» Adventure » BAMAKO, Aribert Raphael [read out loud books .TXT] 📗

Book online «BAMAKO, Aribert Raphael [read out loud books .TXT] 📗». Author Aribert Raphael

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Talya was amazed. Hjamal actually confessed to detaining Richard against his will. Although, she felt her irritation return at a galloping pace, she kept her mouth shut and listened to the end of Ahmed Hjamal’s story.
“I got an answer saying they weren’t in the habit of being held at ransom and Gillman should find his own way home. So I left him to his own device and he soon found a way back to Canada.” He reclined in the seat and turned to her again. He seemed to be pleading for her tolerance.
Talya was shaking. She took a moment to regain control.
“I appreciate your candour, Monsieur Hjamal, however, that doesn’t answer the question I posed earlier. When did Richard come back? And why?” Talya only showed all the restraint she could muster.
Renewed reticence had replaced the anxiety Talya had seen in his eyes moments ago when he replied, “I have no doubt you’ll find out soon enough.” He shook his head slowly. “As for the details surrounding Richard’s murder, I don’t have them at the moment. I have my suspicions, of course, but I prefer not to divulge these until I could verify some of the information in my possession. And please, don’t misunderstand me, I have to follow my own advice and deal with this in my own way somehow.”
After a moment’s reflection, Talya said, “I have one more question. It has nothing to do with Richard or any other matter we’ve just talked about. I’d like to know why you wanted me at the mine yesterday instead of meeting you here, as planned. If you were so anxious to talk to me, why did you deliberately try to avoid the meeting?”
“That was a mistake on my part. I listened to Abdul. He persuaded me it would be better for us to meet at the mine today so we could show you everything that’s been done. And you could have taken some pictures perhaps back to Monsieur Flaubert to show him how far we’d gone in the construction of the plant.”
“If that was the case, wouldn’t it have been better for me to meet you in Dakar first and then fly together to the mine?”
“In hindsight yes, of course, it would have been the sensible thing to do. And again, I’m sorry.”
“It sounds to me like you’ve been listening to Monsieur Rasheed a little too much. Maybe you should think about changing assistant—”
“Without question, Madame Kartz.…” Talya knew then their meeting was at an end.
However, she reminded him; “Monsieur Hjamal, you have my word I will not reveal what you’ve told me today to anyone. Nevertheless, I’m sure there will be a time, in a not too distant future (I hope), when we’ll sit around the same table once again to discuss the Sabodala project together. If it comes to that, everyone will have to know the truth. I hope you realize that?”
“Do you mean no matter what happens now, you, or Carmine I mean, would be prepared to go ahead and help me?” His voice resounded of disbelief.
“Yes.” Talya smiled. “Somehow, I know, call it woman’s instinct if you like, but I know we’ll get to that point.”
“May I ask you something?”
“Yes, of course, what’s on your mind?” Talya was curious.
“What did you see when you took your little tour of the mine site yesterday?”
Talya had been wondering when that question would have come up. “Not much, really.” She paused. “I noticed a couple of things, though. You don’t seem to have used the processing line much lately, have you?”
“No, Madame Kartz, we haven’t. We’ve got a problem with water—”
“Have you thought about the water-table being lower in the dry season?”
Hjamal looked at her as if a light bulb had just been switched on over his head. “Do you mean we could re-start work once the rain season is upon us?”
“I’m sure you would have to wait a while before the water table is restored to its normal level, but that’s the general idea, yes.”
“Why didn’t anyone tell me about this?”
“I’d suggest you need more than a few workers and a trouble-shooter to run a mine like this one, Monsieur Hjamal. An engineer or two wouldn’t have been a waist of money or time….”
“What’s the other thing you noticed?” Hjamal asked all inquisitiveness now.
“You’ve got gold sand all over the ground, did you realize that?”
“What do you mean?”
“Look, the gold in these parts has been deposited in fine dust in old river beds and strata that lay beneath the earth’s surface. This dust falls out when you start crushing the rock layers that you dig out of the benches of the mine. So, every time you crush rocks, gold dust is bound to find its way to the foot of the crusher tower—”
“You mean the sand at the foot of the crusher is filled with gold dust?” Ahmed Hjamal was agape with incredulity.
“Yes, and here again, an engineer would have alerted you of the possibility before constructing the processing plant.”
Hjamal hung his head and shook it, but said nothing.
Talya looked at him for a moment before getting to her feet. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll call the desk to get everyone back. We have to get this show on the road.”
A moment later, he smiled at Talya while she was on the phone to the receptionist.
“Hello? Is that Miss Katy?”
“Yes, Madame Kartz, what can I do for you?”
“Would you ask my colleagues—they’re downstairs somewhere, in the restaurant probably—to come back to the suite, please?”
“Of course, Madame, right away.” She hung up.
Talya regained her seat beside the tall African. “What I’ve decided to do next has to be done and I know you will not like it. But if you still want Carmine’s help it’s the only way.”
“Yes, what is it?” His whole attitude betrayed the anxiety he must have felt.
Talya looked at him. She was going to get the truth out of him—this admirable, egotistical dreamer. “We should wait for everyone to come back first, if you don’t mind. We need Johan to free Monsieur Rasheed from his temporary jail—”
“About Abdul Rasheed, I—”
“Please, be patient for a while longer.”

