» Adventure » Power Watcher, Abbie Davis [win 10 ebook reader .txt] 📗

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busy with workers, Doctors, and nurses. They were running around like they had no idea what was going on.

“What is with all of them?”I asked through my headset.

“Does it looked like we know,”Josh said looking into a camera,”But you did say that we should be able to go up to the people right?”

“What do you think,”I sassed as he rolled his eyes at me.

They walked into the third floor where people were. In the cage like rooms as in Hawaii were people. They all were doing something special as others watched them. Lucius looked at Kate and had a moment of him wanting to go to her. Josh nudge him to continue on as I looked at the door.

Key pads were what they were using. I looked at a camera that all of a sudden popped up and clicked it. You see I have to follow them so as they go up a level I get access to the other cameras. I looked at it as the people I wanted showed up. I saw mom and Dad taking things apart and then making them into new things.

“Mom, Dad,”I said as Josh looked at them.

“We’ll get them back Meggy,”He said as his dad was coming his way.

“Drace you dad is coming your way,”I said as he straightened up looking at him.

“You must be Mr. Red and his partner Mr. Death,”Mr. Killings said,”It is an honor to meet you both.”

“Now before we go on from here how about you tell me the operation you do here,”Josh said as I smiled.

“He’s good,”Jace said looking at it,”I even believe that he is not a kid.”

“My magic of a profile,”I said pulling them up,”If they forget something I can feed it to them but if Lucius let’s Josh do all the talking we should be fine.”

“Of course,”Mr. Killings said looking around,”Here we take the people with the most special or weirdest gifts and put them all together to better understand them. We then think of what to tell the world about them. Like how the power works and if it is a danger to us.”

“Like my sister,”Lucius whisper as I saw Mr. Killings look at him.

“Lucius I said to watch what you say,”I said as Mr. Killing ask him about what he had said,”Tell him that you had a sister that was gifted and she killed herself for people didn’t believe that she could help them out.”

He did as I told him and thank God that it had worked. Mr. Killings went on about how the people here had powers that no one would ever have. Then he showed them my parents.

“These two are not like them,”He said as my dad glared at him,”They want to keep these people from us. They say that they should stay in hiding. That we can’t figure out their powers when they tell the world about the government’s secrets.”

“These are people not experiments,”Dad snapped at him,”They shouldn’t be here and are not apart of things like that.”

“You mean like your Daughter Megan,”Mr. Killings said,”That girl took my son away from me. She poisoned his mind with things and when they went around the world for a blog they shared I never got to see him.”

“Then why aren’t you feeling something about his death,”Dad said looking him in the eye,”When he died and word got to you all you did was push it off like it was nothing.”

“For you learn that sometimes you have to feel nothing for the people who helped you,”He said turning back to a now upset looking Josh,”I want to know by tomorrow if you two will like to work with us or not.”

With that he walked out of there leaving Josh and Lucius. I saw Kate pull something down and looked at my parents. She looked at Lucius with a knowing look.

“You almost blew it for them,”She said as he turned red,”Way to go.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about,”Lucius said looking at her.

“He didn’t even care,”Josh said as my mom went to the glass.

“Here,”She said handing something to him,”We record his reaction to it than ours. Josh take care of Megan for us.”

“Be good baby girl,”Dad said looking in the camera.

Josh nodded and they walked out of there. I shut it down as they walked back outside. I can’t believe his dad did that. I was thinking about killing myself when he died. I looked at Jace as Josh ran in and threw the first thing he saw.

Lucky for me it was a pillow and not Mathew. He looked around as he gets worked up when his dad gets involved.

“He didn’t even care,”He said as I took the disk thingy,”What kind of parent is he?”

“Not the one you can live with,”I said putting it in my computer.

“I know,”He said as this happens more than you might think,”I died and he doesn’t care but to get to you. What am I some toy to him.”

“Hey let’s watch my parents fit,”I said as he looked at me,”On the disk.”

He nodded and took a seat next to me. I pushed play as the big screen showed his dad looking at them. Did they record the whole thing?

“You daughter is smarter than I had thought she was,”He said as Josh’s aunt ran in,”But maybe stupid for taking Josh with her.”

“Nathan,”His aunt said,”They said they found Josh’s body under the bridge. I think he killed himself.”

“Why would he?”Mr. Killings said.

“The people around there said that they saw him drag Megan’s body out of the car and then killed himself,”She said almost in tears,”Why would he do that?”

