» Adventure » First Mission, Tennistar [reading like a writer txt] 📗

Book online «First Mission, Tennistar [reading like a writer txt] 📗». Author Tennistar

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on his shoulder. He looked up. It was Chase. " Calm... let's go fix her up and tell Max," Chase said calmly. Terrance refused. He wanted Luke to help her get better and say sorry to Liberty, but Luke also refused.

Just then, Jessie & Rhea and Hannah & Emily finished their matches. They noticed the commotion and headed towards the commotion. " Hey guys! What's happ... oh my blood! What happened to Liberty?!" Jessie asked. " Oh my blood? Seriously?" Rhea asked. " Yeah... wait! That's not important! What happened to Liberty?" Jessie asked, demanding for an answer. " It's Luke's fault! He gave Liberty the cut! " Terrance shouted. Jessie's eyes turned dangerously dark. " Luke... why? Why?" Jessie asked. " It was an accident! I'm serious! Please believe me!" Luke begged. Jessie shook her head. " LUKE! HOW COULD YOU? I THOUGHT YOU AND LIBERTY WERE TOGETHER!" Rhea shouted. Now it was Luke's eyes that turned dark. " We aren't any more! So shut up!" Luke said. " Come on Terrance. Let's go fix Liberty up," Chase said, picking up Liberty. Terrance sighed and helped Chase. " Hannah,you wanna come?" Chase said. Hannah nodded, as she followed Terrance and Chase. " Rhea, go tell Max about Liberty," Hannah said. " Luke!!! I need to talk to you," Jessie said, grabbing Luke's hand.

" I think this medicine will work," Terrance said, rubbing ointment on Liberty's arm. Liberty groaned. " Liberty?! Can you hear me?!" Terrance asked. Liberty just groaned. " Oh, come on Liberty! Wake up!" Terrance shouted, shaking Liberty. " Dude! Relax! Give her time!" Hannah said. "' Kay, smart aleck!" Terrance said sacastically. " Hey! Be quiet!" Hannah said rolling her eyes. " Or Chase is gonna make your death painful!" Terrance laughed, with Chase. " Chill Hannah. It was a compliment," Chase said. " Whatever," Hannah muttered. Chase laughed again.
" Cute," Chase said. Terrance rubbed some more of the special medicine on Liberty's cut. " Hey Terrance? Hannah and I are going to practice archery," Chase said. " Sure, go ahead. I'll watch Liberty," Terrance said. Chase and Hannah left. Liberty started to groan again. " Liberty? Come on open your eyes. Talk.." Liberty's hand moved. " Terrance," Liberty said weakly. " Liberty! You're ok! Well sot of ok," errance said happily. " What happened?" Liberty said getting up.
" Uh... Luke cut your arm," Terrance said. " Oh that stupid Luke! How dare he!" Liberty growled. " Hey.. relax! Take it easy! Hold your horses!" Terrance said, getting in front of Liberty. " Have you seen yourself latley? If you havn't, you're not in shape to beat up a person... especially " that person" is going to be Luke," Terrance said. Liberty looked at her cut. Terrance was right. Her cut was still bloody red and her cut started at her wrist all the way to her elbow. " Fine... but when I get better, I can beat him up, right?" Liberty asked. Terrance laughed. " Sure."

Luke sat on his bed, listening to Jessie. " What goes on in your little brain?! Why did you give Liberty that cut? And don't you dare say,' Because she dumped me!'" Jessie said, mimicking Luke's voice. Luke rolled his eyes. " It was an accident! Seriously! Believe me!" Luke said, looking into Jessie's brown eyes. " i still can't believe that you guys forgot to wear armor!" Jessie said with disbelief. " Please..." Luke pleaded. Jessie shook her head. " I'm sorry bro. It's gonna take a long time before I can trust you," Jessie said getting up, from Luke's chair. " Jessie! Please!" Luke begged. " Luke just shut up!" Jessie said walking out of Luke's room. After Jessie closed the door, Luke murmered, " Some sister you are." " Luke, I heard that!" Jessie yelled. Luke just groaned and buried his head in his pilow.

" So you're ok, right?" Terrance asked. " Sure," Liberty said with a sly smile. " What?" Terrance asked, demanding for an answer. " Nothing...just nothing," Liberty said. " C'mon tell me!" Terrance urged. " Nah..." Liberty said. Terrance rolled his eyes and put his hand in his pocket and grabbed something. " Here," Terrance said, holding a heart-shaped locket. " My dad gave itto me and now I'm giving it to you." Liberty smiled. " Thank you Terrance!" Liberty squealed. Liberty put her arms around Terrance's neck and hugged him. " You tired?" Terrance asked. " Actully, I am. Well, goodnight?" Liberty said. Terrance nodded. " Night. Sweet dreams," Terrance said, walking out of her room.
Chapter 10

At 9:30, Terrance got out of bed, got dressed, and headed straight for Liberty's room. The door was open, so Terrance walked right in. Liberty was not there. And her room was a mess. She's probably just getting breakfast or something

Terrance thought. Terrance went into the cafeteria and looked around but still couldn't find Liberty.Where is she?

Terrance went up to Chase and Hannah. " Have you guys seen Liberty?" Terrance asked. " No, but she might be in the horse stables," Hannah said. Terrance rushed out of the cafeteria and went to the horse stables. She wasn't there. Then Terrance went to Max's office. He knocked on the door. Max instantly opened it. " Yes?"
" Max.. I think Liberty is gone," Terrance said.


Publication Date: 04-19-2012

All Rights Reserved

To all my bff's!!!

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