» Adventure » Space Pirates 2: Ryoko's Warning, Amber Riel [books for 6 year olds to read themselves txt] 📗

Book online «Space Pirates 2: Ryoko's Warning, Amber Riel [books for 6 year olds to read themselves txt] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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no.... But can't I go with one of you?"
Neither of them answered.
"What's she doing?" John asked Ben.
"Trying to get into the party."
"Can't I go with one of you big, strong bounty hunters?" Zelda asked, rubbing each of their arms.
"Um.... Um.... I can.... Try to get you in, miss," Romano replied, trying to think of what to say.
"We can't.... Um.... We can't really invite anyone.... Sorry, miss. We better go," Keaton answered.
"Yea," Romano agreed.
Keaton and Romano left.
Zelda took off the sunglasses. "Crap.... Now, how are we suppose to get into...." She looked at some Chinese fans and smiled. "I have another idea." She walked over to the fans and grabbed two.
"Now what's she doing?" John asked Ben.
"I don't know," Ben responded.
Zelda placed the fans into a bag. "Okay. Let's go."
They left the store.

The three pirates walked to another store, when they ran into Will, Leo, and Russel.
"I recognize your face," Will told Zelda. "You're one of the most wanted pirates in the universe.... Captain Zelda Samara Griffen."
"Yes.... Seeing that Leo's with you, you must be Prince Will," Zelda responded.
"That is correct."
Zelda looked at Russel. He was dressed like a bounty hunter but didn't recognize him at all. "Who's the other bounty hunter?"
"He's Russel." Will gestured to Leo. "Like his son, he's one of the best bounty hunters on the force."
"So...." Zelda turned her attention to Russel. "You're Leo's dad?"
"Yes," Russel answered.
"Leo, I thought your dad was dead."
"What?" Russel asked, mad.
"I wasn't talking to you, Rosie."
Russel was about ready to explode. "Why you...."
"RUSSEL!" Will shouted. "Well, it seems as if you like to give people nicknames.... Leo told me about that."
"Yes I do. Why?"
"What is my nickname?"
"Your nickname? Well, let's see I call your sister, Lava-girl, so I'll call you.... Tortch.... Like John the human tortch."
"I like it."
Zelda started to back away. "Well, we would love to stay and chat but we gotta go."
Zelda, Ben, and John left.
"Should we go after them, sir?"
"No.... We don't have time to worry about chasing pirates. Now, let's go to the castle. Magma's probably waiting for us."
They headed back to the castle. Larry's Gone

Gregory was searching around the town on Pluto. He was going crazy trying to look for Larry. He went door to door asking people if they seen or heard from the child, but the answers were all the same.... No. "LARRY!" he cried.
No answer.
He still didn't get an answer.
Larry still didn't answer.
The people who were walking around and going to the stores were talking, but Gregory couldn't hear them as if he were deaf. Then everything grew darker and he was standing in the only place with light. He was ashamed because he had promised his dad before his parents had died that he would take care of John and Larry. Well, John had ran away and became a pirate, which Gregory had learned four years ago. "I can't believe this," he said, blaming himself. "I'm suppose to watch him, but I failed. I've been looking for him for days and still haven't found him. I hope he's okay." He leaned against a wall of a store. He had to take a break.
Jason walked over to him. "HEY, MAN!" he shouted, smiling. He realized that Gregory was not in a good mood. "What's wrong, dude?" he asked. "And when I ask what's wrong I don't mean start crying like a chick."
"I can't find Larry. It's not like him to just run off without telling anyone and to make things worst he's been gone for days. I'm worried about him. He's the only brother I have who isn't a pirate. I want to keep it that way."
"Ok-ay," Jason said. Gregory was telling him, his problem and he didn't even care. That was what he didn't want to happen. He decided to lie. "Well, I would love to say and chat, but I promised my mom that I was going over there for dinner. Bye." He left. He was relieved to get away from Gregory before Gregory started causing a scene.

