» Adventure » The 4 Elements, Mistflower the Warrior Cat [popular books of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «The 4 Elements, Mistflower the Warrior Cat [popular books of all time .txt] 📗». Author Mistflower the Warrior Cat

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bigger as she lifted her hand. I smiled and continued to walk towards the river. My favourite part. Making a shape or masterpiece with water. I closed my eyes and reached out my arms. I slowly lifted my arms. The water responded and levitated. A little fountain rose. I opened my eyes and looked at the fountain. It wasn't surprising. I had done it before in the village. I spread my arms apart and the water divided into two parts. It was like a Y shaped tree. I started moving my arms and hands different directions. The water tree became a beautiful masterpiece.

“How do you do that?” Liz watched in amazement.

“Practice and concentration.” I replied.

“It's hard when your element is almost completely invisible.” Liz added, looking back.

“Air is a big part of the earth.” I said, trying to cheer her up.

“Not as important as water.”

“Look, human can survive without food or earth for a couple of months,” I explained, “human can survive without water for a couple of days. And air, only a couple of seconds.” She laughed and turned around.

“Now, let's try turning into our elements.” she suggested. I took a step into water and melted into water. It was calm and peaceful. Liz jumped into the air and disappeared. “Hey, lets try duet elements.” she exclaimed. I agreed and turned into solid form. Liz picked me up with a swift since she was still air, and I just let myself relax. We turned into a storm cloud. It made sense. Clouds were part of air for some reason and also water. We turned back to solid form and giggled. “Hey! We make a pretty good team!” she pointed out. I nodded and we walked back to the others.

“Do you know what's up with Natalie?” I asked. Liz just kept walking, as if she didn't hear anything. “She seems to be keeping something away from us.” I continued. Suddenly, Liz stopped walking. She turned around and stared at me.

“Why are you asking me?” she questioned.

“You seem to be the only person in contact with her.”

“I am a slave for her.” she admitted. A tear streamed down her face.

“You're no one's slave Liz, you're my friend.” I said, “And friends help each other in need.” She smiled and wiped her tear.


We kept on walking till we finally reached the camp. “Hi guys!” greeted Flame.

“Hi, do you know where's Nat?” I asked.

“Nope. She disappeared saying something about hiding.” she explained.

“Strange...” I said to myself. “Gather your weapons. Demons are approaching.”

“Why?” asked Liz.

“Whenever Natalie disappears, demons approach.” I pointed at the horizon. A dark blanket covered the sky. It was now full of purple. I got my sword and stood in ready position. “Anytime now girls, anytime...”


Suddenly, a huge swarm of like, a hundred or so demons, attacked us. “Whoa! Watch out!” shouted Flame. I stabbed a demon that was approaching me.

“There's so many of them!” exclaimed Liz.

“Keep fighting!” I shouted back. We dodged, blocked, stabbed, sliced until it was like, fifteen minutes later.

“Girls,” struggled Liz, “if we don't make it out alive, I'm just glad we're together as a team and that Natalie can continue the journey.”

“Look Liz, we either concentrate and win this game or we give up.” cried Flame across the chaos. I just kept concentrating like Flame told me to. One slash after another. The demons never stopped coming. I looked back and saw something in the shadows. A figure... It was looking at me in despair. I turned and continued fighting.

“Where in the world is Natalie?!” cried Liz. She took her copper gold bow and swung it in a demon's face. It cried and died off in a puff of smoke. From behind her, I could see another demon approaching her, trying to get a bite.

“Liz!” I warned, “Watch out! Behind you!” She looked behind and stabbed it just in time. If she were bitten, her whole life would turn evil. Flame just kept jumping, then stabbing, the dodging, then jumping. It went on forever. Suddenly, I heard a scream.

“Help!” cried Liz. Two demons grabbed her arm and disappeared into a vortex.

“No!” I shouted. I ran towards the vortex. It slowly got smaller, and smaller. I ran faster, and faster. All of the other demons disappeared. Finally, the vortex was gone. I was left, sitting on a rock. “No.” I whispered.


I couldn't have happened. It must be a dream. Liz, my best friend, gone... I sat at the rock for several hours trying to figure this out. Natalie approached me with a sigh. “She's gone...” she sighed.

“Because of you.” I grunted.

“Guys!” shouted Flame, rubbing her arm which had a cut on it, “Let's focus on saving Liz!”

“She's gone!” pointed out Natalie, “The demons took her to somewhere we can't go!”

“Correction, where mortals can't go.” I corrected. They took her to the Underworld. What would they want from her? Turning her evil? Forcing her to lead them to the Diamond of Truth? This was going to be a long journey...

“That's right, we have access to the Underworld, but we don't know how to get there.” agreed Flame.

“So what can?” questioned Natalie.

