» Adventure » The Arabian Nights Entertainments, Anonymous [summer beach reads .txt] 📗

Book online «The Arabian Nights Entertainments, Anonymous [summer beach reads .txt] 📗». Author Anonymous

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Cascheasch, said Maimoune; I caused you to come hither to determine a difference between me and that cursed Danhasch there. Look on that bed, and tell me, without partiality, which is the handsomest of those two who lie there asleep, the young man or the young lady.

Cascheasch looked on the prince and princess with great attention, admiration, and surprise; and after he had considered them a good while, without being able to determine which was the handsomest, he turned to Maimoune, and said, Madam, I must needs confess I should deceive you, and betray myself, if I pretended to say one was a whit handsomer than the other: the more I examine them, the more it seems to me each possesses, in a sovereign degree, the beauty which is betwixt them; and if one has not the least defect, how can the other have any advantage? But if either has any thing amiss, it will be better discovered when they are awake, than now they are asleep. Let them then be awaked one after another; and that person who shall express most love for the other by ardour, eagerness, and passion, shall be deemed to have least beauty.

This proposal of Cascheasch's pleased equally both Maimoune and Danhasch. Maimoune then changed herself into a flea, and leaped on the prince's neck, where she stung him so smartly, that he awoke, and put up his hand to the place; but Maimoune skipped away as soon as she had done, and resumed her pristine form; which, like those of the two genii, was invisible, the better to observe what he would do.

In drawing back his hand, the prince chanced to let it fall on that of the princess of China. He opened his eyes, and was exceedingly surprised to find a lady lying by him; nay, a lady of the greatest beauty. He raised his head, and leaned on his elbow, the better to consider her. Her blooming youth, and incomparable beauty, fired him in a moment; of which flame he had never yet been sensible, and from which he had even hitherto guarded himself with the greatest application.

Love seized on his heart in the most lively manner, insomuch that he could not help crying out, What beauty is this! what charms! O my heart! O my soul! In saying which, he kissed her forehead, both her cheeks, and her mouth, with so little caution, that she had certainly been awaked by it, had not she slept sounder than usual through the enchantment of Danhasch.

How, my pretty lady! said the prince, do you not awake at these testimonies of love given you by prince Camaralzaman? Whosoever you are, I would have you to know he is not unworthy of your affection. He was going to awake her at that instant, but refrained himself all of a sudden. Is not this she, said he, whom the sultan my father would have had me marry? He was in the wrong not to let me see her sooner. Had he done so, I should not have offended him by my disobedience, nor would he have had occasion to use me as he has done.

The prince began to repent sincerely of the fault he had committed, and was once more upon the point of awaking the princess of China. It may be, said he within himself, the sultan my father has a mind to surprise me, and has sent this young lady to try if I had really that aversion to marriage which I pretended. Who knows but, having thus laid her in my way, he is hid behind the hangings, to take an opportunity to appear, and make me ashamed of my dissimulation? This second crime would be yet much greater than the first. Upon the whole matter, I will content myself with this ring, which will at any time create in me a remembrance of this dear lady.

He then gently drew off a fine ring the princess had on her finger, and immediately put on one of his own in its place. After this he turned his back, and was not long before he fell into a profounder sleep than before, through the enchantment of the genii.

As soon as prince Camaralzaman was sound asleep, Danhasch transformed himself into a flea likewise in his turn, and went and bit the princess so rudely on the lower lip, that she forthwith awoke, started, clapped herself upon her breech, and opening her eyes, was not a little surprised to see a man lying by her. From surprise she proceeded to admiration, and from admiration to real joy, which she conceived at finding him so beautiful and young.

What! cried she, is it you the king my father has designed me for a husband? I am, indeed, most unfortunate at not knowing it before, for then I should not have put my lord and father in a rage, nor been so long deprived of a husband, whom I cannot forbear loving with all my heart. Wake, then, wake, my dear love, proceeded she; for it does not sure become a man that is married, to sleep so soundly the first night of his nuptials.

So saying, she took prince Camaralzaman by the arm, and shook him so violently, as had been enough to have awaked the profoundest sleeper, had not Maimoune at that instant increased his sleep, and augmented his enchantment. She renewed this shaking several times, and finding it did not awake him, she cried out, What is come to thee, my dear! What jealous rival, envying thy happiness and mine, has had recourse to magic, to throw thee into this profound and insurmountable drowsiness; from whence I think thou wilt never recover? Then she snatched his hand, and kissing it eagerly, perceived he had a ring upon his finger which greatly resembled her's, and which she found to be her own. As soon as she saw that she had another on her finger instead of it, she could not comprehend how this exchange could be made; but yet she did not doubt but it was a certain token of their marriage. At length, being tired with her fruitless endeavours to awake the prince, yet well assured that he could not escape her when he awoke, she said, Since I find it is not in my power to awake thee, I will not trouble myself any further about it, but bid thee good night, and then compose myself to rest. At these words, after having given him a hearty kiss on the cheeks and lips, she turned her back, and went again to sleep.

