» Adventure » Whispers, Lily Rose [english reading book TXT] 📗

Book online «Whispers, Lily Rose [english reading book TXT] 📗». Author Lily Rose

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down knowing I wouldn't hurt him. I pet him and he was so soft, I smiled feeling like I know him somehow. He then starts walking backwards. I heard my father shout my name in the distance, I turned around to see he was getting close, I look back at the wolf to see he was already sprinting away.

I turn around and start running towards my father, "Where were you sweetie?" He asked me. "I was walking" "Okay well don't go that far again without me or grandma, okay?" I knew he was worried "Okay." I then smiled at my father.

* End of FlashBack *

I smiled at the memory of when I first met a wolf, I still haven't seen the wolf after that. I go to a small clearing to see a shadow, I started to grow curious who could be out here this late. I look down at my feet to make sure I wont step on a branch. I continue to walk towards the male, who has broad shoulders. He was standing but staring straight ahead to distracted with his thoughts to hear me coming, I reach my hand forward slowly and touch his shoulder. When my wrist was suddenly grabbed and I was being tackle to the ground by this mystery guy. "Ooff" I said when the impact came. I looked up to see ocean blue eyes staring at me.
Chapter 8: Whispers

"Cameron, what are you - Oww." I said in a bit of pain from being crushed by his body on top of mine. "Im sorry." he said while getting off of me and sitting next to me. I look at him with confusion clear in my eyes. "What are you doing out here?" I asked him, I then sat up lifting my hand to my head. "Well I was enjoying a nice stroll in the woods." "This late at night?" "Yeah" "Ok, Why?" "I enjoy the quit it helps me think clearly, u?" "Honestly, I couldn't sleep"

He smiled at me which I gladly returned, "So what are you thinking about?" I asked him. "Life, and stuff." He said shrugging his shoulders. I felt like he wanted to say more but didn't so I just shrugged it off. We sat out in the woods for what felt like hours just talking. Till he walked me home, saying our goodbyes he hugged me and told me to be safe. I told him the same and we shared a small laugh. I then went to the kitchen and ate a piece of chocolate cake, then went to my room and fell asleep once my head hit my pillow.

The next day I woke up to my alarm clock playing 'Hello' By Karmin. I jumped up and went to the bathroom and hurled my piece of cake, I then took a shower and dressed in a pair of black shorts, and a plain red long sleeved v-neck shirt. I did my usually routine and drove to school, On the way there I got a coffee from 'Black Bean' and said hello to my second mother. I Parked my car in my usual spot, only to see a ton of people surrounding a car, I guess the new student is here today, I thought. I then started walking to homeroom.

I walked into the building only to be tackled by Mel. and Jake. "Hey guys" I said laughing at there outgoing selves. "Hey, thats all you have to say." "Yeah, whats up" "Your future husband is attending school here, thats whats up" She said. I start laughing, "I doubt Cameron will ever be my husband, let alone boyfriend" "No not cameron, the new guy." "Oh my god, another attractive new kid" I said shaking my head while walking towards homeroom, I then dumped my cup of coffee into the trash.

Once I walked in the bell rang signaling the start of homeroom. I sat down in my seat, people were staring at me and whispering. I started getting tired of the whispers so I got out my phone and started playing random games after putting on my headphones, i continued with that for like 5 minutes till the classroom door opened. I continued to play my games though, I don't know whats so special about this new kid that everyone is staring. Mel poked me from behind me I glanced back at her and she pointed towards the door, I looked at the classroom door.

At the door, the last person I had expected to see was standing there. He looked around the classroom as though looking for someone, his eyes then stopped and landed on me. He smiled, I removed my headphones then stood up and heard people whispering. I then ran towards him, I jumped and wrapped my arms and legs around him not wanting to ever let go again. I felt his arms wrap around me also, He felt so warm and hugging him I felt little tingles all over my body.

Chapter 9: Whispers

I honestly never thought I would be in his arms again, I smelled him and he still had that amazing woodsy scent I loved so much, I smiled at the thought. I leaned my head back and looked at his face, he looked different, but in a good way. He doesn't have his slightly chubby cheeks anymore, his hair looks darker, he has muscles, but his eyes still remain the same. "Hey Brittany" He said with his amazing deep voice. "Hey Logan" I said. Yes the guy everyone is talking about is my best friend, my very and I mean very attractive best friend.

"I missed you" He said, I smiled. "I missed you to" I then realized that everyone was watching this little scene, but I don't care because I finally have my best friend back. He smiled at me and squeezed me in his arms, while I did the same. I then unwrapped my legs from around him and he put me down gently. I swear I felt like crying, I cant believe he's here, "I told you" Said Mel, I was to busy smiling at Logan to realize she walked over with Jake.

"Told me what" I said a bit confused, but I know she's about to tell me. She leans in to my ear and I lean closure to her so I can hear what she has to say, "Future husband" She whispers in my ear. I smiled at the thought of me and Logan actually getting married and laughed, Like that would ever happen. "Your funny." I said to her, "Okay don't believe me, you will see one day" She said smiling at me with her all knowing Mel smile.

"So whats your schedule" I said facing Logan again. He hands it to me and his fingers touch mine a bit, and I feel tingles shoot up my arm, I smiled at him and he at me. I wonder why I feel tingles, and if he feels them to. I looked over his schedule "We have like every class together except math and drama." I said I felt a bit disappointed that we didn't have math together, but its whatever as long as we have lunch. "Sounds good." Said Logan smiling at me, which I had gladly returned.

I handed him his schedule back and I walked over to my desk, I heard all of them following me back. I grabbed my bag and phone and checked the time, I then started to walk towards the door, once I reached the door the bell rang. I turned around when I got in the hall and waited for my friends, I hugged Logan and Jake goodbye they both have class together. I started walking to Math with Mel.

"You happy he's back" Mel said "Heck yeah Im ecstatic, my best guy friend is back in my life after years of not hearing from him, and wondering if I would ever see him again. So yeah Im happy" She smiled at me "I can tell" I smiled at her "Yeah, I think everyone could considering I ran into his arms." "Yeah, you guys looked like long lost lovers. Well you are, soo…" "We are not lovers O-" "Yet" She said interfering my sentence. I just shook my head, "I have crazy best friends" I said more to myself than anyone else.

We walked into math class and sat down in our seats, "So what are you gonna do about Cameron" She whispered to me, while looking there way. "Umm.. Nothing, there is nothing to do I mean, he's just a friend" I said stating the obvious. "Are you only saying that because Logan is back." She asked me looking in my eyes, "No, I'm not just saying that because Logan is back. Im saying that because it is true, where friends. Plus, I don't have feeling like that for him and he's already in a relationship by the way." I said staring her in the eyes, my best friend is crazy sometimes. When will she realize she doesn't know where my non existent love life is going.

Chapter 10: Whispers

In math class all we did was take notes, Then I started walking to second when Jake did what he usually does after first block, which is wrap his arms around Me and spin me around. I looked at Logan afterwards and he looked pissed off, So I touched his arm like I did when we were younger and he relaxed under my touch. I love the effects I have on him, He's an amazing best friend to have. Then we all walked over to history class, while walking there I saw Cameron. Well more like I

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