“A phoenix...” I muttered. They stared at me. I looked up, and saw Lavender perching on a tree. I gave him a smile.

“She's our way out of here?!” gasped Natalie.

“He” pointed out Flame. I nodded and reached out my arm. Lavender saw and came flew towards me.

“She can't even fly!” shouted Natalie.

“HE!” pointed out Flame, again.

“Whatever.” said Natalie. I looked at Lavender...

“You can do this boy.” I said. With that, Lavender jumped up and started flapping his wings. He was actually flying! He started flying towards the East. The wind sign started glowing on my compass. “Don't worry Liz, we'll get you back.” I whispered

Chapter 16: Saving Liz

We walked, and walked, but Lavender just wouldn't stop flying. “This is stupid.” whined Natalie, “We're following a bird that doesn't know where we're going!”

“Phoenix are mysterious creatures. They can lead us to the Underworld.” explained Flame.

“Also known as the Dark World.” I pointed out with a grin. We swam across rivers, climbed the great mountains, and ran through thick forests. By the time we were at the snowy heights, we were too tired. The phoenix flew to a stop.

“Why did we stop?” asked Flame.

“We're here.” I said. There, we were on top of a volcano. But not just any volcano. The lava was blue.

“The Sacred Volcano!” cried Flame.

“Now what?” groaned Natalie. I looked at the lava. It was a beautiful shade of blue, glowing silently. I took a step and thought. Suddenly, I took a deep breath and jumped into the lava.

“Jane!” screamed Flame. It was too late. As soon as I jumped into the lava, everything went black. Was I dead? I opened my eyes to find myself in somewhere dark. I made it to the Underworld.


I got up, a bit dizzy. I got my sword and started walking. Shi Fu taught me the way of the ninja, kung fu and inner peace. I sneaked into the big gates. I had to be careful and not be spotted. Suddenly, a demon started charging towards me. He shouted at me but I reacted fast. I jumped up and sliced him before the others noticed. He turned into a dust of black smoke. I kept on walking. After a few minutes, I found Liz. She was locked up, tied up, hanging above a blob of green liquid. It was just plain disgusting. I climbed to the top and thought. How was I gonna get her down? Suddenly, a brilliant idea came. I waved to her, but she didn't see me. I had to do this the way we did when we practised. I grabbed a ninja star that was lying around.

“Aim...” I whispered. I threw the ninja star and Liz started falling. I jumped off the ledge and turned into water. I grabbed her and she turned into air. We became a cloud.

“Thanks!” she said. Demons started charging towards us.

“We'll discuss this after.” I suggested. We travelled together and then we realized. Once you're in, there's no way out.

“Where did you come from?” she asked.

“A vortex volcano thing.” I explained. Liz started meditating and saying some words. Suddenly, a blue swirl of nothing appeared. We jumped in and ended in the other side.

Flame and Natalie were shocked. We came back alive.

“We thought you were dead!” sighed Natalie.

“Thank goodness you're okay!” cheered Flame. Flame and Natalie went to hug Liz. But they left me. I had a feeling I didn't belong.

Chapter 17: Ditching Friends

That night, I left my friends. They never needed me in the first place. I grabbed the compass and everything I needed. I felt a tug, I looked down and saw Lavender.

“Take me with you...” he whispered, more like mind read. I looked at him sadly.

“Protect Liz, I will always remember you.” I said. We hugged good bye and he promised to keep it a secret. I never wanted to see them again. They never wanted me. Why was I chosen in the first place? I started walking back the way we came. I was going home. I'd see Carl and my friends. My parents, Shi Fu, tell them they didn't want me, and live happily ever after.

“Jane, why did you leave your friends? They depend on you... The Diamond of Truth needs 4 chosen ones to work... Not 3, but 4...” whispered the voice. The voice wasn't going to stop me again. I kept on walking. Tears streamed down as I walked further. Why was I doing this? Was there a point? I couldn't remember. I got to the beach we fought the demons. I felt dizzy and collapsed down. I started dreaming.


All my friends, were on my shoulder. They were stacked on top of me. Then, I left. The whole tower fell down and everyone died. I tried to look back but I became weaker and weaker.

“Why?” screamed Flame.

“Why?” cried Liz. They all disappeared. I woke up in a bed. I looked everywhere. I was in some sort of tree house. An old lady approached me.

“Oh! You woke up!” she sighed with relief.

“Where am I?” I asked, still dizzy.

“Oh, the question is, where are you going? Walking 100 miles in one night can be pretty tough. You've been asleep for a week!” she exclaimed.

“A week?! Wait, who are you exactly?”

“The wisest fortune teller of course! Or you can say, Linda's great grandmother!”

“Linda? You mean, Liz?!”

“Who else?”


“Now tell me what made you leave your precious friends my dear.”

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