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Genre Art. Page - 15

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This is merely a sample. The chart positions refer to the UK charts. The full 368-page book is available to order online on the likes of Amazon; ISBN 9780955575655

The crazy comic strip adventures of Acorn and his friends; cartoons I've been drawing for a while now. I will be working more on this, with Rootrot's help.

"Pendant le travail, par la fenêtre, je voyais des écureuils qui sautaient de branche en branche"... Vision bucolique pour Veronika Loubry, qui était toutefois un peu plus tendue que pour la naissance de sa fille, il y a six ans. "Si je pouvais, je revivrais cet accouchement mille fois, car je sais que ce sera le dernier," a confié la jeune maman.

There will be more images and updates. If there are some anime that you would want me to add please leave a comment or give me message.

Focus on each Energy Word Circle and attract that energy into your life

Foaie verde maghiran, of, Mă muncesc, puică, de-un an, Să fac pelinul zahar, Şi pelinu-i tot amar, Amar, puică, amar, dragă, Amărâta-i viaţa-ntreagă. Pelin beau, pelin mănânc, Noaptea pe pelin mă culc, Dimineaţa când mă scol, Cu pelin pe ochi mă spăl, Mă spăl să mă răcoresc, Şi mai rău mă amărăsc, măi. ..........................

Tips on how to overcome a porn addiction and what happens when you are addicted to porn and what you can do to overcome it.Then just stop viewing porn with online tools or by pure force of will but doing so by pure force of will can be hard when trying to overcome your online or offline porn addiction.

just some random art pieces of mine so ya. enjoy. please leave me some feedback. yes I drew all of theses. thanks for reading this blurb. I couldn't figure out how to put my pictures right side up. so all of them are upside down...sorry...

This is merely a sample. The rest of the book can be ordered online from the likes of Amazon: ISBN 9780955575662

Hey, so i have to write blurb so this is just a little this with all the charcters from My new book "Tell Me When You Stopped Caring" love you guys!