» Adventure » On the Run, M Zeigler [you can read anyone txt] 📗

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honest. Looking back I see that Devon and his followers are not yet at the turn, my biggest mistake right now is looking back instead of where Bonnie is going because when I least expect her to; she drifts another right turn straight into the parking lot between the diner and the sheriff’s department. However Devon and his men seen Bonnie make this turn to they to know exactly where to go.

“Get going! Get to the roof top Barrette!” Bonnie shouts as she thrusts open the mustang door and barely taking the time to cut the engine before she’s running with her grandfather’s pistols in hand, and the S&W five hundred tucked back into her belt.

I take only a moment to reach into the back seat and take firm hold of the bow, quiver of arrows, and the AR, with all three items slung over my shoulder I run back behind Rachel’s diner and wait for both opposing vehicles to pass by and screech into the parking lot before running across the street between my friend Rand’s house and the multi story office building that used to be the old hotel here in town.

Once I’m behind the office building I kick in the back door and make a run straight for the nearby set of vintage style wooden stairs the lead up to the second floor. Making a quick left and running all the way to the end I find the second flight of wooden stairs and run up them. After a third flight of stairs and a tuck and roll across the open part of the roof top I dive in behind the once hotel billboard sign turned into a city hall sign.

Just as I’m loading the ten rounds into the gun Devon and his men are filing out of the car and walking out to the center of the parking lot. Devon pulls off his sun glasses to get a better look around the area. “Duke, take some men over to that stink hole and see if they ran in there. They can’t have gone far.” Devon orders pointing to Rand’s house, the foreigner looks at Devon to see where he’s pointing before giving a silent nod that he understands, the duke, a tall lanky well dressed middle age to older gentlemen beckons to four men for them to follow him. All four men turn to walk away each of them pulling out their handguns as they go, the Duke pulls a weapon of his own, a newer .38 special of some kind.

Meanwhile my moronic brothers slink out from behind their black truck parked beside Bonnie’s prized Mustang. They ninja their way over to the neon yellow Ferrari parked in the lot and pop open the door very quietly, Devon made a huge mistake leaving that car unlocked. Once inside the car Leo makes quick work of placing the bomb on the dashboard. My brother’s being the airheads they are were even curious enough to paint a target on the milk carton, not that I really needed one. The mark they drew on the carton is the same logo I use on for my band. My initials in capital letters placed back to back in faded rust colored ink. Peering through the scope I line up my shot and wait for my brother’s to move clear of the Ferrari; they make it back to their black truck in just a few short seconds. Devon takes one step towards the front corner of the diner when I take my shot. The bullet strikes the through the window of the car and hits the target causing a massive explosion within the car. As predicted Devon and his men run straight out in front of the diner with a fear stricken expression aimed back towards the car.

“Bonnie you bitch!” Devon shouts as he watches the fire inside the car catch a second wind and explode a second time when the gas tank catches fire and explodes sending car parts flying into the air. “God’s gonna cut you down.” I mutter to Devon as I claim aim to the green mail box, Montgomery taped the second bomb to the inside of the hazy glass but put my bang logo in front so I know where I’m shooting.

“Boss, look.” One the henchmen says walking in front of the green box, he kneels down so his head is right between me and the target. With a wicked smile I take the shot, the bullet streams easily through the henchmen’s head and hits the targeted mail box. The explosion sends Devon and his remaining men rolling out into the street. Two of them fall unconscious upon impact leaving only Devon and seven remaining men to get back up. Richard and his partner are apparently hiding down below me in the shrugs surrounding the front of the office building because there is a sudden moment of open fire. One by one Devon’s henchmen drop to the ground.

Devon begins laughing like a mad man when he sees that he now stands alone, he turns in circles three times before throwing his arms up, aiming his head towards the sky.

“Go ahead and shoot Cousin! Do you really think you’re going to win? Even if I die you have a lot more than just me to face!” Devon shouts, I abandoned my scope to look down at Devon, what is he talking about? Once he is dead then the game is over, the Duke and his four men will be struck down very soon, unless of course there is someone aside from Devon that would seek vengeance when Devon is dead?

