» Adventure » How I Found Livingstone, Henry M. Stanley [best fantasy books to read txt] 📗

Book online «How I Found Livingstone, Henry M. Stanley [best fantasy books to read txt] 📗». Author Henry M. Stanley

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Soor Hadji Palloo,

Soud, the Arab,

–-, son of Sayd bin Majid,

–-, bin Sayd, his attack on Wilyankura; his death,

Speke, Capt., his “Faithfuls”; treatment of “Bombay” by;

error of, as to altitude of Tanganika,

Stanley, Mr., start from Bombay; landing at Zanzibar; hospitable

reception by Capt. Webb; impressions of the city;

organization of the Expedition; visit to the Sultan; departure

from Zanzibar; landing at Bagamoyo; troublesome experiences;

visit to the “Livingstone caravan”; preparations for departure

into the interior, difficulties with employes; chase after a

thief, despatch of four caravans; departure of the fifth caravan,

led by himself; members composing it and outfit; the start,

first camp; Shamba Gonera; crossing the Kingani; hippopotami

shooting; Kikoka village; halt at Rosako; “Omar” watchdog,

missing; formidable number of insects, the tsetse-fly; game

hunting; difficulty of penetrating an African jungle; camp at

Kingaru; the grey Arab horse, and offence given by its interment;

interview with the king of Kingaru; loss of the re maiming horse

from cancer; desertion and sickness; appearance of Maganga’s

caravan march to Imbiki; reach Msuwa, perils of the jungle,

astonishment of the chief; chained slave-gang; halt at

Kisemo; belle of; narrow escape of Khamisi; flogged for

desertion; reach Mussoudi; beautiful prospect; cross the

Ungerengeri start for Mikeseh; Ulagalla and Muhalleh;

overtake Maganga’s caravan; meet with Selim bin Rashid,

news of Livingstone; pass town of Simbamwenni; its

fortifications; curiosity of the inhabitants; two

days’ halt and overhaul of the luggage, attack of ague;

visit of ambassadors of the Sultana of Simbamwenni;

wretched encampment on the Ungerengeri; difficulty of

crossing the river; Makata Valley; loss of Bombay’s

equipage,; difficulties of the Makata Valley; escape

and capture of Kingaru; emerge from the swamp Makata,

attack of dysentery, halt at Reheneko; ascent of the

Usagara Mountains; Mukondokwa Valley and River; Kiora;

camp at, illness of Farquhar; ford of the Mukondokwa

River; Madete, Lake of Ugombe; departure from Ugombo;

camp at Matamombo, death of of the dog “Omar”; Sheikh

Thani in clover at Mpwapwa, a good breakfast and

dinner, Farquhar left to be nursed; twelve pagazis

engaged, abundance of earwigs and white ants; Chunyo,

badness of the water; Marenga Mkali waterless district;

attack of fever; Ugogo; frantic conduct of the population;

West Mvumi; the Sultan’s exorbitant demand of honda;

Matamburu, reasonableness of the Sultan of; Bihiwana;

attack of intermittent fever; Kididimo, bleak aspect

and bad water; Nyambwa, demonstrativeness of the people;

Mizanza; benefit from quinine; visit from the Sultan;

Little Mukondoku; Mukondoku Proper; commotion and

cowardice; uproar in the camp; debate as to route;

threatened mutiny; Munieka; Mabunguru Nullah;

Unyambogi; Kiti, Msalalo; Ngaraiso, Kirurumo,

greeting from the villagers; interview with Sultan

bin Mahommed; halt at Kusuri, and Mgongo Tembo;

Nghwhalah Mtoni, abundance of sweet, water;

Madedita, tsete-fly troublesome; reach Unyamwezi

territory at Eastern Tura, cultivated region;

Nondo, Speke’s runaway; Central Tura, attempted night

robbery, a thief shot dead; pass Western Tura; Kwala

Mtoni, mud-fish; illness of the tailor, Abdul Kader,

he wishes to give up his post; Rubuga, desolation of,

since Burton’s visit; meeting with Amer bin Sultan,

Kigwa, wasted condition of; Shiza, pastoral aspect of,

visit from the Sultan; rejoicings in camp on reaching

Unyanyembe territory; life in Unyanyembe; breakfast and

gossip with Sayd bin Salim; Kazeh, a myth; leave Kwikuru;

in comfortable quarters; visit from the Tabora Arab magnates;

Tabora, chief Arab settlement in central Africa; attend a

council of war, feast at the close of the council; return

to Kwihara; the Livingstone caravan’s halt of 100 days;

attack of fever; preparations for the march; warlike

demonstration; Eastern Mfuto, illness of Shaw,

personnel of the army; Umanda, medicine daubing;

war harangue; Zimbizo, attack on the village; fate

of Soud bin Sayd and his Arabs; retreat and stormy

councils of war; further retreat of the Arabs to Tabora,

serious position of the Expedition; intelligence

of Livingstone; news of death of Farquhar; illness

of Shaw, attack of Mirambo on Tabora; Khamis bin

Abdullah, &c., slain; preparations for Mirambo’s threatened

attack on Kwihara; visit to Sheikh bin Nassib; retreat

of Mirambo, determination to lead a flying caravan

to Ujiji; apathy of Shaw, visit to Thani bin Abdullah,

arrival of letters; death of Baruti, evil reports by

the Arabs; present of a boy-slave; defeat of Mirambo at

Mfuto; nursing experiences: farewell feast at Unyanyembe;

march to Ujiji commenced by southern route; list of “braves”

of the Expedition; Bombay’s tender passion; the start;

