» Adventure » Pirates a League of Brothers, H, J, Macey [reading rainbow books TXT] 📗

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his hands, as he bit into one half, he handed the other half to Dorian. "I've never tasted fruit as tasty as you have Dorian, is it all from the Island you were on?" Lars asked when he had finished the mouthful he was consuming, then sitting beside Dorian he asked.


"I wonder how many knots we are doing, the wind has picked up hasn't it." It had indeed in the last hour or so. He had thought of shortening sail, but as the sea was still slight he had let the boat run. "Yes Lars, we are making good headway, thankfully we still have a full moon and a cloudless sky for full visibility. Unless the sea changes and get higher, we will let her run before the wind. The quicker we get somewhere the better, I'll get some rest".           



Chapter one old start Chapter one

this was the  old Chapter one the old start of the book


As Sera opened the front door a rush of hot air greeted her, "Strewth!" It was hotter in the house than it was outside at this time of day.  They could not afford to run the air-con at all now, as their savings had dwindled so low. Being only three in the afternoon, they would have to wait an hour, before opening all the windows and doors to cool the house down.  Every day at four o'clock at this time of year, the Freemantle Doctor would blow in from the Indian Ocean. To bring a cooling breeze, that would bring down the temperature of this old timber-and-asbestos dwelling.


They were in the oldest part of Armadale town, alongside the railway track. With their part-time jobs merger pay, this was the cheapest place they could find to rent.  They had to give up their shared house a year ago, in the affluent suburb of Mount Pleasant. That they had rented, together for almost two years. It had been a financial agreement, not a romantic one, which Sera had agreed to. When she had transferred from Adelaide when her firm purchased the Perth office.  Peter was already renting the house, with a male colleague that had moved on when the firm ownership was transferred to the new owners. Sera's arrival was advantages to Peter, as he offered her temporary accommodation until she could find her own.


She never did look for new accommodation as they got on so well both at work and on social occasions. Sera had kept them to their agreement of the house-sharing routine, except for that once, at the annual office party trip up the Swan River. They had visited all the wineries along the river, and they both had too much to drink, as a result, Sera had woken up in Peter’s bed. It had been an awkward moment for them both, especially as they both had no recollection of what happened. (Did they or did they not ?) was the question.  It never happens again, and they never talked about it.


What happened after the office party, convinced Sera to start looking for a place of her own, which is when their jobs folded and they had hardly any severance pay. Suddenly there was no income, but they were sure they would find work soon. The months went by; no matter how hard they tried, they could not find the work they had trained so hard to do. 


With the rent eating into their savings, after a year they had to come to the decision. That was to move to the outer suburb of Armadale, where they had found this much cheaper old rundown two bedrooms home.  That was only $75 a month each instead of their previous rental cost of $150 a month each; it was just affordable on Sera’s current salary.  The part-time job Sera had at Hungry Jacks Burgers in Armadale was only paying her a total of $25 for four hours a day, three days a week (Thursday Friday and Saturday).


Peter had also found a weekend job in a restaurant in the city for a total of $20 (Friday and Saturday only).  Sera could not stand it when the customers would feel her bottom when she served them on their tables. She was also repulsed at the suggestion to undo two buttons of her uniform shirt, to show more cleavage that would entice the clients to leave greater tips.  Both jobs, however, gave them some relief on their food bills. Although burgers were not Sera preferred diet, Peter did bring home a better variety of leftovers at the weekends.


Their expensive cars to run had to go, and now they had to use the free shopping buses. Which the Carousel shopping complex in Cannington, ran free from all over the Perth suburbs to the shopping centre. To catch one back, you had to show a valid till-recite to show you had purchased something that day. Sera and Peter would find them in waste bins, to go on into the city from there.



Sera herself had just returned from the city after yet another unsuccessful job interview,  she was again downhearted, with answering the same questions and getting the same, unhelpful response at the end of each interview. 



