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caught my breath and calmed down. Dad watched the whole thing as he had a shark that was mean but listened to him. He was about to let him go when Buddy took care of the problem. That was when I knew the bond we had was true. We were a team and I wouldn’t let anything happen to him.”

“How old were you,”He said looking at me.

“I was seven,”I answered honestly,”I was taught to swim ever since I could walk. So I was a pretty strong swimmer at that point. But I guess the cool part about the whole thing was that my Jacket hangs up in the Sea Bay as a reminder of what an Orca is really like. Sweet and caring if not treated like a caged animal.”

He nodded before kissing the top of my head. He left but looked back at me as he was thinking about something. He gave me a smiled before he spoke again.

“You're stronger than most people,”He said with a smile,”If that was me I would have broken down not wanting to live through all of that.”

“It’s a weakness of mine I learned to cope with,”I said as he went wide eyed,”Yes I just told you the unknown things.”

He left after that and I was left to my thoughts again. I shut my eyes and saw my Buddy in the pool most likely trying to get me to come back. I’ll soon be back with you pal. Just give it some time. 

Chapter 13- Mason

It has been three days since she has been with me. And each day she seems to relax more and more. Her little shield she put up to kept from being hurt slowly comes down for me. I think it’s nice when I learn more about her each day. I also found out she gets happy talking about their rescue operation they do for the sea life around them.

She was apart of that but her Uncle left it out for hardly anyone knows that they have that going on. She has even told me that their base was in the middle of a sea and could go underwater to hid when it was necessary. It brightens my day hearing about her old life. As well as gives her joy talking about it.

I was heading into the office to see if Dad would let me skip out today to go on a ‘date’ with a girl. I was planning on spending it all with Maria. Since I know she has to be lonely being by herself 24/7.

“What do you need Mason?”He asked looking at me.

“I wondering if it was alright to not come in today,”I said as he looked at me, “It’s for a girl.”

“Is she someone special to you,”He said with that knowing look.

“You can say that,”I said thinking about her now, “So can I?”

“Just this once,”He said as I smiled, “But you better be working on the Maria case. She should be leaving soon. The week is about to be up.”

“I promise I’ll figure something out about that,”I said running out.

I ran around the corner and right into Minnie. She went down as I flipped over her head. She gave me her devil look before picking up the papers she dropped.

“I got that analyses we agreed on,”She said looking at me, “They are from somewhere in the sea. And by the work of the thing the person who wrote them had to be thinking about the person a lot to leave out the valued things we need for the case.”

“Thanks Minnie,”I said grabbing the copy she was handing me, “I will go over this while you and Jason go back to work without me today.”

“You be good to that girl now,”She said as I stopped,”And don’t act like I can’t figure out you are in a rush for someone special like a girl.”

I gave off a little laugh and ran home. I grabbed some things and went back to the cave. I went to the room to see her in the middle of the floor doing some kind of form. I watched her movement as if it was golden.

She was doing something from her training I guess. With every attack she huffed as if for a yell. Each attack was well thought out and planned. She faced me and smiled as she finished up what she was doing.

“That was amazing,”I said as she rolled eyes at the comment,”No really what form was that?”

“It’s an ancient Japanese technique my Sensei taught me,”She said getting some water,”It helps calm your inner spirit animal from exploding forth and getting real with the world.”

“I’m guessing you just quoted him,”I said as she nodded,”You two seemed close.”

“He was a friend to me,”She said sitting on the bed looking at her chromebook,”He treated me like I was his child. Even though I was smaller than the other students he went harder on me. Saying that the true size of a warrior was what was on the inside. I would focus for hours a day about what he had said till I knew about it all. I soon passed everyone in the class and he started to teach me the ancient techniques.”

“Like I said close,”I joked as I laid the stuff out,”I was thinking maybe we can watch a movie or something today.”

“Alright,”She said helping me lay down the blanket I drop for us,”We can screen a movie on the ceiling.”

We agreed to that and soon we were watching Pixels. We laid side by side holding hands as it progressed. She was just like a regular girl that was taught differently like me. After that movie I went out and got us something from home as she went to the bathroom.

“Mason what are you doing back here already?”Mom asked as I looked for an excuse.

“I forgot to get the picnic stuff,”I said as I saw the basket on the table.

“When will I meet this mystery Mate of yours,”Mom said packing something else into the basket,”You talk to me so much about her it’s like I should have met her by now.”

“You’ll get to meet her soon mom,”I said getting the basket,”Thanks.”

“Welcome honey,”She called as I ran out and back to the cave.

I walked in to her on her computer typing. She’s been doing that alot lately. I walked up behind her but she turned it off before I could see what she was doing. She just smiled as we sat down to enjoy what my mother made for us.

I watched her eyes as they seemed to get that glow back. The one you see in peopel when everything in their life is going good and nothing had happen. It has finally returned to her green eyes as they sparkled in the light of the room.

“What?”She smiled at me.

“Your light is returning,”I said as she laughed,”What I’m just saying that it’s nice to see the light in your eyes.”

She nodded as we finished up. I loaded up the left overs into the basket and we laided down back on our blanket. I had my arm around her as she laid beside me. We watched Little Mermaid next for why not a clasic disney movie.

She was almost in love with seeing something like that from her child hood. It brought a smile to my face to notice I was making a difference in her life. She made the normal comments about the movie like all kids do which if I’m honest I did as well.

When it was all over she looked at me as if making her mind up. Okay what are you up to now? She didn’t move but just stared into my eyes like it was our moment.

“You can take care of my leg now if you still want to,”She said as I smiled,”But just a warning I can’t feel anything in it.”

I nodded and sat up. She did as well as I removed her mixshape bandaid. When I did I saw how bad it was really. It was swollen and looked like it became infected. She lost her smile as if she knew it had gotten this bad.

I went to the basket and got out the things mom packed last. It was a first aid kit and something to help remove silver filings that could be still in her wond. I went back to her as she looked at me.

I cleaned the wond better since it looked so bad. It turned out the redness was form it bleeding every now and then. I guess she went to the bathroom to see if it had or not. So it wasn’t that red but just a little pinkish around it.

I pour the silver looking liquid onto her leg and she jumped at it. I stopped as she laughed at her action. I guess it’s been a while since she gotten Medical help. I continued to pour it till I knew that it was clean out.

I put some sab on it to help it heal better before wrapping her leg up with a long piece of medic wrap. I tied it off as she looked at me with a smile. I sat beside her since she moved to the bed for my to wrap her leg up right.

“Thank you,”She said hugging me.

“You don’t need to thank me,”I told her,”I would do anything to keep you safe and happy.”

“You’ve tooken so many hits for me though,”She said looking at me,”You could get caught and who knows what all trouble that can get you into. So I’m thanking you for that.”

“You don’t need to,”I said kissing her,”I would jump off a cliff to make sure your alright. I would swim all the way to China to make sure you're safe.”

“I know,”She said as our kissed deepen.

There was passion in it as our lips moved in perfect sync. I could feel her smile into it as it deepened more. We soon stopped for air. I rest my hand on her cheek as our foreheads stayed together. She was smiling as she was regaining her breath back.

“My dad had always wished that my Mate was caring and would take care of me,”She said looking me in the eye,”I think his wish came true in you.”

“I’m glad that I can be that person for him,”I said kissing her nose and she crinkled it up,”You look cute when you do that.”

She laughed as that spark seemed to grow everytime it was just us. I smiled as I love to know I’m helping her out. It makes me feel good about myself and that my Mate is happy with me. 

Chapter 14- Maria
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