» Adventure » The Arabian Nights Entertainments, Anonymous [summer beach reads .txt] 📗

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sudden, and then the genie appeared, who, without saluting them, came up to the merchant with his drawn scimitar, and taking him by the arm, says, Get thee up, that I may kill thee as thou didst kill my son. The merchant and the three old men being frightened, began to lament, and to fill the air with their cries.—Here Scheherazade, perceiving day, left off her story which did so much whet the sultan's curiosity, that he was absolutely resolved to hear the end of it, and put off the sultaness's execution till next day.

Nobody can express the grand vizier's joy, when he perceived that the sultan did not order him to kill Scheherazade; his family, the court, and all the people in general, were astonished at it.

The Fourth Night.

Towards the end of the following night, Dinarzade failed not to awake the sultaness. Mv dear sister, says she, if you be not asleep, pray tell me one of your fine stories. Then Scheherazade, with the sultan's permission, spoke as follows:

Sir, when the old man that led the bitch saw the genie lay hold of the merchant, and about to kill him without pity, he threw himself at the feet of the monster, and kissing them, says to him: Prince of genies, I most humbly request you to suspend your anger, and do me the favour to hear me. I will tell you the history of my life, and of the bitch you see; and if you think it more wonderful and surprising than the adventure of the merchant you are going to kill, I hope you will pardon the poor unfortunate man the third of his crime. The genie took some time to consult upon it, but answered at last, Well, then; I agree to it.


I shall begin then, says the old man; listen to me I pray you, with attention. This bitch you see is my cousin, nay, what is more, my wife: she was only twelve years of age when I married her, so that I may justly say, she ought as much to regard me as her father, as her kinsman and husband.

We lived together twenty years without any children, yet her barrenness did hot hinder my haying a great deal of complaisance and friendship for her. The desire of having children only made me to buy a slave, by whom I had a son, who was extremely promising. My wife being jealous, conceived a hatred both for mother and child, but concealed it so well, that I did not know it till it was too late.

Mean time my son grew up, and was ten years old, when I was obliged to undertake a journey: before I went, I recommended to my wife, of whom I had no mistrust, the slave and her son, and prayed her to take care of them during my absence, which was for a whole year. She made use of that time to satisfy her hatred: she applied herself to magic, and when she knew enough of that diabolical art to execute her horrible contrivance, the wretch carried my son to a desolate place, where, by her enchantments, she changed my son into a calf, and gave him to my farmer to fatten, pretending she had bought him. Her fury did not stop at this abominable action, but she likewise changed the slave into a cow, and gave her also to the farmer.

At my return, I asked for the mother and child: your slave, says she, is dead; and for your son, I know not what is become of him: I have not seen him these two months. I was troubled at the death of my slave; but my son having also disappeared, as she told me, I was in hopes he would return in a little time. However, eight months passed, and I heard nothing of him, When the festival of the great Bairam happened, to celebrate the same, I sent to my farmer for one of the fattest cows to sacrifice; and he sent me one accordingly. The cow which he brought me was my slave, the unfortunate mother of my son, I tied her, but as I was going to sacrifice her, she bellowed pitifully and I could perceive streams of tears run from her eyes. This seemed to me very extraordinary, and finding myself, in spite of all I could do, seized with pity, I could not find in my heart to give her the blow, but ordered my farmer to get me another.

My wife, who was present, was enraged at my compassion, and opposing herself to an order which disappointed her malice, she cries out, What do you do, husband? Sacrifice that cow, your farmer has not a finer, nor one fitter for that use. Out of complaisance to my wife, I came again to the cow, and combatting my pity, which suspended the sacrifice, was going to give her the fatal blow, when the victim redoubling her tears, and bellowing, disarmed me a second time. Then I put the mell into the farmer's hands, and bade him sacrifice her himself, for her tears and bellowing pierced my heart.

The farmer, less compassionate than I, sacrificed her; and when he flead her, found her nothing but bones, though to us she seemed very fat. Take her to yourself, says I to the farmer, I quit her to you; give her in alms, or which way you will; and if you have a very fat calf, bring me it in her stead. I did not inform myself what he did with the cow; but, soon after he took her away, he came with a very fat calf. Though I knew not that the calf was my son, yet I could not forbear being moved at the sight of him. On his part, as soon as he saw me, he made so great an effort to come to me, that he broke his cord, threw himself at my feet, with his head against the ground, as if he would excite my compassion, conjuring me not to be so cruel as to take his life, and did as much as was possible for him to do, to signify that he was my son.

