» Adventure » The Arabian Nights Entertainments, Anonymous [summer beach reads .txt] 📗

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at the day of judgment, if what I say be not truth; therefore I am he that ought to suffer. The caliph, being surprised at this oath, believed him, especially as the old man made no answer to this. Whereupon, turning to the young man, Thou wretch, said he, what was it that made thee to commit that detestable crime, and what is it that moves thee to offer thyself voluntarily to die? Commander of the faithful, said he, if all that has passed between that lady and me were set down in writing, it would be a history that would be very useful to other men. I command you then to relate it, said the caliph. The young man obeyed, and began. THE STORY OF THE LADY THAT WAS MURDERED, AND OF THE YOUNG MAN HER HUSBAND.

Commander of the faithful, your majesty may be pleased to know, that this murdered lady was my wife, the daughter of this old man you see here, who is my uncle by the father's side. She was not above twelve years old when he gave her to me, and it is now eleven years ago. I have three children by her, all boys, yet alive; and I must do her the justice to say, that she never gave me the least occasion of offence; she was chaste, of good behaviour, and made it her whole business to please me. For my part, I loved her entirely, and rather prevented her, in granting any thing she desired, than opposed it. About two months ago she fell sick; I took all imaginable care of her, and spared nothing that could procure a speedy recovery. After a month, she began to grow better, and had a mind to go to the bagnio. Before she went out of the house, Cousin, said she, (for so she used to call me from familiarity), I long for some apples; if you could get me any, you would please me extremely; I have longed for them a great while, and I must own it is come to that height, that if I be not satisfied very soon, I fear some misfortune will befal me. With all my heart, said I, I will do all that is in my power to make you easy, and went immediately round all the markets and shops in the town to seek for apples, but could not get one, though I offered a sequin for each. I returned home very much dissatisfied at my disappointment. As for my wife, when she returned from the bagnio, and saw no apples, she became so very uneasy, that she could not sleep all night: I rose betimes in the morning, and went through all the gardens, but had no better success than the day before; only I happened to meet an old gardener, who told me that all my pains would signify nothing, for I could not expect to find apples any where but in your majesty's garden at Balsora. As I loved my wife passionately, and would not have any thing of neglect to satisfy her chargeable upon me, I put myself in a traveller's habit, and after I had told her my design, I went to Balsora, and made my journey with so great diligence, that I returned at the end of fifteen days with three apples, which cost me a sequin each; there were no more left in the garden, so that the gardener would let me have them no cheaper. As soon as I came home, I presented them to my wife, but her longing was over; so she satisfied herself with receiving them, and laid them down by her. In the mean time she continued sickly, and I knew not what remedy to get for her.

A few days after I returned from my journey, as I was sitting in my shop, in the public place where all sorts of fine stuffs are sold, I saw an ugly tall black slave come in with an apple in his hand, which I knew to be one of those I had brought from Balsora. I had no reason to doubt it, because I was certain there was not one to be had in all Bagdad, nor in any garden about it. I called to him, and said, Good slave, pray thee tell me where thou hadst this apple? It is a present (said he, smiling) from my mistress. I was to see her to-day, but found her indisposed. I saw three apples lying by her, and asked where she had them? She told me, the good man her husband had made a fortnight's journey on purpose for them, and brought them to her. We had a collation together; and, when I took my leave of her, I brought away this apple that you see. This discourse put me out of my senses; I rose, shut up my shop, ran home with all speed, and going to my wife's chamber, looked immediately for apples, and seeing only a couple, asked what was become of the third? Then my wife turning her head to the place where the apples lay, and perceiving there were but two, answered me coldly, Cousin, I know not what is become of it. At this answer I did verily believe what the slave told me to be true; and at the same time giving myself up to madness and jealousy, I drew my knife from my girdle, and thrust it into the unfortunate creature's throat; I afterwards cut off her head, and divided her body into four quarters, which I packed up in a bundle, and hiding it in a basket, sewed it up with a thread of red yarn, put all together in a trunk, and, when night came, carried it on my shoulder down to the Tigris, where I sunk it.

