» Adventure » The Arabian Nights Entertainments, Anonymous [summer beach reads .txt] 📗

Book online «The Arabian Nights Entertainments, Anonymous [summer beach reads .txt] 📗». Author Anonymous

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hundred drams of silver which fell to his share, and became very well to pass; but a reverse of fortune brought him to beg his bread, which he did with a great deal of dexterity. He studied chiefly to get into great men's houses by means of their servants and officers, that he might have access to their masters, and obtain their charity. One day, as he passed by a magnificent house, whose high gate showed a very spacious court, where there was a multitude of servants, he went to one of them, and asked to whom that house belonged. Good man, replied the servant, whence do you come, that you ask such a question? Does not all that you see make you understand that it is the palace of a Bermecide? [Footnote: The Bermecides were, as has been mentioned, a noble family of persia, who settled at Bagdad.] My brother, who very well knew the liberality and generosity of the Bermecides, addressed himself to one of his porters, (for he had more than one,) and prayed him to give him an alms. Go in, said he; nobody hinders you, and address yourself to the master of the house; he will send you back satisfied.

My brother, who expected no such civility, thanked the porter, and with his permission entered the palace, which was so large, that it took him a considerable time to reach the Bermecide's apartment. At last he came to a fine square building, of excellent architecture, and entered by a porch, through which he saw one of the finest gardens, with gravel-walks of several colours, extremely pleasant to the eye. The lower apartments round this square were most of them open, and shut only with great curtains, to keep out the sun, which were opened again when the heat was over.

Such an agreeable place struck my brother with admiration, and might well have done so to a man far above his quality. He went on till he came into a hall richly furnished, and adorned with paintings of gold and azure foliage, where he saw a venerable man with a long white beard, sitting at the upper end of an alcove, whence he concluded him to be the master of the house; and in effect it was the Bermecide himself, who said to my brother, in a very civil manner, that he was welcome, and asked him what he wanted. My lord, answered my brother, in a begging tone, I am a poor man, who stand in need of the help of such rich and generous persons as yourself. He could not have addressed himself to a fitter person than this lord, who had a thousand good qualities.

The Bermecide seemed to be astonished at my brother's answer; and, putting both his hands to his stomach, as if he would rend his clothes for grief, Is it possible, cried he, that I am at Bagdad, and that such a man as you is so poor as you say? This is what must never be. My brother, fancying that he was going to give him some singular mark of his bounty, blessed him a thousand times, and wished him all sort of happiness. It shall not be said, replied the Bermecide, that I will abandon you, nor will I have you to leave me. Sir, replied my brother, I swear to you I have not swallowed one bit to-day! Is that true? replied the Bermecide; and are you fasting till now? Alas, for thee, poor man! he is ready to die for hunger. Ho, boy! cried he with a loud voice, bring a bason and water presently, that we may wash our hands. Though no boy appeared, that my brother saw, either with water or bason, the Bermecide fell a rubbing his hands, as if one had poured water upon them, and bid my brother come and wash with him. Schacabac judged by this that the Bermecide lord loved to be merry; and he himself understanding raillery, and knowing that the poor must be complaisant to the rich, if they would have any thing, came forward, and did as he did.

Come on, said the Bermecide, bring us something to eat, and do not let us stay for it. When he had said so, though nothing was brought, he cut as if something had been brought upon a plate; and, putting his hand to his mouth, began to chew, and said to my brother, Come, friend, eat as freely as if you were at home; come and eat: you said you were like to die of hunger; but you eat as if you had no stomach. Pardon me, my lord, said Schacabac, who perfectly imitated what he did, you see I lose no time, and that I do my part well enough. How like you this bread? said the Bermecide; do not you find it very good? O, my lord, said, my brother, who neither saw bread nor meat, I never ate any thing so white and so fine. Come, eat your bellyful, said the Bermecide; I assure you the baker-woman that bakes me this bread, cost me five hundred pieces of gold to purchase her.

