» Adventure » The return of the Slayer, J.J Blake [ereader android .txt] 📗

Book online «The return of the Slayer, J.J Blake [ereader android .txt] 📗». Author J.J Blake

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my roommate. “Olga she gets the top bunk.” She said toward Olga. Olga glared at me as I climbed to the top. I snuggled into the surprisingly soft sheets and blankets. “I am the Slayer. Come back. That’s the truth.” I said falling asleep. I heard laughing as I drifted off.

I woke to a stinging in my face. My roommate was smacking me in the face with a tennis ball. “Ow. “ I groaned as I sat up dodging the ball.
“So you’re the Slayer. Is it true? That you can run fast? And all that?”
Olga asked lazily but I could tell she was excited. “Yes it’s true. I can run fast and all that.” I hopped off the bunk landing with a bend of a knee. I stretched lazily. I stumbled toward the sink. I looked at my hands then into the mirror. I gasped at what I saw. My hair was glowing! I splashed water on my hair and the glowing stopped. I turned to my roommate. “I have heard so many stories of you from my family. I always thought them to be fake. Can you show me something?” Olga asked. Ah she wanted proof. Then what she said registered in my mind. Her family told stories of me.
Only few families could pass down my story. When I ever told someone my story for some reason they would forget it. Probably part of the curse. I did a handstand and a kick flip. My famous moves. Olga’s mouth dropped.
“It is you!” She exclaimed. Good to see that I’m recognized. Not. I sat down on Olga’s bed. “You come from one of the only families that live to tell my tale. I met your great grandpa a few lives ago. He always gave my candy when I visited him.” I said memories flooding back to me in a great wave. There I was in a cemetery watching as a coffin is lowered into the ground. I curse and wipe away a tear. My only friend was dead. I strode away to the edge of the hill away from the funeral. I looked at the approaching night. A vampire had killed him. And that vampire had escaped me. I flashed back to the present to have Olga staring at me. “He was a good man.” I only said. Olga nodded. “Olga I was there when you were born…. I didn’t expect you to end up here. I watched you as you slept. I assigned myself as your guardian. One night as I was watching over you a vampire snuck up on me and killed me. I never forgave myself.” I said tears springing to my eyes. “You were my guardian angel?”
Olga said. “I was. Until now I always watched over you to say sorry to your grandpa.” I said. When Austin (Olga’s great grandpa) died that fateful night I vowed to protect his great grandchild. Now here she was in jail for something she didn’t do. My mourning was interrupted by some shouting.
It sounded like….no it couldn’t be. Dang. Dang. Dang. I ran to the cell bars and peered out. A huge crowd of teens and adults are marching outside. I tried to read the signs. I could only hear them. “Free the Slayer!”
They all shouted. “Olga come here. We’re getting out.” I said taking her hand. The cop turned around and saw me and Olga. “If you are the Slayer. Which your not, bust out of there. You have my permission.” The cop said smiling probably thinking I wouldn’t do it. She was wrong. I closed my eyes and summoned my energy. I pushed it at the bars and pushed. Finally until they snapped off. The cop’s jaw dropped. “You’re free to go.” She managed to say. I smiled and started out of the cell with Olga. I opened the door and stepped out with Olga behind me. I grabbed her hand and slipped away from the crowd. “You’re going to stay at my house. Okay, Olga?” I asked her. “Won’t your mom mind?” she asked. “Not that house. My tree house. You'll be safe there." I said I lead her to my house. I helped her up into the house and she gasped when she saw it. “You live here?” She asked wide eyed. “I live with my mom most of the time. Most of the time she is passed out on the couch.” I said. I lead Olga into the kitchen and picked up the dipping bowl from the table. This is the thing I use to either cover my tattoos or get another one. I was going to give Olga my Slayer protection tattoo. I filled the bowl with water. I opened the drawer and pulled out my tattoo pen. I looked at Olga and she understood. “Olga do you like your name? Because when I do this I have to sign your name.” I told her steadily. “No I don’t like it. What else can I call myself though?” she said. “How about Marx? I have always loved that name. I tried convincing your mum to give you that name.” I said remembering being there when she was born. “I love that name! Thanks….what is your name? I never asked.” She pointedly told me. I smiled and brought out my knife. I cut off a space in her back jump suit enough for the tattoo. I turned on the pen. I brought it to her back and started tracing the ancient spell. “My name is Echo Swanson. Now hold still, I can not make any mistakes. Or the Spell won’t be effective.” I told her. She held super still. “I remember when I was little I saw you sitting on my bed in the middle of the night. I thought you were a ghost. When I reached out and touched you, you felt real. Realer than anything. You were glowing with gold and silver light. You looked like an angel.” She said dreamily. “I am anything but. Marx I have watched over you since you were born. You were important to me. For I put you in even more danger. Since I always protected you vampires sought you for your blood thinking I was protecting an Angel blood or whatever. Truth is everyone has a little Slayer in them. From geezers to babies. Old people radiate wisdom. Babies radiate youth and skill. Only when I am born I radiate something that is rare. Courage. Courage is what helps me face vampires and the dark ones. Courage is what helps me get up in the morning. Marx you radiate something even greater than that. You radiate love and peace.
Only two people in the world have it. That’s one of the reasons I protect you.” I stated. I started filling in the lines of the s with black and gold. I traced the rest with careful skill. After a while of friendly silence I finished the tattoo and singed her name. Marx Jovene Robin. I turned off the pen and dipped my finger in the bowl of cold water. I traced the outline of the tattoo. “Sprits above of my past lives and of the future, I bless this soul to the highest as possible. May my seal be with her always? AS I say it so mote it is!” I said in ancient language. I wiped my finger on my pants.
“Okay Marx you’re done. Follow me.” I said leading her to my jumping window. I jumped out with Marx behind me. “This is our room. It has a laptop, a TV, bathroom. Everything. You can take a shower and I will be back with some clothes for you.” I told her opening the door for her. I shut it behind her and jumped off the side landing with ease. I pulled out my credit card wallet and looked inside. Five hundred dollars can get you far.
I ran to the thrift store and walked slowly through the door. I piled clothes into a cart and pulled out shoes. I also grabbed a few necklaces. I got a few tees for me too. Adam will have to notice me in these now. I paid and left quickly running when I was out of camera and eye shot. I launched onto my bedroom platform. I knocked on the door then went inside quietly out of habit. “Marx? Are you here?” I asked quietly. She looked up from her bed. She claimed the bunk bed. Go figure. “Here all of these are for you. Tomorrow you’re coming to my school. You need a job.” I said handing her all the bags stuffed with clothes. I kept my one bag. “The only thing I know is English. Does your school need an English teacher?” She asked with a twinkle in her eyes. “Oh heck yes. Get a goodnight’s sleep.
Oh and here you’ll need this to control the place.” I said tossing her the spare remote. I closed the door behind me as I left to go home. I left another note on my mom’s forehead and headed back to the house.
I collapsed onto my black bed and fell asleep within seconds of hitting the pillow.

