently drawn from life, and the accounts of the kidnappers, both cannibal and slave-hunting, are well told and full of grim interest."

The Methodist Times says:—"The book is a true record of the adventures of the son of a South Sea Island Missionary. The writer begins at the beginning—at his earliest whippings—and goes on through escapades by land and sea. He narrowly escapes poisoning by carea and is in an awful tornado. Perils by famine, by murder, by heathen superstition, by sharks, by pestilence, by white slave-traders, bring before the reader vividly, life as it is in the savage islands of the South."


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