» Adventure » The Arabian Nights Entertainments, Anonymous [summer beach reads .txt] 📗

Book online «The Arabian Nights Entertainments, Anonymous [summer beach reads .txt] 📗». Author Anonymous

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it appeared to be at first. I lived for some days upon my bread and water; which being all spent, at last I prepared for death. As I was thinking of death, I heard the stone lifted from the mouth of the cave, and immediately the corpse of a man was let down. When men are reduced to necessity, it is natural for them to come to extreme resolutions. While they let down the woman, I approached the place where her coffin was to be put, and as soon as I perceived they were covering the mouth of the cave, I gave the unfortunate wretch two or three great blows over the head with a large bone that I found; which stunned, or, to say the truth, killed her. I committed this horrid action merely for the sake of the bread and water that were in her coffin, and thus I had provisions for some days more. When that was spent, they let down another dead woman, and a living man; I killed the man in the same manner; and, as good luck would have it for me, there was then a sort of mortality in the town, so that by this means I did not want for provisions.

One day, as I had despatched another woman, I heard something walking, and blowing or panting as it walked. I advanced towards that side from whence I heard the noise, and, upon my approach, the thing puffed and blew harder, as if it had been running away from me. I followed the noise, and the thing seemed to stop sometimes, but always fled and blew as I approached. I followed it so long and so far, that at last I perceived a light resembling a star: I went on towards the light, and sometimes lost sight of it, but always found it again; and at last discovered that it came through a hole in the rock, large enough for a man to get out at. Upon this, I stopped for some time to rest myself, being much fatigued with pursuing this discovery so fast: Afterwards coming up to the hole, I went out at it, and found my self upon the banks of the sea. I leave you to guess at the excess of my joy; it was such, that I could scarcely persuade myself of its being real. But when I recovered from my surprise, and was convinced of the truth of the matter, I found the thing which I had followed, and heard puff and blow, to be a creature which came out of the sea, and was accustomed to enter at that hole to feed upon the dead carcases. I considered the mountain, and perceived it to be situate betwixt the sea and the town, but without any passage or way to communicate with the latter, the rocks on the side of the sea being rugged and steep. I fell down upon the shore to thank God for his mercy, and afterwards entered the cave again to fetch bread and water, which I did by daylight, with a better appetite than I had done since my interment in the dark hole. I returned thither again, and groped about among the biers for all the diamonds, rubies, pearls, gold, bracelets, and rich stuffs I could find; these I brought to the shore, and tying them up neatly into bales with the cords that let down the coffins, I laid them together upon the bank, waiting till some ship passed by, without any fear of rain, for it was not then the season. After two or three days, I perceived a ship that had but just come out of the harbour, and passed near the place where I was. I made signs with the linen of my turban, and called to them as loud as I could: they heard me, and sent a boat to bring me on board. When the mariners asked by what misfortune I came thither, I told them that I suffered shipwreck two days ago, and made shift to get ashore with the goods they saw. It was happy for me that these people did not consider the place where I was, nor inquire into the probability of what I told them, but, without any more ado, took me on board with my goods. When I came to the ship, the captain was so well pleased to have saved me, and so much taken up with his own affairs, that he also took the story of my pretended shipwreck upon trust, and generously refused some jewels which I offered him.

We passed by several islands, and, among others, that called the isle of Bells, about ten days sail from Serendib, with a regular wind, and six from that of Kela, where we landed. This island produces lead mines, Indian canes, and excellent camphire. The king of the isle of Kela is very rich and potent, and the isle of Bells[Footnote: Now Ceylon.], which is about two days journey in extent, is also subject to him. The inhabitants are so barbarous, that they still eat human flesh. After we had finished our commerce in that island, we put to sea again, and touched at several other ports, and at last arrived happily at Bagdad with infinite riches, of which it is needless to trouble you with the detail. Out of thankfulness to God for his mercies, I gave great alms for the entertainment of several mosques, and for the subsistence of the poor, and employed myself wholly in enjoying my kindred and friends, making good cheer with them.

Here Sindbad finished the relation of his fourth voyage, which was more surprising to the company than all the three former. He gave a new present of a hundred sequins to Hindbad, whom he prayed to return next day at the same hour to dine with him, and to hear the story of his fifth voyage. Hindbad and the rest of his guests took leave of him, and retired. Next day, when all met, they sat down at table; and when dinner was over, Sindbad began the relation of his fifth voyage.

The Fifth Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor.

