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p>"Lost your captain and both mates! How in the name of Fortune did that happen?""Well, sir, you see it was this way," was the reply. "When we'd been out about a week--we're from Liverpool, bound to Sydney, New South Wales, with a general cargo and two hundred emigrants--ninety-seven days out--when we'd been out about a week, or thereabouts--I ain't certain to a day or two, but it's all wrote down in the log--Cap'n Somers were found dead in his bunk by the steward

"Steer, Dom," exclaimed Otto, with a look of surprise; "how can you talk of steering at all, without oar or helm?""I must make one of the floor-planks do for both," returned Dominick. "I say," continued the boy, "I'm horribly hungry. Mayn't I have just a bite or two more?" "Stay, I'm thinking," replied the other. "Think fast then, please, for the wolf inside of me is howling." The result of Dominick's thinking was that he

g, and the two mates having their hands full in driving forward the work of finishing the lading, so that the hatches might be on and things in some sort of order before the crew should be needed to make sail.The decks everywhere were littered with the stuff put aboard from the lighter that left the brig just before I reached her, and the huddle and confusion showed that the transfer must have been made in a tearing hurry. Many of the boxes gave no hint of what was inside of them; but a good

the go-horse was in position, and thus steadied it admirably with this hint taken direct from the workmanship of the Great Carpenter.There came a day when the horse was finished and the last coat of paint had dried smooth and hard. That evening, when Nebby came running to meet Zacchy, he was aware of his Grandfather's voice in the dusk, shouting:--"Whoa, Mare! Whoa, Mare!" followed immediately by the cracking of a whip. Nebby shrilled out a call, and raced on, mad with excitement,

topped more than once, and, loitering along, it was dark when they neared their destination.As they would have drawn up to the wharf there was a sudden flash of light--gone in a moment--followed by a dark body that swished by them like a flash. Frank uttered an exclamation of astonishment. "See that?" he demanded. "Yes. What could it have been?" "You've got me, but it's heading toward the open sea. Great Scott! Maybe it's an enemy." "An enemy?" "Yes;

an air of good-humoured sang froid which was peculiar to him, Foster said--"Captain, don't you think I've had these bits of rope-yarn on my wrists long enough? I'm not used, you see, to walking the deck without the use of my hands; and a heavy lurch, as like as not, would send me slap into the lee scuppers--sailor though I be. Besides, I won't jump overboard without leave, you may rely upon that. Neither will I attempt, single-handed, to fight your whole crew, so you needn't be

es that they have something like a quarter of a million dollars buried in tin cans among the brush over there now--""It is their form of stocking," put in Charlie Webster. "Precisely. Well, as I was saying, those old fellows would bury their hoards in some cave or other, and then go off--and get hanged. Their ghosts perhaps came back. The darkies have lots of ghost-tales about them. But their money is still here, lots of it, you bet your life." "Do they ever make

e temper and disposition of your child may be affected by the nourishment it receives, I think it more likely to be injured by the milk of a married woman who will desert her own child for the sake of gain. The misfortune which has happened to this young woman is not always a proof of a bad heart, but of strong attachment, and the overweening confidence of simplicity.""You are correct, Doctor," replied Mr Easy, "and her head proves that she is a modest young woman, with

on. Theshuffling of feet, the rattling of chains, the harsh voices of theguard, made it impossible to distinguish any words passing between thetwo. I could only watch them, quickly assured that I had likewiseattracted the girl's attention, and that her gaze occasionally soughtmine. Then the guards came to me, and, with my limbs freed of fetters,I was passed down the steep ladder into the semi-darkness betweendecks, where we were to be confined. The haunting memory of her faceaccompanied me

that Christmas morning, the road which skirts the seashore from St. Peter's Port to the Vale was clothed in white. From midnight till the break of day the snow had been falling. Towards nine o'clock, a little after the rising of the wintry sun, as it was too early yet for the Church of England folks to go to St. Sampson's, or for the Wesleyans to repair to Eldad Chapel, the road was almost deserted. Throughout that portion of the highway which separates the first from the second tower, only