“I don’t know,”He said looking at my parents,”But right now we need to get to the place and fast. Megan will most likely be on our tracks soon enough.”

With that he left as the aunt left in tears. Wow that hurt more than he could have thought. The camera turned to face my parents as I just noticed Kate was filming it.

“This thing is harder to turn around then they show it to be,”Her voice said.

It showed my mom crying as my dad looked hurt by it. I was right. I saw that my mom was holding a picture of me and Josh close to her heart as she cried to my dad.

“He killed himself for her,”She said as I wanted to cry.

“I think there is something bigger in play,”Dad said looking at her,”We know Josh wouldn’t do that for any reason. But he is gone I guess.”

I shut it off as seeing them cry wanted to make me cry. I turned to Josh and curled up to him. He wrapped his arms around me as this was hard for the two of us.

“Wow who has it worst over there?”Lucius said as we both cried.

“I have no idea,”Jace said as they laughed at us,”But you two must be really close to one another.”

I looked at them as I had to email Mr. Killings to tell him they want the job with a plus two. I put my name in as Miley Fulford and Jace’s as Kevin Feroben. I waited as he sent me the okay to it. I looked at Josh as he looked like he was getting better again.

I rubbed his back as he checked my leg out. I was going in the wheelchair if it was still like it was five days ago. If not I would be walking with help near me. He smiled at me as he gave me the you can walk nodded. I squealed as Jace and Lucius rolled their eyes at me. I petted ChinChilla as he was on my lap. I love him so much for my parents made him for me. I looked at Josh as he knew he was my family now. 

Chapter 10

 I looked around as I was the only one that wore something different. I wore a red shirt that looked like blood, a leather jacket, black skinny jeans, combat boots with spikes on the toes, spiked gloves, and my hair was down today. I had my glasses on as they were the regular.

Jace was in a silver color shirt, blue jeans, silver tennis shoes, and a yellow jacket. Lucius was almost the total opposite of that. He wore black everything. A shirt that was untuck, black jeans, a leather jacket like me, and tennis shoes.

Josh wore something simple. A white t-shirt, blue jeans, white tennis shoes, and no jacket like the rest of us. I was pleased with the outfits we had chosen for this task. It took us about thirty minutes to make it just right this morning.

“Well if it isn’t the team,”Mr. Killings said happily,”Welcome to the group.”

“Yeah, Yeah,”I said as he looked at me,”Just tell us what you want us to do and let us go from there.”

“Sorry about her,”Josh said placing his hands on my shoulder,”Miley here can be a little mean at some points.”

“Well he is acting like we don’t want to work but to stall,”I said looking at him,”Plus he is in a business suit. Who wears that to meet people you want to do the dirty work for ya.”

“Well let me take you up to the third level to let you get started then,”He said looking at me,”And you have a good point there Miley.”

“I sure do,”I sassed as I know Jace and Lucius want to laugh at me,”So let’s get going.”

He lead us up to the levels as I smirked at Josh. He gave me a chuckle as we know the fake profiles really good. We told Jace and Lucius to stay near and if something happens, to let Mathew talk them through what to say.

He took us past my parents as they went wide eyed as I passed by them. Kate went wide eyed as Jace and Lucius did.

“I was going to have you work with the people we keep under survation 24/7,”Mr. Killings said,”Since your reputation says that you are good with any kind of person.”

“Then let’s get started already,”I said as he took me while three other people took the other three,”Who am I doing?”

“I was thinking about the big bad one for you but no that’s not you,”He said as he stopped in front of one,”So these two are yours Ms. Fulford.”

He pushed me into my parents as they turned the cameras off for us. I had made that a part for many reasons. I faced them as they looked at me and almost cried at the site of me.

“What are you doing here,”Mom whispered as I looked around.

“Give you three chances to get it right,”I said facing them,”But remember I am suppose to be making you act right and all.”

“You shouldn’t have came for us,”Dad said hugging me,”So why are you really here beside to get us back.”

“Kate and that is mainly it,”I said taking pictures,”Plus this isn’t right.”

“Don’t blog about the…”Mom said as I gave her an insane look.

“I know not to go that far,”I said looking at them again,”I was going to say something about how they are using humans for testing to see if they can create their own super heroes.”

They rolled their eyes as I got the notice to act the part. I nodded at them as we began the scene we all knew was not happening. Mr.

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