» Bibles » 5000 Praises to GOD from Bible, JACOB GEORGE [warren buffett book recommendations txt] 📗

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who blots out your transgressions. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 43.25

2350 He will keep us as an apple of his eye. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 17.8

2351 Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 17:14

2352 High priest of good things to come. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 9 11

2353 I [am] the first, and I [am] the last. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:6

2354 If I go up to heavens, you are there. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 139.7

2355 Jehovah-Rapha - The God who Heals. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 15:26

2356 Jehovah-Shalom - The LORD of Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg. 6:24

2357 Jesus Christ lives within believers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal 2:20

2358 Light of the Glory of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee IICor4 46.Jn 17 5

2359 Lord is with me like a mighty warrior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 20.11

2360 LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 26.4

2361 Lord was with Joseph and he prospered. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 39.2

2362 LORD, thou wilt ordain peace for us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 26.12

2363 New Beginning, He (GOD) makes all things new. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:5

2364 The head of the body, the church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:18, 24

2365 The LORD hath called me from the womb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 49.1

2366 The LORD rules over the deep waters. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:10

2367 The LORD your God has blessed you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 12:5-7

2368 The Lord, King of Israel, is with you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3.15

2369 The north and the south thou hast created them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2370 The Secret of the Lord. Ps. 25 14. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg. 13 18

2371 The whole earth is full of his glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6.3

2372 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119:105

2373 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pr. 3.5

2374 We have access into the grace of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 5:2

2375 Who trust in the Lord will prosper. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 28.25

2376 Worship the LORD in the holy mount. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 27.13

2377 YHVH Nissi - The LORD My Banner. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 17 15

2378 You make an agreement with all of us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25:14

2379 Your righteousness will go before us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 58.8

2380 Adam, The Last or The Second Adam. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor. 15 45

2381 Advocate (Mediator and High Priest). -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 2:1

2382 But my God shall supply all your need. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ph 4:19

2383 Creator of the New Heavens and Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 66 22

2384 Elohay Selichot - God of Forgiveness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh. 9 17

2385 Elohay YIsh.i - God of My Salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 46

2386 First that should rise from the dead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 26:23

2387 God says my salvation shall not tarry. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 46.13

2388 Great and awesome name; Holy is He (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 99:3

2389 He destroys the children of the wicked. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 37:28

2390 He hath made the earth by his power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 10:12

2391 He listened to her and opened her womb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 30.22

2392 He preached deliverance to the captives. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 4:18

2393 He removed our transgressions from us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 103:12

2394 He turned us from darkness to light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 60:19-20

2395 He was pierced for our transgressions. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53.5

2396 He will save his people from their sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:31

2397 His name shall be called The mighty God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9.6

2398 Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6.3

2399 Hope of His People Israel. Joel 3 16. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 1 23

2400 I [am] the LORD which exercise judgment. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 9:24

2401 I will do whatever you ask in my name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh. 14.13

2402 I will remember the deeds of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 77:11

2403 JEHOVAH-SABBAOTH - the Lord of hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6:1-3

2404 Jehovah-shammah - The Lord is There. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezek. 48 35

2405 Jesus began to preach, saying, Repent. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 4:17

2406 Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Hos. 11 10. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 5 5

2407 Lord of Heaven and Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 28 18

2408 Lord of the Second Advent. Heb. 9 28. -- LORD I Praise Thee Titus 2 15

2409 Make your face shine on your servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 31:16

2410 May you be richly rewarded by the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ruth 2.12

2411 Messenger of the Covenant. Mal. 3 1. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 21 12

2412 My portion in the land of the living. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 142 5

2413 The LORD is there - Jehovah-Shammah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezek. 48 35

2414 The Lord upholds all who are falling. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 145:14

2415 The multitudes of heaven worship you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:1-11

2416 The way, the truth, and the life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 14 5-6

2417 Therefore He can help when tempted. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 2:17-18

2418 Thou [art] the God, [even] thou alone. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 37:16

2419 Trampler of the Young Lion and Dragon. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 91 13

2420 True and Faithful Witness. Jer. 42 5. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 3 14

2421 We have an advocate with the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 2:1-29

2422 We will sing and praise Your power. . -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 21:13

2423 Who comforts us in all our troubles. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:3-4

2424 Worship the LORD in holy array. . -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chron 16:29

2425 Yahweh is My Banner [Yahweh-nissi]. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 17:16

2426 Awesome in praises, working wonders. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 15:11

2427 Bless the LORD your God forever and ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh 9:5

2428 But I (GOD) say to you Love your enemies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 5:43-48

2429 Chiefest among Ten Thousand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 5 10

2430 Declare His (GOD) praise in the coastlands. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 42:12

2431 El Yeshuati - The God of my Salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 12 2

2432 Elohiym or Elohim or Aleim - Strong One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 1 1

2433 For the LORD God [is] a sun and shield. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 84:11

2434 For thou wilt save the afflicted people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:27

2435 He is the only God worthy of our worship. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 96:4

2436 He leads out the prisoners to prosperity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68:6

2437 He never lets honest people be defeated. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 55:22

2438 He said to them, Go into all the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 16:15

2439 He will never leave you nor forsake you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Det. 31.8

2440 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 21:4

2441 Him that maketh the day dark with night. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 5:8

2442 I (God) go to prepare a place for you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:2-3

2443 I will be his God and he shall be My son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:7

2444 I will make darkness light before them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 42:16

2445 I will praise the LORD while I live. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 146:1-2

2446 I will sing praises to Your name. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:50

2447 I, your God, will show my power to save. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 50:23

2448 If God is with us who can be against us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8.31

2449 It is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2450 Jesus has always been, from everlasting. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 5:2

2451 Let them praise His name with dancing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 149:3

2452 Let your requests be made known to God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil. 4:6

2453 Redemption (PAID) by his own blood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 9:12

2454 Restores them from their bed of illness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 41:3

2455 Righteous and Very Faithful Testimony. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119 138

2456 Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68:32

2457 The author and perfecter of salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 2:10

2458 The Father seeketh such to worship him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4:23

2459 The God who shows me loving-kindness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 59:17

2460 The holiest by the blood of Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 10:19-20

2461 The LORD my Shepherd - YHWH-Ro'i. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 23 1

2462 The Lord sits enthroned over the flood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:10

2463 The LORD will be the hope of his people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joel 3:16

2464 The sky above proclaims his handiwork. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 63:3-4

2465 The time of His arrival was prophesied. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 9:25

2466 This Man was our substitute sacrifice. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 10:12

2467 Thou hast made man a little lower than the angels. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2468 Victorious King and Lord. . -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 19 18

2469 We're espoused (engaged) to Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Cor 11:2

2470 Whose throne is above the stars of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 14.13

2471 You alone are the Lord. You have made the heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2472 All the earth sing praises to your name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 66:4

2473 All the others fear and greatly honor you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89:7

2474 Beloved, White and Rudy One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 5 10

2475 Christ the First Fruits. I Cor. 15 23. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 27 5

2476 Completely good to those who are perfect. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:25

2477 Elohay Kedem - God of the Beginning. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 33 27

2478 Elohim - God (plural) as in the Creator. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 1:1

2479 Establisher of the Ends of the Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 30 4

2480 Every tithe it is holy to the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 27:30

2481 For his steadfast love endures forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 136:26

2482 For You, Lord, have made me glad through Your work. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2483 Give thanks to the LORD with the lyre. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 33:1-3

2484 Glorious Honor of Thy Majesty. Ps. 145 5. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 1 3

2485 God who gave the limits for water in river and sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee

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