The pleasures I enjoyed had charms enough again to make me forget all the troubles and calamities I had undergone, without curing me of my inclination to make new voyages; therefore I bought goods, ordered them to be packed and loaded, and set out with them for the best sea-ports; and there, that I might not be obliged to depend upon a captain, but have a ship at my own command, I staid till one was built on purpose at my own charge. When the ship was ready, I went on board with my goods; but, not having enough to load her, I took on board several merchants of different nations with their merchandise. We sailed with the first fair wind, and, after a long navigation, the first place we touched at was a desert island, where we found the egg of a roc, equal in bigness to that I formerly mentioned. There was a young roc in it just ready to be hatched, and the bill of it began to appear. The merchants whom I had taken on board my ship, and who landed with me, broke the egg with hatches, and made a hole in it, from whence they pulled out the young roc, piece after piece, and roasted it. I had earnestly dissuaded them from meddling with the egg, but they would not listen to me. Scarcely had they made an end of their treat, when there appeared in the air, at a considerable distance from us, two great clouds. The captain, whom I hired to sail my ship, knowing by experience what it meant, cried that it was the he and the she roc that belonged to the young one, and pressed us to re-embark with all speed, to prevent the misfortune which he saw would otherwise befall us. We made haste to do so, and set sail with all possible diligence. In the mean time the two rocs approached with a frightful noise, which they redoubled when they saw the egg broken, and their young one gone. But, having a mind to avenge themselves, they flew back towards the place from whence they came; and disappeared for some time, while we made all the sail we could to prevent that which unhappily befell us. They returned, and we observed that each of them carried between their talons stones, or rather rocks, of a monstrous size. When they came directly over my ship, they hovered, and one of them let fall a stone; but, by the dexterity of the steersman, who turned the ship with the rudder, it missed us, and falling by the side of the ship into the sea, divided the water so that we could almost see to the bottom. The other roc, to our misfortune, threw the stone so exactly upon the middle of the ship, that it split it in a thousand pieces. The mariners and passengers were all killed by the stone, or sunk. I myself had the last fate; but as I came up again, I caught hold, by good fortune, of a piece of the wreck; and swimming sometimes with one hand, and sometimes with the other, but always holding fast my board, the wind and the tide being for me, I came to an island whose banks were very steep; I overcame that difficulty, however, and got ashore. I sat down upon the grass to recover myself a little from my fatigue, after which I got up, and went into the island to view it. It seemed to be a delicious garden. I found trees everywhere, some of them bearing green, and others ripe fruits, and streams of fresh pure water, with pleasant windings and turnings. I ate the fruits, which I found excellent, and drank of the water, which was very pleasant.

Night being come, I lay down upon the grass, in a place convenient enough; but I could not sleep an hour at a time, my mind being disturbed with the fear of being alone in so desert a place. Thus I spent the best part of the night in fretting and reproaching myself for my imprudence in not staying at home, rather than undertake this last voyage. These reflections carried me so far, that I began to form a design against my own life; but daylight dispersed those melancholy thoughts, and I got up and walked among the trees, but not without apprehensions of danger. When I was a little advanced into the island, I saw an old man, who seemed very weak and feeble. He sat upon the banks of a stream, and at first I took him to be one who had been shipwrecked like myself. I went towards him, and saluted him; but he only bowed his head a little. I asked him what he did there; but instead of answering me, he made a sign for me to take him upon my back, and carry him over the brook, signifying that it was to gather fruit. I believed him really to stand in need of help; so I took him upon my back, and having carried him over, bid him get down, and, for that end, stooped, that he might get off with ease; but, instead of that, he, who to me appeared very decrepit, clasped his legs nimbly about my neck, when I perceived his skin to be like that of a cow. He sat astride me upon my shoulders, and held my throat so strait, that I thought he would have strangled me, the fright of which made me faint away and fall down. Notwithstanding my fainting, the ill-natured old fellow kept fast about my neck, but opened his legs a little to give me some time to recover my breath. When I had done so, he thrust one of his feet against my stomach, and struck me so rudely on the side with the other, that he forced me to rise up against my will. Having got up, he made me walk up under the trees, and forced me now and then to stop to gather and eat such fruits as we found. He never left me all day; and when I lay down to rest me by night, he laid himself down by me, holding always fast about my neck. Every morning he pushed me to make me awake; and afterwards obliged me to get up and walk, and pressed me with his feet. You may judge then, gentlemen, what trouble I was in, to be charged with such a burden as I could no ways rid myself from.

One day I found in my way several dry calabashes that had fallen from a tree: I took a large one, and, after cleaning it, pressed into

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