Shaw shows the white feather; Kinyamwezi village, attack

of fever; arrest of runaways, threat of slave-chain;

Inesuka, further desertions, punishment, withdrawal of

Abdul Kader, the tailor; sickness in camp, adverse

appearances; Kasegara, rejoicings at; Kigandu, Shaw’s

by-play; his withdrawal; beauty of Unyamwezi forest

scenery; Ugunda; Benta; Kikuru, the mukunguru or fever;

camp at Ziwani; gigantic sycamore; Manyara, cultivated

region; difficulty of buying provisions; visit of Mtemi;

his astonishment at the author’s medicine-chest; Gombe

River, its beautiful neighbourhood; narrow escape from a

crocodile, suspicious-looking natives; a peaceful camp-scene;

symptoms of revolt at starting onwards; murderous aspect of

Asmani and Mabruki; the march-resumed; sketch of the principal

men of the Expedition; Ziwani (pool), waterless condition of;

Tongoni, abundance of honey-birds; Marefu, rumours of war in

our front; march through a forest abounding with peach-trees;

Utende village; Mwaru, supposed report of Livingstone, Mrera’s

district, wild elephants; Selim falls ill, start from Mrera

north-westward; confidence restored in the camp, remarkable

anthills; camp in the jungle; embassy from Simba; Uzavira,

ruined neighbourhood of; Misonghi; Mpokwa River, deserted

village near; Mtambu stream, its beauty; attack by a leopard;

shot at a wild boar; proximity of lions; Itaga village,

beginning of troubles, shortness of provisions, “Welled

Nzogera’s” village, abundant supplies; crossing a marsh;

reach the Malagarazi; heavy exaction of the chief Kiala;

island of Ihata, fresh demands for ferriage; donkey seized

by crocodile; Uvinza, news of Livingstone, departure from

the Malagarazi; country of Uhha; halt at Kawanga; halt on

the Pombwe stream, interview with Mionvu; exorbitant demand

of honga; cross the Kanengi River; more claims of honga;

departure by stealth; Kanengi River; cross the Rusugi;

Lake Musunya, Rugufu River, Kabogo Mountain, singular

phenomenon of; Sunuzzi River; enter Ukaranga; beauty

of the landscape; Mkute River, Niamtaga, alarm of the

people; first view of the Tanganika, Port of Ujiji in

view; salute announcing the approach of the caravan; meeting

with Susi, the servant of Dr. Livingstone; excitement of

the inhabitants; appearance of the Doctor; the introduction;

conversation; the over-due letter-bag, 365 days from Zanzibar;

budget of news; intercourse with Livingstone; suggestions

as to his future course; start with Livingstone for cruise

on the Tanganika; pass Bangwe Island; wooded hills of Bemba;

camp at Niasanga; Nyabigma Island; Mukungu; loss of valuables

from Bombay’s intoxication; hostile demonstrations of the Bikari

people; bivouac on the shore disturbed by natives; round

Cape Sentakeyi, and sleep at Mugeyo; Magala, hospitality of

the people, visit of the Mutware of; rumours of wars;

Kisiku, native report as to the Rusizi River; Mugere, delta

of the; visit Mukamba, attacked by fever and experience

Livingstone’s tenderness; Susi’s drunken fit; Mugihewa

territory on the delta of the Rusizi; visit of the chief

Ruhinga, his geographical information; exploration

of the Rusizi debouchure: Kukubma Point, enchanting scenery

near; halt at Bemba, superstition of the Wajiji; `New York

Herald Islets,’ so named by Livingstone; Cape Luvumba

hostile aspect of the Wasansi, return to Ujiji, domestic

and foreign news; at home with Livingstone; preparations

for march to Unyanyembe; attack of fever; Christmas-day

at Ujiji; the departure; meet with Mohammed bin Gharib;

Sirgunga, beautiful aspect of; sport at Urimba; homeward bound;

an elephant herd; Ukawendi, luxuriance of its vegetation;

painful march to Imrera; a giraffe shot; severe attack of

fever, the Doctor’s prescription; the caravan attacked by

bees; Mrera, meeting with caravan sent by Sayd bin Habid,

exchange of news, encounter a lion; Ugunda, the deserter

Hamdallah retaken; receipt of letters and newspapers;

welcome to Unyanyembe; stores found tampered with;

a second Christmas celebration, four years’ stores of

supplies turned over to the Doctor, commission to enlist

at Zanzibar fifty freemen as his carriers; farewell dance

of natives; choragic adieu of the Wanyamwezi; last night

with Livingstone; the last walk in his company, the farewell;

a letter from the Doctor; Ngaraiso, hostility of the Wakimbu,

enter Ugogo; warlike demonstrations, march of warriors

arrayed for the fight; Khonze, its gigantic tree-foliage;

determined mode of dealing with the chief successfull;

