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Make all fear the power
you have in your moves
show up anyone who down on you,
Show them haters they aint nothing on your soul
keep your heart till the end of day's and your style.

by John Dylan Boone BABY

Follow my will for it shall guide you
you shall see what I know many gifts
given to the children of god
believers will know that they are safe
they have seen the truth and the fate
If all love and give promise to god
all will see the gates of Jerusalem
for there the streets are made of gold
and the gates made of pearl.

by John Dylan Boone BABY

Feel the heat drop
it on the floor let loose,
Get hyped with the heart thumping
feel the music take over your moves
don't stop your stride
rock it till the night
hit me up we can go out any time
hit that club get another dance
so much fun in the life of mine
for i never left the spunk of my life
we kept our friend never
left them now look at
us party like we family.

by John Dylan Boone BABY

Hearts are for love
touch mine tonight and love me
show me the way you feel
and then lets love for the rest of our days.
Best Girl
by John Dylan Boone BABY

Woke up in my bed felt your touch
such power you fill me with,
Sometimes its crazy with love
never taught you be mine ,
Babe you is the best
such beauty you have,

Crazy things all in my mind
you drive me crazy
but it doesn't matter
cause you is the best,

Every second with you is like heaven,
Babe be mine forever
stay here in this bed
and make me the happiest man.

The Soul
by John Dylan Boone BABY

Your soul is like a deepen pool of hate,
Such sorrow you allow
in this bottomless swamp
I truly pity your heart
for you hold so many lies there,

why do you hold this?
doesn't it pain you
I am often worry for your sake,
The sadness you have is a part of me,

Please disembark the lies
for all it brings is the regret
let the memories fly away
feel the greatness of being happy
for you deserve more than most.

My Heart For Your Grace
by John Dylan Boone BABY

Everyday is a struggle
With you it is better,
thanks for being here
thanks for being true
I love knowing your there

you my father my one true god
the only one I should give my worship
the only god in my eyes the one and true
I heart you with all my might

for you are true in all your words
never would you hurt my mind
such power you can behold
I love my father the one true lord

fill me with the power of your finest angel
lord be my heart be my light
for any darkness I commit
shall be undone with your grace.

Power in the Lord
by John Dylan Boone BABY

Amen I must say for
the lord has came
Jesus our brother
with us once more
in our hearts lies the
ghost of all our temples
such love the lord lets us know
the bible his word for our way
for the lord truly loves us so
in our hearts lies the ghost of all life
spirits In the air flowing
through our bodies
never felt so warm till
I knew the lord was their
never shall I fall off my light for the
lord holds my hand
Merry Merry I must say always
pray for the lord does hear.

Wonderful love
by John Dylan Boone BABY

All the hearts I have met
have been so grand,
so much love to meet out there,
so many wonders a heart can have,

felt like I was alone
till the night we connected
when you appeared it was so clear
all I was doing was so wrong

you change the man I was
made all the wrongs go away
saved my weary soul
made it so easy to go

made all my feeling
fly high to the sky,
Made my day with
the first kissed we shared.

So Ashamed
by John Dylan Boone BABY

I apologize for the shame I have caused you
sorry for all the friendships I have ruined
sorry for the insecurities I left for you to have
sorry for every time I broke your heart
sorry for breaking all boundaries you had

I wish I never caused you such pain
wish I could have been a better man and a loving friend
sorry for every pain you endured for me
sorry for everything I have caused

never met to use you the way I have
and for what it amounts to
I would sell my soul just to bring a smile
to you feel so much like waste
and never met to be the
hateful lying man I was

so many changes I have made
for you and if you shall ever
feel the forgiveness in your soul
maybe round two is the right way.

Love is Hate
by John Dylan Boone BABY

Such loneliness you have given me
I'm taking my time in healing
but the wound will not close
you have broken all my souls rights to exist,
broken the path I have walked.