The Bermecide, after having boasted so much of his bread, which my brother ate only in idea, cried, Boy, bring us another dish. Though no boy appeared, Come, my good friend, said he to my brother, taste this new dish, and tell me if ever you ate better mutton and barley broth than this. It is admirably good, replied my brother, and therefore you see I eat heartily. You oblige me mightily, replied the Bermecide: I conjure you, then, by the satisfaction I have to see you eat so heartily, that you eat all up, since you like it so well. A little while after he called for a goose and sweet sauce, vinegar, honey, dry raisins, grey peas, and dry figs, which were brought just in the same manner as the other was. The goose is very fat, said the Bermecide; eat only a leg and a wing; we must save our stomachs, for we have abundance of other dishes to come. He actually called for several other dishes, of which my brother, who was ready to die of hunger, pretended to eat; but what he boasted of more than all the rest, was a lamb fed with pistacho nuts, which he ordered to be brought up in the same manner that the rest were. Here is a dish, said the Bermecide, that you will see at nobody's table but my own; I would have you eat unsparingly of it. Having spoken thus, he stretched out his hand as if he had a piece of lamb in it, and putting it to my brother's mouth, There, said he, swallow that, and you will know whether I had not reason to boast of this dish. My brother thrust out his head, opened his mouth, and made as if he took the piece of lamb, and ate it with extreme pleasure. I knew you would like it, said the Bermecide. There is nothing in the world more fine, replied my brother; your lamb is a most delicious thing. Come, bring the ragoo presently; I fancy you will like that as well as the lamb. Well, how do you relish it? said the Bermecide. O! it is wonderful! replied Schacabac, for here we taste all at once, amber, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, pepper, and the most odoriferous herbs; and all these tastes are so well mixed, that one does not hinder us from perceiving the other: O how pleasant it is. Honour this ragoo, said the Bermecide, by eating heartily of it, Ho, boy! cried he; bring us a new ragoo. No, my lord, an't please you, replied my brother; for indeed I cannot eat any more.

Come, take it away then, said the Bermecide, and bring the fruit. He staid a moment, as it were, to give time for his servants to carry away; after which, he said to my brother, Taste these almonds; they are fresh and new gathered. Both of them made as if they had peeled the almonds, and ate them. After this, the Bermecide invited my brother to eat something else. Look you, said he, there are all sorts of fruits, cakes, dry sweatmeats, and conserves; take what you like. Then stretching out his hand as if he had reached my brother something, Look, said he, there is a lozenge very good for digestion. Schacabac made as if he ate it, and said, My lord, there is no want of musk here. These lozenges, said the Bermecide, are made in my own house, where there is nothing wanting to make every thing good. He still bade my brother eat, and said to him, Methinks you do not eat as if you had been so hungry as you said when you came in. My lord, replied Schacabac, whose jaws ached with moving and having nothing to eat, I am so full, that I cannot eat one bit more.

Well, then, my friend, replied the Bermecide, we must drink now, after we have eaten so well. You drink wine, my lord, replied my brother; but I will, if you please, drink none, because I am forbidden. You are too scrupulous, replied the Bermecide, do as I do. I will drink then out of complaisance, said Schacabac; for I see you will have nothing wanting to make your treat noble: but, since I am not accustomed to drink wine, I am afraid that I shall commit some error in point of breeding, contrary to the respect that is due to you, and therefore I pray you once more to excuse me from drinking any wine; I will be content with water. No, no, said the Bermecide, you shall drink wine; and at the same time he commanded some to be brought in the same manner as the meat and fruit had been brought before. He made as if he poured out wine, drank first himself, and then pouring out for my brother, presented him the glass: Drink my health, said he, and let me know if you think this wine good. My brother made as if he took the glass, and looked as if the colour was good, and put it to his nose to try if it had a good flavour; he then made a low bow to the Bermecide, to signify that he took the liberty to drink his health, making all the signs of a man who drinks with pleasure: My lord, said he, this is very excellent wine; but I think it is not strong enough. If you would have stronger, said the Bermecide, you need only speak, for I have several sorts in my cellar; try how you like this; upon which he made as if he poured out another glass to himself, and then to my brother; and did this so often, that Schacabac, feigning to be drunk with the wine, took up his hand, and gave the Bermecide such a box on the ear as made him fall down; he lifted up his hand to give him another blow; but the Bermecide, holding up his hand to ward it off, cried to him, What! are you mad? Then my brother, making as if he had come to himself again, said, My lord, you have been so good as to admit your slave into your house, and give him a great treat; you should have been satisfied in making me eat, and not have obliged me to drink wine; for I told you beforehand that it might occasion me to come short in my respect: I am very much troubled at it, and beg you a thousand pardons. He had scarcely finished these words, when the Bermecide, instead of being in a rage, fell a laughing with all his might. It is a long time, said he, since I wished a man of your character.

The Bermecide caressed Schacabac mightily, and told him, I not only forgive the blow you have given me, but am willing henceforward we should be friends; and that you take my house for your home: you have been so complaisant as to accommodate yourself to my humour, and have had the patience to bear the jest out to the last; we will now eat in good earnest. When he had finished these words, he clapped his hands, and commanded his servants, who then appeared, to cover the table; which was speedily done, and my brother was treated with all those viands in reality which he ate of before in fancy. At last they took them away, and brought wine; and at the same time a number of handsome slaves, richly apparelled, came in and sung some agreeable airs to their musical instruments. In a word, Schacabac had all the reason in the world to be satisfied with the Bermecide's civility and bounty; for

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