I awoke to the sound of someone getting dressed. I peeled open an eye and saw that Marx was dressing for her job. I looked at the clock. Dang it.
I quickly used my speed to get ready for school. I flew out the door with Marx behind me. I lead her down the many stairs to the only clearing. I stepped foreword and uncovered my truck. I was saving it for an emergency. I handed her the keys. “Here is your truck. Follow me to the school.” I said I stepped toward the large tree and rolled out my moped.
Black and sleek. I slid on and started the engine. I sped away out of the forest with Marx on my tail. I stopped at school with everyone staring at Marx. They’ve seen her when we went on that field trip. In jail. I locked up my bike and helped Marx out of the truck. I fixed her necklace. A holy water vial. Principal Tater came and pulled me to the side. “What is she doing here?” he asked. “She is here to become the English teacher. She has experience, you know.” I said. He nodded. “Okay then,” He shook Marx’s hand. “Welcome to the Family, Olga.” Tater said. “Actually Principal Tater its Marx.” I said when Marx cringed. “Welcome Marx. Your new class room is next to the science lab. Echo here will show you.” He said. I lead Marx into the building to the language department. I opened the door to a whole classroom full of faces. Here is the thing about being in here In front of all these classmates. There is this thing called empathy.
It makes me feel what everyone around me is feeling. Waves of emotion came crashing at me and I stood glued to the spot. I shook it off quickly and stepped into the classroom. “Good luck Marx. Check your phone at lunch.” I said. I left and headed to my locker. When I reached my locker my head pounded harder. Great, vision. A vampire was looking at me with eyes a blue as the sea. Hmmm…he looks familiar. I shook my head and opened my locker. A red envelope fell to the ground. I smiled, my day much brighter. I slowly opened the envelope wondering what was next. I smiled wider at the words:

O that she knew she were!
She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that?
Her eye discourses; I will answer it.
I am too bold, 'tis not to me she
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