When Maimoune saw that she could speak without fear of awaking the princess, she cried to Danhasch, Ah, cursed genius! dost thou not now see what thy contest is come to? Art thou not now convinced how much thy princess is inferior to my prince in charms? At this she turned to Cascheasch; and having thanked him for his trouble, bid him, in conjunction with Danhasch, take the princess, and convey her back again to her bed, from whence he had taken her. Danhasch and Cascheasch did as they were commanded, and Maimoune retired to her well.

Prince Caraaralzaman, waking next morning, looked to see if the lady was by him whom he had seen the night before. When he found she was gone, he cried out, I thought indeed that this was a trick the king my father designed to play me! I am much obliged to him for the favour, yet have fairly escaped his trap. Then he awaked the slave, and bid him come and dress him, who accordingly brought him a basin of water; and washing himself, and saying his prayers, he took a book, and began to read.

After those ordinary exercises, he called the slave, and said to him, Come hither, and be careful that you do not tell me a lie. How came the lady hither who lay with me tonight, and who brought her?

My lord, answered the slave with great astonishment, I know not what lady your highness speaks of. I speak, said the prince, of her who came hither, and lay with me tonight, or rather who was brought for that purpose. My lord, replied the slave, I know of no such lady; and if there was any such, how should she come in without my knowledge, since I lay at the door?

Are you in the contrivance, then, villain? replied the prince, Slave, you lie! for there was a lady here. In saying these words, he gave him a box on the ear, pushed him along upon the ground, and then stamped upon him for some time; till at length, taking the well-rope, and tying it under his arms, he plunged him several times into the water. I will drown thee, wretch! cried he, if thou dost not speedily tell me who the lady was, and who introduced her'!

The slave, half dead, said within himself, Doubtless, my lord the prince must have lost his senses through grief, and I shall not know how to escape being murdered, if I do not tell him a lie. My lord, then cried he, in an humble and supplicant tone, I beseech your highness to spare my life, and I will tell you how the matter is.

Then the prince drew the slave up, and pressed him to begin. As soon as he was out of the well, My lord, said he, trembling, your highness may perceive it is not proper for me to relate any thing to you in this condition: I beg you to give me leave to go and change my clothes, and I will satisfy you all I am able. Do it, then, quickly, said the prince; and be sure you conceal nothing; for if you do, you must expect the worst of usage.

The slave, being at liberty, went out; and having locked the door upon the prince, ran to the palace in the pickle he was in. The king was at that time in discourse with his prime vizier, to whom he had just related the agonies he had undergone that night on account of his son's disobedience.

The wise minister endeavoured to comfort his master, by telling him that he did not doubt but the prince would soon be reduced to obedience. Sir, said he, your majesty need not repent of having used your son after this rate; I dare promise it will contribute towards reclaiming him. Have but patience to let him continue a while in prison, and no doubt the heat of youth will abate, and he will submit entirely to your pleasure.

The grand vizier had just made an end of speaking when the slave came in, and cast himself at king Schahzaman's feet. My lord, said he, I am very sorry to be the messenger of ill news to your majesty, which I know must create your fresh affliction. My lord the prince is distracted; he fancies a fine lady has lain with him all night, and has used me thus ill for questioning it. Then he proceeded to tell all the particulars of what prince Camaralzaman had said to him.

The king, who did not expect to hear any thing of this kind, said to the prime minister. Now you see how much you are mistaken in the remedy of a prison! This is very different from what hopes you give me just now. Run immediately, and see what is the matter, and come and give me a speedy account.

The grand vizier obeyed; and going into the prince's chamber, found him sitting on his bed in good temper, and with a book in his hand, which he was reading.

After mutual salutations, the vizier sat down by him, and said, My lord, I would willingly have a slave of yours punished, who has come to fright the king your father with news that has put him under great disturbance.

What news is that, replied the prince, which could give my father so great uneasiness? I have much greater cause to complain of that slave.

My lord, answered the vizier, God forbid that the news should be true which he has told your father concerning you, and which indeed myself find to be false, by the good temper I observe you in, and which I pray God to continue! It may be, replied the prince, he did not make himself well understood; but since you are come, who ought to know something of the matter, give me leave to ask you who that lady was that lay with me last night?

The grand vizier was almost struck dumb at this demand; however, he recovered himself, and said, My lord, be not surprised at the confusion I was under upon your question. Is it possible, think you, my lord, that any lady, or any other

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