Hassan and Mohammed were still in the atrium when Johan came back to tell them Talya had called for them.
At that moment, Samir appeared out of nowhere and looked perplexed at seeing the three men by the terrarium. “Gentlemen, has the lady chased you out? That’s understandable mind you. I would have done the same in her shoes.”
The four men laughed and went to the elevators.
Arriving at Talya’s door, Samir knocked. Talya came to answer it.
Hassan was in first, practically pushing the door away from her.
“Are you all right?” he demanded, peering into her eyes.
“Yes, I’m fine. Monsieur Hjamal and I had a very instructive discussion, that’s all,” she replied flatly, after closing the door behind everyone.
She was glad to see Samir was with them. He smiled with another complicit look on his face and went to stand by the sideboard in the dining room, crossing his arms over his chest. Mohammed went to take a seat by the window while Hassan went to stand behind the sofa, apparently waiting for Talya to move somewhere near him. Johan resumed his stool by the bar. Talya trotted to the living room and looked at her assembled company, glancing in Hjamal’s direction—he had remained seated, observing everyone as they came in.
Talya said, “Johan, would you please get Monsieur Rasheed out of the bedroom? Thanks.”
He took the key out of his pocket, got off his stool and went to open the bedroom door. All eyes were upon Rasheed. I hope he hasn’t made a mess of that room. Then they heard it, before they saw the scuffle. “It’s about time! Where’s the bitch?” Rasheed shouted.
“You better watch your mouth, or I told you, I’ll close it permanently,” Johan yelled in his face.
Talya took the few steps separating her from the door, but in no time, Hassan had grabbed her arm and had pulled her away. “You’re not going anywhere near them, Talya.”
“Hassan’s right,” she heard Samir say as he passed her and joined Johan to drag Rasheed out of the bedroom and flinging him onto the sofa.
“I’ll get you for this….”
“I told you to shut it, Rasheed. I’ve had it with you.” Johan was furious.
Hassan, leaving Talya’s side, went to stand behind Rasheed while everyone else went to sit or stand, facing the woman who had brought them together. Talya lowered her eyes to the floor. “I’m sorry, but it seems that we’re all very much on edge, so the sooner we get all of this trouble behind us, the better it will be.”
The men looked at her expectantly.
What they had heard earlier that day would have an indelible impact on their lives. Their future would be marked by these events. In the years to come, their paths would never cross again probably. They would not forget however, that a murder had linked them once and forever. These men knew the truth about the death of Richard Gillman. Even if they were not conscious of this knowledge, in a few hours the puzzle would be complete. What were now only pieces, fragments of a shadowy picture would be then assembled to reveal the image of their individual involvement in the Savoi Affair.
“Gentlemen,” Talya began, “having heard everything you’ve said this morning, I have come to the following conclusions. We need to find Monsieur Savoi to answer questions and assume responsibility for the part he obviously played in this affair.” Hassan smiled and nodded—he looked satisfied. “We need to find Madame McLean to ascertain her involvement.” Mohammed shook his head. “Lastly, we need to verify some of the statements Monsieur Hjamal has made to me this morning.” The latter raised his eyes to her—she had warned him he wouldn’t like it. “Therefore, and with your collaboration, I believe we can resolve this problem before going to the authorities.”
Addressing Rasheed now, Talya added, “Monsieur Rasheed, the joke is over. You’re going to go with Johan to the mine site today.” Rasheed tried to get up from the sofa.
Johan pushed him back brutally. “Don’t you move another inch!”
“Samir?” Talya called, looking in his direction, “If your assistance is still available…” He nodded and smiled in reply. He must have known beforehand that Talya would impose upon his generosity. To get his aircraft ready was not only timely, but also insightful.
Turning once again to Rasheed, Talya went on in an even tone of voice, “Captain Sahab will fly you there and he’ll bring back Monsieur Savoi and Madame McLean to Dakar tomorrow. I hope, for your sake, that both of them are alive and well.”
“This is intolerable. I’ll—”
“Monsieur Rasheed, you’ll have to comply with my request.” Talya was trying very hard to maintain her temper in check. “It’s either that or I’ll call the police commissioner right now.”
“You wouldn’t dare! You can’t…,” Rasheed shouted.
“I suggest you do exactly as Madame Kartz asks,” Hassan cut-in, “and be grateful she’s not called the police before now.”
Then Talya turned to her next quarry. “In the meantime, Monsieur Hjamal, I’ll ask you to go to your office with Maitre Sangor. There, he will
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