» Adventure » The Legends of Chicken Smoothie Island, Mistflower the Warrior Cat [affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Legends of Chicken Smoothie Island, Mistflower the Warrior Cat [affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Mistflower the Warrior Cat

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Speed and his gang started galloping at full speed. They got tired at the first lap.

“Slow down!” said Purple. But Speed kept running. At 5 laps, he was on the ground.

“Ow!” he cried. His legs started hurting. River and his friends passed him, this time, they were trotting. They were doing their cool down.

“It is important to have a good warm up and a good cool down so you don't pull a muscle.” pointed out River. Speed looked at him with a dirty look.

“I don't care!” he shouted. When Wing arrived, he took him home.


The following days got better. River's team could run 15 laps non stop under 7 minutes. They were improving. Then came the day... All of the clans (except for the evil ones) joined together at the Horse Clan's territory. River was excited and nervous.

“Alright everyone! Ten minutes till the race begins! Runners, please warm up and get to your stations!” Safari announced. The crowd was going wild. River could hear his mom cheering for him. He started doing his stretches and trotting.

“Remember,” he said to himself, “have fun and never give up.” He got into his position. Speed was showing off and talking. He didn't get ready for the race.

“Get to your places runners!” directed Safari. The race was from Horse Clan territory to Cat Clan territory. It was a straight run.

“On your marks, get set, GO!” he shouted. The runners burst off with speed. Speed was leading. He was ahead of everyone. But River was catching up.

“Loser!” he whispered in River's ear. River stumbled and fell. He got up right away and kept on running. The rest of the race was chaos and tiring. River was second, right behind his brother. When they were about half way, Speed fell down with a huge crash.

“Ow!” he shouted with pain. River stopped and let the others passe him.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“Leave me alone!” he cried. River lifted his brother up and cleaned up the blood.

“Inside, I know you are thankful. But I know you won't admit it.” River realized and galloped off. River was running and running. Speed was catching up. They were near the finish line. The crowd was getting louder and louder. Who was going to win? It was only Speed and River. Closer, faster and... It was a tie! The crowd remained silent.

“I won! I won! In your face!” shouted Speed with joy. Suddenly, a glow of light struck from the sky. The light landed on River. It lifted him up and the glow grew brighter. It was a sign from the Chicken Goddess. River had won.


The whole crowd roared with joy. The future king of the Horse Clan was River! River couldn't believe it.

“He has the wisdom and courage!” shouted a horse.

“Long live King River!” cried another horse.

“I'm proud of you, son!” congratulated Wing. It was amazing. When the party was over, he went up to his brother.

“You tried.” he encouraged.

“I'm sorry for all the mistakes I've done.” Speed apologized. The brothers sat there and looked at the stars.

“You can pretend to be anything, but you will forever be my brother. And that is something you can't pretend to not be and I will forever love you.” concluded River.

Chapter 5: Blown Away

While the 3 kits, Cloud Paw, Night Paw and Fire Paw, were playing, Mist Flower came up to them.

“Time for bed my little warriors.” she said.

“No!” cried Fire Paw as he started to make a run for it. But Mist Flower grabbed him.

“Someone is being a hyper kitty today.” chuckled Mist Flower. Fire Paw struggled and fought till he had no more energy. They headed back to the den and each kit got to their spots.

“Tell us a story ma!” begged Night Paw.

“Ya! Tell us a story!” agreed Cloud Paw. The 4 kits begged a couple minutes till Mist Flower agreed.

“Alright, I'll tell you about the day I met your father.” she said.

“No! Not that story again!” groaned the kits. Mist Flower giggled and said,

“Fine, how about the time when you four blew away?” she suggested.

“Ya!” cheered the four. They all sat down and Mist Flower began...


It was a windy November day, it's been a moon since Mist Flower gave birth to her four kits, Fire Paw, Night Paw, Cloud Paw and Wood Paw. The day was super windy. The most windiest of all time.

“Watch the kits,” joked Ember Dawn, Mist Flower's mother, “they might get blown away!”

“Very funny...” laughed Mist Flower as she looked at her four kits. Fire Kit, Night Kit and Cloud Kit were whining. Only Wood Kit was sleeping. Wood Kit ate and slept and made dirt. That's all he ever did. The others would jump around and not go to sleep. This time, they were moving all over the place. They had just learned how to walk. Well, Fire Kit did. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew Night Kit, the youngest, off her feet! She went flying through the wind.

“Night Kit!” screamed Mist Flower as she ran. Breeze Leaf ran after her. Ember Dawn had to stay to make sure the other kits don't blow away. But it was too late. The wind was so strong, it blew Cloud Kit and Fire Kit away! Ember Dawn looked to see that Wood Kit was still there. Made sense why he didn't blow away, he was too fat.

“Watch Wood Kit!” directed Ember Dawn to Holy Swirl. She nodded back and stared at Wood Kit. Ember Dawn chased the flying kits, along with Breeze Leaf and Mist Flower.


When they reached the woods, they heard whining.

“Look!” cried Breeze Leaf, pointing at a tree branch. There, on the tree was a little ball of black fur.

“Night Kit!” cheered Mist Flower. She climbed the tree and took her kit.

“One down, two to go.” sighed Ember Dawn. They searched and searched around the forest, but there was no sign of the other two.

“Could they be at the river?” suggested Breeze Leaf. The three warriors rushed to the river. On a tiny log was poor Fire Kit.

“Meow!” he cried. Ember Dawn jumped into the water and started swimming towards the little kit. Suddenly, there was a huge wave that crashed into them. But Ember Dawn grabbed Fire Kit and swam to shore.

“That's two.” said Breeze Leaf.

“But where's Cloud Kit?” worried Mist Flower.

“I think I found her...” pointed Ember Dawn, looking at the sky. Up in the air, was a little white tiny cloud, who was actually Cloud Kit. The wind carried her down to her mother. They stared at each other in amazement. Cloud Kit had the power to control wind...


The four kits stared in amazement.

“I am awesome!!!” cried Cloud Paw.

“Who cares?” argued Fire Paw, “Maybe I have the power of water or fire!”

“I have the power of earth probably since I was found on a tree...” added Night Paw.

“Alright little ones, time to sleep.” chuckled Mist Flower.

“What about Wood Paw? What power does he have?” asked Cloud Paw. They stared at him for a moment.

“The power of intelligence and food.” he concluded with a grin. They all laughed and went to sleep. With each a great motivation of elements.


Text: Emberdawn and Purplepandaj
Images: Dunno
Editing: Emberdawn
Translation: Nobody!!!!!!!
Publication Date: 06-21-2013

All Rights Reserved

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