The pain I have can never be erase
no matter how long I lie here.

This is not helping
all the life I had ever held
has been stripped away
from the joyful soul I once had.

Such hate you have allowed me to own
I must say thanks for I
now know the truth of your breed
I now know what kind of soul you have within
You are a demon sent to me from the devil himself
to ruin the feelings I have ever had.

by John Dylan Boone BABY

Broke all means of living
really jacked the life I called mine
call me so many things
you were my friend
but now your my foe
cant stand any word that
comes out your mouth

I don’t want to run away
but i have to say good bye
I will never regret the faith
I have taken by running away from here

I was always there for you
till you changed your mind
and stabbed me in my chest
took my last breath and now
I am stuck in the ground with
the maggots were your heart
should be for that is the kind of
soul you have obtained and the
only place fit for a beast of your
caliber so as i say goodbye
never rise up to me again.

True Love Kiss
by John Dylan Boone BABY

Such love I hold for your soul,
Every part of me wants you
never want you to go for now
I am hooked got your heart in
my sight my one true love and
the last that ever shall exist for
I have lost all sanity when that
first kiss touched my lips felt
the butterflies take over my
soul wanting to soar in the sky
for that was the one true first loved kiss
and the final page of my single life book
for now I hold you
and the next life has begun
cause it can never end
for you are so amazing.

by John Dylan Boone BABY

All this blood surrounding my path
ate the heart of my bloodline took
all loved ones out sent them to hell
killed my favorite friend took
all reason i ever had to live,
Death is so much like meth
taking out all the young
making all of us suffer
eating at our lifeline
Ending all hope we ever had,
making us rot in the soil
returning to whence we came
to never return losing all sense
of faith death is a truly hateful fate.

by John Dylan Boone BABY

The messages i have in my head it doesn't feel real
So many lies i have committed so many hearts i have torn
What is it that creates such desperation?
Always using those i always needed
pushing all souls i have ever known
don't become a foul like this soul
never tried for the wonders
always kept my head in a bucket of sand.
Didn't try to show myself only knew how it felt
to sit all alone on the park ground
yelling making all other friends run afraid
look at me as if i was insane.

Gods Message
by John Dylan Boone BABY

Here I stand against all odds
in this small hell I have created,
The lord holding his hand over
my weary soul showing me
the path which to follow,

Out of the sorrow I follow
come from we’re I was
blinded now I see once lost
laying in this dirty grove the
lord picks my soul up and cleans
the pain from my aching body,

For my soul was lying in a frozen
wasteland were all life was
erased For this is not my way
or the all mighty lord and he
shows me my wrongs and turns
me to the right area,

The lord came upon my soul
and washes it in the holy blood
of the one true lamb and in doing
so all sin I have ever admitted
was erased into the abyss of all sin,

For with only the grace and the praise
of the lord was I ever to return to my
life my heart so much he has done
and saves me made my sins go away
so many miracles gained for his hand,

Was always here for the lord is
the true and only real positive force out
there and all my heart lies in the lord
and the only reason i move everyday
is for him,

truly all wrong can be undone with the force of
prayer stay true to the moments
you own never fail the way you shall lead
For the lord is here and always
blessing those in need of the great lord advice.

Make a Stand
by John Dylan Boone BABY

Everyday these fights remaining
no one seeing the true point
no one hearing the gunshots killing
all the bombs being thrown upon our home,
Why do we allow shame to claim us?

why do we allow rage to make our place?
I watch so many kids eat paper and garbage to live
what kind of demon have we became to allow such a Wrong?
weep not for us men in war feel for our kids
let us skip a day and feed those in need

let us give our plates for one in need
let us live for one another
lets feed a body we never met
give up your greed for a need
warm a heart who only knows the cold
stand above all and make the stand no one can.

by John Dylan Boone BABY

The devil lays in his cell
Waiting for his day to come
the day he is set upon the earth
his day to wreak havoc
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