"We are really looking for a junior, I'm afraid you are far too qualified for this position."  This had been the excuse given, nearly every time they had gone for a job. Since the law firm Peter and she worked for, had to cut costs by reducing the current workforce. It followed some discrepancy at the main head office. There had been no real explanation of the incident, or why they had to go it was just a case of last in first out, and Sera was the last to arrive at the Perth office.


That had been almost two years ago, now no one seemed to want a twenty-five female graduate lawyer, and Peter's job as a legal document analyst seemed already oversubscribed in most law firms. Now she was very weary; hot and sweaty, and in need of a shower to cool her body, and to rid her of this unpleasant, sticky feeling she had. She went into the bathroom, and under the temperate water, that cascaded from the showerhead, that the November sun had heated in the underground pipes.


She emerged with a towel around her, carrying her smart business suit, after hanging the white blouse shirt, and her smalls she had washed out by hand.  Now in a light cotton dress, she went out onto the patio, to sit in the shade of the banana trees, which Peter had already sat under. He was just in shorts, looking at a magazine. That she was not at all happy about when Sera saw what it was.


"Peter how could you; we are squirming and striving to make ends meet, and you buy a three dollar sex magazine, so you can look at naked girls!" She said looking daggers at him, as she got into the shade.


"Didn't buy it found it in the trash can when I was looking for a shopping recite, its two months old. It's not all pictures Sera," Peter said a little hurt; at her thinking, he would waste money. Though he was glad to have found it, it gave him a little escapism for a little while.



"There's a job advertised in here Sera, sounds quite good, listen? Independently wealthy businessmen require live-in chauffeur valet, and personal secretary must be prepared to travel extensively. Knowledge of legal papers would be an advantage, but not necessary as in-house training will be given." Peter finished and looked up at Sera, who was all too ready to put the dampers on it.


"Ha you've got to be kidding, and mental to apply to that. It's in a sex magazine Peter, what's he going to train you to do." She said defiantly, fanning herself with an old magazine. She had looked at, time and time again. Then she closed her eyes, waiting for the doctor to come.


Peter was studying the advert again and looking at the final entry date. It had to be in by this Monday, he still had the time he thought. Nothing ventured, nothing gained his old dad used to say, travel accommodation, money in his pocket what had he to lose.  He did not have to take the job, he would apply for him and Sera just to see. They wanted a recent un-edited photo, with the application form. Un-edited did that mean a frank photo; he had one of Sera naked sunbathing.


She did not know he had it, she had been sleeping at the time. He had taken it one weekend when they still lived in luxury at Mount Pleasant.  He had been off fishing with a friend and had returned earlier than expected. She had been in the pool, naked and had fallen asleep on the floating chair. He just could not help himself when he saw her; he just had to take that photo.


He took a photo of himself with his Polaroid camera, and then fill out the form adding both their names then sealed the envelope. It was Friday so he would drop it off on his way to the restaurant tonight, at the mailing address in Adelaide Terrace.  Sera did not have to know about it unless they were offered the job, then she could decide for herself.


Sera wondered if Peter was feeling alright when he appeared dressed in his waiters uniform. It was only four fifteen and he was ready to leave for the city, he normally left at five to start work at six.  Sera had given him the till receipt, she had used today that would save him time getting the bus, from the Carousel to the city.


He had not been this keen to leave before, she normally had to remind him it was time to change. She too just worked the six to ten busy shift, she would be hurrying home when the drunken crowd came out of the pubs at closing time.


 worked the six to ten busy shift, she would be hurrying home when the drunken crowd came out of the pubs at closing time.

Chapter 2

Dorian sat in his office on the twenty-fifth floor, of the Gray International Institute building, on Adelaide Terrace, in the heart of Perth City Western Australia. Dictating his speech, for the up and coming United Nations meeting. When he and his secretary looked up at the door, as it burst open, to see Lars rushed into the

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