» Adventure » Dillon Hunt And The Desert Oasis Resort, Chad Stewart [hot novels to read .TXT] 📗

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she walked down the aisle Dillon looked up and gave her a quick smirk.

“What’s that for nerd?” she asked disdainfully.

“Nothing. Can’t I smile at my sister?”

Ah … no,” she replied as she moved passed him to join some of her friends who saved her a seat near the back of the bus.

“Wow. She’s rude isn’t she?” Sarah noted.

Dillon shrugged, not really caring too much about Claire’s attitude. “It’s just how she is. But now I know something that she doesn’t.”

“Oh ya. What’s that?”

“She doesn’t know that I know she’s dating Jeff Hogan,” he replied with a smile.

Sarah laughed and shook her head, always amused at the interplay that happens between Dillon and his siblings.

That night dinner was awesome! The roast chicken was perfectly done with the skin at just the right crispiness level! Dillon loved roast chicken. And those baked potatoes! Even the salad was good which was always a bonus, especially for someone who didn't like eating vegetables that much. There was even a rumour that Mom had made cheesecake!

Mom and Dad always provided for the family, but sometimes the food selection was limited due to finances. Special meals were always made to celebrate special occasions and today’s meal was definitely special, which made Dillon wonder what was up.

“So what’s the special occasion?” Dillon finally asked, as he went in for another helping of that delicious chicken.

“Nothing much,” replied Dad. “I just thought I would treat the family tonight.”

“Riiiiight … ” replied Jordan, Dillon’s older brother, in a skeptical tone.

Dad smiled back. “Oh … and I just wanted everyone to know that we just might be going on a family vacation this year after all.”

Dillon’s jaw dropped to the floor!

“How is that possible?” asked Claire.

“Well, it turns out that I won some tickets to Dust Valley Desert Oasis Resort—the same place Aunt Clarissa, Uncle Gerald, and their kids went a couple years ago—from filling out an on-line survey for a stats-gathering agency. I don’t remember doing the survey, but it was probably done a while ago. Everything's been verified so I know it’s not a scam,” Dad explained.

“That’s great! Jordan exclaimed. “Uncle Gerald said that the place was awesome for hiking, biking, canoeing, and all sorts of other outdoor activities.”

“Don’t forget about the girls,” Gwen said in a sly tone.

Jordan’s face turned red. “Oh, shut up!” he snapped back.

“Jordan! Don’t use that language!” Mom interjected.

Jordan slumped back in his chair, clearly not happy about his little sister’s observation while Claire and Gwen chuckled to themselves.

“So when are we planning to go?” asked Dillon. “Summer time is just around the corner.”

“Really!” Claire stated in a snotty tone. “We’re barely halfway through spring and you think Summer is ‘right around the corner,’” she ended as she made the air-quote sign with her fingers.

“What?” Dillon shrugged innocently. “To me that is ‘right around the corner,’” he air-quoted back. In truth, however, Dillon didn’t know how he was going to handle the wait. He was one of the worst ones in the family for having patience right before a big family trip. He knew he would have to find something to keep his mind off of it.

Dad just shook his head and snickered at his children’s banter. “Well,” he started, after Dillon and Claire had quieted, “the tickets are really specific in regard to the timing. Fortunately, my boss already gave me those days off in order for us to take the vacation,” Dad explained.

“And that day is … ?” Claire prodded.

“It just happens to be July sixth to the seventeenth.”

“That’s awesome!” Dillon exclaimed. “That’s right after Independence Day! So we get to enjoy that weekend with our friends and then we’re off for a wicked family vacation!”

Mom smiled at his exuberant display as she scooped a little bit more salad onto Gwen’s plate. Gwen frowned at Mom.

“Sorry guys, but I need to ask the obvious question. How are we going to afford the spending money?” Claire reasoned.

Mom and Dad shared knowing looks and grinned at one another.

“That’s the best part,” Dad said. “The resort is all-inclusive and the tickets come with a two thousand dollar voucher that can be used for any activities or merchandise on the property.”

“What!” Jordan yelled, not able to contain his excitement. “It sounds too good to be true.”

“Always the skeptic,” Mom said, as she gave Jordan that motherly look which reproved the kids from time to time.

“Well I think it’s awesome!” Gwen responded with a massive grin.

“It is awesome,” Dad replied. “And much needed for our family.”

With that, the Hunt family continued to chatter away about the prospects for fun and relaxation that this vacation was going to bring for their family.

Dillon’s mind was transported far away as he began to imagine the great adventures he was about to have at the Dust Valley Desert Oasis Resort. It was going to be a time to remember. More so than he even realized.

Dillon looked at the watch. He held it open in his hand. Everything around him was dark. The only thing he could see was the watch. It had a single hand attached to it which was spinning clockwise. It spun and spun and spun—faster and faster and faster. He began to get mesmerized by the spinning action when suddenly he was ripped from his daze by a loud hiss.

He whipped around and lurched backwards as a large snake head lunged toward him, fangs bared. He stumbled and threw his hands up as the thing came in.

Dillon opened his eyes, gasping for breath! He looked at the ceiling of his bedroom and saw the lights from the street dancing there that reflected through the prism that hung by his window.

He sat up, turned on the night light that was on his night stand, and grabbed the watch that sat there. He opened it up and noted that there still weren’t any hands attached to it.

“That was weird,” Dillon commented to himself as he closed up the watch and laid back down. The dream seemed so real to him. He had real-seeming dreams before, but for some reason he felt that this was different. He just didn’t know why.

He turned the light off, laid down again, and closed his eyes; hoping this time that he would have more pleasant dreams.

John Taylor Sebastian

Dillon flew down the track, dust being kicked up by the bikes in front of him. He drifted around the corner and noticed that he was catching up with the leaders. This was the last bike race of the year, and he promised himself that he would finish in the top three. Even though his parents couldn’t afford the nicer bikes that most of the others used, he was still able to keep pace with them through his shear determination and skill.

BMX racing had been a big part of his life for the last four years, and he loved it. He loved the adrenalin, the speed, and the air he was able to get when going over the jumps.

He could hear his Mom screaming for him to go as he soared through the air. He landed and pumped his legs furiously, desperately trying to overtake the biker who was in third position. They were so close together. Dillon could feel his legs burning with every thrust down on the pedals.

He and the other biker raced around the last corner leading to the home stretch. They could see the bikers who were in first and second place; they were only a few feet ahead of them and there were only two more jumps and a short straight until the end.

They came over the first jump and Dillon managed to land in third place and was within striking distance of second, maybe even first. He pumped harder and harder. They went up the last jump. Dillon could see the finish line. All four of them were

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