I was more surprised and affected with this action than with the tears of the cow: I found a tender pity, which made me concern myself for him, or rather nature did its duty. Go, says I to the farmer, carry home that calf, take great care of him, and bring me another in his stead immediately.

As soon as my wife heard me say so, she immediately cried out, What do you do, husband? Take my advice, sacrifice no other calf but that. Wife, said I, I will not sacrifice him, I will spare him, and pray do not you oppose it. The wicked woman had no regard to my desire, she hated my son too much to consent that I should save him; I tied the poor creature, and taking up the fatal knife—Here Scheherazade stopped, because she perceived day-light.

Then Dinarzade said, Sister, I am enchanted with this story, which bespeaks my attention so agreeably. If the sultan will suffer me to live to-day, answers Scheherazade, what I have to tell you to-morrow will divert you abundantly more. Schahriar, curious to know what would become of the old man's son, who led the bitch, told the sultaness he would be very glad to hear the end of that story next night.

The Fifth Night.

When day began to draw near, Dinarzade put her sister's orders in execution very exactly, who, being awaked, prayed the sultan to allow her to give Dinarzade that satisfaction, which the prince, who took so much pleasure in the story himself, readily agreed to.

Sir, then, says Scheherazade, the first old man, who led the bitch, continuing his story to the genie, the two other old men, and the merchant, proceeded thus: I took the knife, says he, and was going to strike it into my son's throat, when, turning his eyes, bathed with tears, in a languishing manner towards me, he affected me so, that I had not strength to sacrifice him, but, let the knife fall, and told my wife positively that I would have another calf to sacrifice, and not that. She used all endeavours to make me change my resolution; but I continued firm, and pacified her a little, by promising that I would sacrifice him against the Bairam next year.

Next morning, my farmer desired to speak with me alone; and told me, I come, says he, to tell you a piece of news, for which, I hope, you will return me thanks. I have a daughter that has some skill in magic: Yesterday, as I carried back the calf which you would not sacrifice, I perceived she laughed when she saw him, and in a moment after fell a-weeping. I asked her why she acted two such contrary parts at one and the same time. Father, replies she, the calf you bring back is our landlord's son: I laughed for joy to see him still alive, and I wept at the remembrance of the former sacrifice that was made the other day of his mother, who was changed into a cow. These two metamorphoses were made by the enchantments of our master's wife, who hated the mother and son; and this is what my daughter told me, said the farmer, and I come to acquaint you with it.

At these words, the old man adds, I leave you to think, my lord genie, how much I was surprised: I went immediately to my farmer, to speak with his daughter myself. As soon as I came, I went forthwith to the stall where my son was; he could not answer my embraces, but received them in such a manner as fully satisfied me he was my son.

The farmer's daughter came: My good maid, says I, can you restore my son to his former shape? Yes, says she, I can, Ah! said I, if you can, I will make you mistress of my fortune. She replied to me, smiling, You are our master, and know very well what I owe to you, but cannot restore your son into his former shape, but on two conditions. The first is, that you give him me for my husband, and the second is, that you allow me to punish the person who changed him into a calf. For the first, said I, I agree to it with all my heart; nay, I promise you more, a considerable estate for yourself, independent of what I design for my son. In a word, you shall see how I will reward the great service I expect from you. As to what relates to my wife, I also agree to it: A person that has been capable of committing such a criminal action, deserves very well to be punished; I leave her to you; only I must pray you not to take her life. I am just going then, answers she, to treat her as she has treated my son. I agree to it, said I, provided you restore my son to me beforehand.

Then the maid took a vessel full of water, pronounced words over it that I did not understand, and addressing herself to the calf, O calf, says she, if thou wast created by the almighty and sovereign Master of the world, such as you appear at this time, continue in that form: but, if thou art a man, and changed into a calf by enchantment, return to thy natural shape by the permission of the Sovereign Creator. As she spoke these words, she threw water upon him, and in an instant he recovered his first shape.

My son, my dear son, cried I! immediately embracing him with such a transport of joy that I knew not what I was doing; it is Heaven that has sent us this young maid to take off the horrible charm by which you were enchanted, and to avenge the injury done to you and your mother. I doubt not but, in acknowledgment, you will take your deliverer to wife, as I

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