That’s impossible, he’s not married and Bonnie would surely know if he had any kids to carry on his legacy? Then again if the family is as distanced as she claims it is then maybe she wouldn’t know if another Morgan child was born. Although with that said, her father knows how to track things like that, so her father would know and would tell her if a child was in question.

Chapter 19

On the run chapter 19

Blaze of Glory

Barrette’s perspective

When Devon lowers his arms and head to their normal position he starts to laugh again because coming in front the direction we came in from are ten more black SUV’s. They stop in the middle of the streets, I watch as eight men exit from each vehicle. “Lord Almighty.” I hiss with a labored breath, looking down to Bonnie who is just barely peering around the police station. Her eyes widen when she sees the men filing down the street. The three females I shot back at the Mayor’s house are in the lead.

“Ladies! So good of you to come by!” Devon shouts loud enough for everyone currently in town to hear, I see Montgomery peer out now, his expression turns dismal. Even he realizes that at this point the prospects of a death toll on our team is very high, I look over to my younger brothers, all three are now gathered behind the truck looking at me waiting for instructions on what to do. I don’t even know what to do at this point, so I look down to Bonnie hoping to God she does have a plan. She is looking up at me this time, her expression shows the full extent of love she has for me, but that loving emotion is heavily cloaked with sadness. Once more with her bad timing she quotes a seemingly age old song. “Blaze of Glory.” She quotes the Bon Jovi song then steps out from her hiding place, Montgomery reaches out to try and stop her but I know all too well that when Bonnie decides to do something she’s going to do it, there is no stopping her. Her and I are a lot alike, we have to learn things the hard way.

“Devon.” Bonnie calls out with her shoulders squared fists clenched at her sides; Devon turns around with a volatile smile on his face. “Bonners, there you are. It’s been a fun ride hasn’t it?” Devon says tauntingly to Bonnie as his three leading henchmen reach his side. “Just a bowl of monkeys, bastard.” Bonnie hisses back, Devon clicks his tongue menacingly as he approaches Bonnie who becomes increasingly edgy.

“Did you enjoy that run in with me over in Floyd? That was just dandy! I heard the death toll was in the hundreds? How does it feel knowing that if you had just stayed out of this quarrel all those people would still be going about their merry own business?” Devon says blaming Bonnie for the Floyd shoot out. “Those lives aren’t on my shoulders Devon; we both know you’re here because your ego hurts. One, you were outwitted by a client, and secondly outwitted by your cousin.” Bonnie says ever so seriously to Devon who scoffs then throws his hands up again and looks around the desolate town.

“Cousin, I think I’m the one who outwitted you on this one. I’ve got three Russian spies as my lead hitters, and eighty men ready to drop you and your little country made boy toy the minute one of you take a shot at me.” Devon says, the three Russian hitters behind him smile seductively right at me, there is no way that they can’t see me, they have to know I’m here somehow. But how?

“That’s the problem with you, Devon; you’re always to focuses on running at someone balls out. You never stand back and observe, you don’t make a plan.” Bonnie laughs, her voice is so free almost like every weight on her shoulders has been lifted. It’s a good sound to hear from her, she also doesn’t look angry anymore, part of me wants to rejoice at the sight but I know that Bonnie thinks she is going to die which is why she is as happy as she is right now. Her name will be remembered for a good cause this time, she will go down fighting and take Devon with her if she has to, which will clear the Parker name.

“What are you getting at, Bonners?” Devon asks again using that ridiculous pet name. “You’re a business man, Devon. Do you know why it’s a good investment to turn a massive portion of property into a small town and grow the town from the ground up?” Bonnie asks Devon who gives a confused head shake shrug combination. “Because, as you can see, there is only one road in town, there’s houses on each side of that road, which means every main pipe line runs directly through the center of town.” Bonnie explains, at this point even I am lost as to what Bonnie is going on about.

“What does that have to do with the here and now? It’s a little late in this game for a business offer.” Devon says to Bonnie who looks at the ground with a devious little smirk on her face, when she looks back up at Devon she has that same smirk on her face but it’s deepened and her eyes are cold, colder than an arctic white out blizzard in the middle of December.

“Here’s another question for you Devon? What happens when you

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