It was a couple of hours later, Saphire, Daniel, and Alaska showed up. "Hey, Gregory," Alaska said, in a sweet and caring voice which he loved hearing.
"Hey," Gregory said to them, by this time he was sitting on the ground, "have any of you guys seen Larry lately?"
"No," Alaska and Daniel answered.
"I haven't seen him since the day Zelda left," Saphire admitted.
"Oh." Gregory didn't catch what Saphire had said at first. "WAIT!" he exclaimed, jumping up. "Saphire, can you repeat what you just said?"
Saphire was confused. "I haven't seen him since the day Zelda left."
Of course, why didn't he think of that before? The thought of Zelda the worst pirate kidnapping his brother, ticked Gregory off. He was redhot with anger. Out of everything that Zelda did to make him mad, this had to be the worst thing on the list. "I should have known," he said, making a fist.
"Calm down, Gregory," Alaska said. "Saphire tells me that we have bigger problems to worry about." She didn't mean it the way it came out but she knew that the worst thing Zelda would do to Larry was try to get him to become a pirate.
"Calm down?" Gregory asked, ready to explode. "She's got my brother. Who knows what she's doing to him? Man."
"Look, you're just going to have to deal with the fact that Zelda's got your brother. Do it for me? At least until Will is locked up again. Please?"
"I'll do it for you."
Alaska smiled. "Good." She kissed his cheek.

Zelda's Plan

Olivia was in the captain's office on the White Rose. She was walking around the room, looking to see everything that Zelda had. She noticed an empty rum bottle on the floor. She shook her head. She picked up the bottle and threw it into the little trash can which was next to Zelda's desk. Zelda walked in with a bag of two dresses and another bag with two fans. Ben and John walked into the room as well. Ben and John each had a bag with an outfit.
"You're back," Olivia said, turning to face them. "What took so long?"
"Well," Zelda explained, walking over to the bed and setting the bags on top of it, "first I had to get a few things.... Then me and the guys came up with a plan.... By the way...." She pulled out a fan and a dress and handed them to Olivia. "These are for you."
"What are these for?"
"We're going to a party, but we can't go as ourselves."
"So we're going to crash the party?"
"That's the plan." Zelda picked up the fan whech she had choosen for herself. "I got fans to hide our faces and," she said, opening it, "they're pretty."
"OH YEA! We're going to be using the fans to flirt with Prince Will.... See when we get there, you'll be John's date, and I'll be Ben's date.... When we get inside, me and you will find Will, and start flirting with him.... Around that time, Ben and John will back away for a little bit.... Peter and Ryan will be outside being idiots, like all ways.... The bounty hunters will then tell Will, and he'll leave us.... After he's gone, Ben and John will come back and we'll leave.... Got it?"
"I think so."
"Okay. Good."
Olivia looked at the fans. She really didn't understand what Zelda had said. The plan wasn't the best plan, but Olivia was so confused that she couldn't argue with Zelda.
"Now," Zelda said, "I'm going to show you how to be flirty because I don't think you'd do it."
Zelda was using Ben as an example. She was going to show Olivia how to be flirty. "This is what you do." She showed Olivia different ways to use a fan. "Got it?"
"Ye-a," Olivia replied, really confused.
"Okay. Ben and John, I want you two to go and get ready," Zelda told them. "Olivia, you need to get ready. I'll get ready, but first, I need some rum."
Ben, John, and Zelda left the room.
"Okay. Zelda has lost her mind completely," Olivia told herself.

Zelda and Ben were on the deck, sharing a bottle of rum. They were watching the sunset on the horizion of the hot, boiling water. "Zelda," Ben spoke.
"Will you...."
Larry walked over to them. "Can I go with you guys?" he asked, cutting off Ben.
"I would say yes, but I don't think that'll be a good idea," Zelda answered.
"I think that Scott would want someone to help him with...." Zeldda couldn't finished the sentence. She had forgotten what she was going to say.
"With what?" Ben asked.
".... I don't know my mind just went blank."
"I'll just go and talk to Austin," Larry replied, kind of disappointed.
"Okay," Zelda responded, feeling bad for him as she watched him walk away.

Crashing the Party

Zelda, Olivia, John, and Ben were in a long line, waiting to go into the castle. Zelda and Olivia were wearing long dresses, which hid their boots. 
Zelda wore a red, spaghetti strap, glittlery dress. Her hair was placed up in a bun with some it hanging out like in a pointail and bangs.
Olivia wore a long, black short sleeve dress. Her hair was down like always.
John and Ben were both wearing black tuxedoes. Ben wore a black

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