Kanyenyi, cordial reception by the Msagira of; Mapanga,

hostile demonstration; asked to act as rain-maker; Kulabi,

suffer from a “peppo”; Marenga Mkali; Mpwapwa, death of

Farquhar; Mukondokwa valley, experience of the Masika;

Makata plain, battling with the floods; Mvumi village,

fighting with mosquitoes; the Doctor’s despatches in danger;

a perilous ford; ten days’ camp at Rehenneko, difficulties

of the march to the Makata River; arrive at Simbo, cross the

Unkerengere, and reach Simbamwenni, its desolated aspect;

Ulagalla, extraordinary devastation by flood; Msuwa, horrors

of its jungle; Kingaru Hera, news of the Zanzibar storm;

Rosako, welcome consignment from the American Consul;

ill-natured criticisms, information as to the “Livingstone

Search and Relief Expedition”; Ringweare’s ferry, a watery waste,

four miles broad; welcome to Bagamoyo; meeting with Lieut. Henn;

introduction to Mr. Oswell Livingstone; the march ended;

welcome at Zanzibar, the American Consul and Rev. C. New;

congratulation of Lieut. Dawson; discussion as to his resignation;

visit from Dr. Kirk and Bishop Tozer, change in the author’s

appearance on his return; preparations for Mr. O. Livingstone’s

Expedition, his resignation, selection of an Arab leader,

farewell to old travelling companions; departure from

Zanzibar in the `Africa’; reach Seychelles, a month’s delay

at Mahe, agreeable intercourse; reach England via Aden and


Sultan bin Mohammed,

Sultan of Zanzibar, Mr. Stanley’s interview with,

Sunuzzi stream,

Susi, Dr. Livingstone’s servant,

Swaruru, Sultan,

Sycamore, gigantic,



Tagamoyo, massacre of the Wamanyuema by,

Tanganika Lake, first visit to; cruise on, with Dr. Livingstone,

Tarya Topan, integrity of

Thani bin Abdullah, ,

Tongoni, deserted clearing,

Tozer, Bp., his residence at Zanzibar; his congratulations at

the author’s success,

Trade, mode of conducting, in Africa,

Tsetse fly,

Tura, Eastern; Central, ;

Western or Tura Perro;


Udoe, cones of,

“Uganga,” or charm,

Ugombo, Lake; Peak, Plain,

Ugunda village,

Uhha, king of,

Ujiji, port of,

Ukaranga territory, its beautiful aspect,

Ukawendi country, scenery of,

Ulagalla district,

Ulimengo, absconding slave,

Unamapokera, friendliness of,

Ungerengeri River; Valley,

Urundi Mountains,

Unyamwezi forest scenery, beauty of; territory,


Urimba, camp at,

Usagara Mountains,

Utende village,

Uwelasia River,

Uyanzi, Magunda Mkali; or “Hot Field,”

Uyoweh, Mirambo of,

Uzavira, village in,


Waganga, or medicine men; filthy war-potion, concocted by,

Wagogo tribe, villages of,

Wagtails regarded as birds of good omen,

Waguhha tribe,

Wagunda tribe,

Wahumba tribe,

Wajiji tribe,

Wakimbu of Tura, rascality of,

––- tribe; villages of,


Wamanyuema, fondness of, for marketing,

Wangwana village,

––- tribe, gormandizing of the,

Wanyamwezi tribe, their superstitious aversion to antelope meat,

War, council of, at Tabora,

Warfare, tame mode of conducting,


Wasawahili tribe,

Wasansi tribe,

Waseguhha tribe,

Washenshi tribe,

Wasungu tribe,

Wavinza tribe, greed of

Wavira tribe,

Webb, Capt. F. R., U.S. Consul, his hospitality and courtesy,

–-, Mr. of Newstead Abbey, river named after him,

–-, Mrs.,

Wagogo, cool impudence of the,

Wilderness, African, more favourable to the traveller than

the populated country,

Wild-boar shooting,

Wilyankuru, attack on,

Wire, high valve of, in the interior,


Zanzibar city view of, from the bay, harbor

“Charley’s” lodging house, ; character of the street

and population, trade, “M’nazi Moya”; house of Bishop

Tozer, mart of the interior, mode of commerce unchanged

for ages; population; filth and unhealthiness of;

inertness induced by climate of; Palace of the Sultan,

–— Island; its aspect from the sea,

Zassi River and village,


Zimbizo, attack on the village,

Zimmerman on the benefit of an unencumbered mind,

Ziwo, or pond,

Ziwani (pool),

Zogga, palm toddy,


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