The two youngest of my children were already put to bed, and asleep, the third being gone abroad; but, at my return, I found him sitting by my gate, weeping very much. I asked him the reason: Father, said he, I took this morning from my mother, without her knowledge, one of those three apples you brought her, and I kept it a long while; but, as I was playing some time ago with my little brother in the street, a tall slave that went by snatched it out of my hands, and carried it with him: I ran after him, demanding it back; and besides, told him that it belonged to my mother, who was sick; and that you had made a fortnight's journey to fetch it; but all to no purpose, he would not restore it. And whereas I still followed him, crying out, he turned and beat me, and then ran away as fast as ever he could from one lane to another, till at length I lost sight of him. I have since been walking without the town, expecting your return, to pray you, dear father, not to tell my mother of it, lest it should make her worse. When he had said these words, he fell a weeping again more bitterly than before.

My son's discourse afflicted me beyond measure: I then found myself guilty of an enormous crime, and repented too late of having so easily believed the calumnies of a wretched slave, who, from what he had learned of my son, invented that fatal lie. My uncle, here present, came just at the time to see his daughter; but, instead of finding her alive, understood from me that she was murdered, for I concealed nothing from him; and, without staying for his censure, declared myself the greatest criminal in the world. Upon this, instead of reproaching me, he joined his tears with mine, and we wept three days together without intermission; he for the loss of a daughter whom he always loved tenderly, and I for the loss of a dear wife, of whom I had deprived myself after so cruel a manner, by giving too easy credit to the report of a lying slave.

This, commander of the faithful, is the sincere confession your majesty commanded from me. You have now heard all the circumstances of my crime, and I most humbly beg of you to order the punishment which it merits; and, however severe it may be, I shall not in the least complain, but esteem it too easy and gentle.

The caliph was very much astonished at the young man's relation; but this just prince, finding he was to be pitied rather than condemned, began to speak in his favour. This young man's crime, said he, is pardonable before God, and excusable with men. The wicked slave is the sole cause of this murder; it is he alone that must be punished. Wherefore, said he, looking upon the grand vizier, I give you three days time to find him out; if you do not bring him within that space, you shall die in his stead. The unfortunate Giafar, who thought himself now out of danger, was terribly perplexed at this new order of the caliph; but not daring to return any answer to the prince, whose hasty temper he well knew, he departed from his presence, and retired to his house with tears in his eyes, persuading himself he had but three days to live; for he was so fully convinced that he should not find the slave, that he made not the least inquiry about him. Is it possible, said he, that in such a city as Bagdad, where there is such an infinite number of negro slaves, I should be able to find out him who is guilty? So that, unless God be pleased to bring it about, as he has already detected the murderer, nothing can possibly save my life! The vizier spent the two first days in mourning with his family, who sat round him weeping, and complaining of the caliph's cruelty. The third day being come, he prepared himself to die with courage, as an honest minister, and one who had nothing to trouble his conscience with: he sent for notaries and witnesses, who signed the last will he made in their presence; after which he took leave of his wife and children, and bade them the last farewell. All his family were drowned in tears, so that there never was a more sorrowful spectacle; At last the messenger came from the caliph to tell him that he was out of all patience, having heard nothing from him, nor concerning the negro slave, whom he had commanded him to search for: I am therefore ordered, said he, to bring you before his throne. The afflicted vizier made ready to follow the messenger; but, as he was going but, they brought him his youngest daughter, who was about five or six years of age. The nurses who attended her, presented her to her father to receive his last blessing. Having a particular love to the child, he prayed the messenger to give him leave to stop for a moment, and, taking his daughter in his arms, kissed her several times; as he was embracing her the last time, he perceived she had somewhat in her bosom that looked bulky, and a sweet scent. My dear little one, said he, what hast thou in thy bosom? My dear father, said she, it is an apple, upon which is written the name of our lord and master the caliph; our slave Rihan[Footnote: This word signifies, in Arabic, basilic, an odoriferous plant; and the Arabians call their slaves by this name, as the custom in France is to give the name of jessamin to a footman.] sold it to me for two sequins.

At the words apple and slave, the grand vizier cried out with surprise intermixed with joy, and, putting his hand into the child's bosom, pulled out the apple. He caused the slave, who was not far off, to be brought immediately; and when he came, Rascal! said he, where hadst thou this apple? My lord, said the slave, I swear to you that I neither stole it in your house, nor out of the commander of the faithful's garden; but the other day, as I was going through a street where three or four children were at play, one of them having it in his hand, I snatched it from him, and carried it away. The child ran after me, telling me it was none of his own, but belonged to his mother, who was sick; and that his father, to save her longing, had made a long journey, and brought home three apples, whereof this was one, which he had taken from his mother without her knowledge. He said what he could to make me

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