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Book online «THE MUMMY, Gui Mwamba [13 ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Gui Mwamba

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Nerfertiabet roared furiously even more while searching for me and the other yet she couldn’t find me. All four of us flee for our lives back to the pyramid on our way to the land of the Forgotten. Before we would go to the land of the forgotten, we ran back in Nerfertiabet’s pyramid to be protected from thunderstorms and fire, although we knew none of them hurt us. 

   Only locusts which were bothersome to us. we were walking within the darkest ancient and webby hallway till we met face to face with the other man. Joe Dans Devoir Pierre Du Devoir's nephew. "Joe, how, what on earth did you come from?" Natasha growled. 

   "Nat! I was hoping that you would be here. Howdy, Professor Kenworth!" Joe greeted. "Oh no, not this clown. Joe, what on earth did come from?" Kenworth asked. Seriously! Is that's how to ask your son-in-law? I've tormenting myself for nothing. Not cool! I came looking for you at Museum in Nubia, but you weren't around. 

     -Dush downstairs in the underground library, no one in there eighter," Joe said. “You, son in law and who in my family are you going to married?” Kenworth asked. “Ah, that’s right Natasha of course. “Joe, don’t you know that you’re a fool,” Kenworth answered. “Me? A fool? How?” Joe asked. “Natasha despised a man. Especially a Devoir like you who his uncle unleashed chaotically cursed upon all Nubian’s country-!” Joe paused.  

    Natasha ran to hug him and it seems shocking to Imani includes me. “Joe, I am very glad to see you. How is your family?” Nat asked. “Well, we are all fine includes me and I overheard my uncle with his henchmen been eaten alive by scarab beetles,” Joe signed. “Still, I tried to warn that fool but he went ahead and do it anyway,” Kenworth answered. Joe and Natasha just gave themselves a passionate kiss. I just scoff and walk away in front of them.

   Imani marched up to me after catching up. “What in the world is that man? He seems very peculiar?” Joe doubted. “Uhmm, that Professor Rock. Howdy, Professor, what is your first name?” Natasha suggested. “Mvuela, that’s my first name. Who wants to know-?” I paused. Well, till we encounter another young man who seems in his twenties who startle us a little. 

    “Goodness God, Nathan! You almost made my heart jump out chest, brother,” Natasha snapped. “Forgive, me sis, and everyone. And well-well what do we have here if it isn’t Joe my old friend. Howdy, you do?” Nathan greeted. “Yo, bro nice to see you again. How is your archeologist searching going? Well, I just discovered the ancient pyramid of King Tut. Tomorrow night my family and I are going to celebrate in Forgotten.” Joe said. 

   “Hmm, Forgotten!” Natasha asked. “Surely,” he agreed. “That’s where we are going, “Nat said. "Seriously?” Joe marveled. “Yeah, we are because we don’t have time. And we can’t let that mummy that’s your mischievous uncle unleash upon Nubia goes free.” I roared. “Excuse me, what did you say?” Joe growled. “You heard me, Joe,” I scoffed. 





                      INSEPARABLE BOND
Joe just furiously ignored me for a moment and continued talking to Natasha. Well, about us all going to the same destination which is the Land of the Forgotten, where Nerfertiabet's real pyramid domain castle is because the royal pyramid where she was burry by her evil brother was a commoner tomb. Her real pyramid tomb is in Forgotten her homeland and Joe's. “Excellent, then I can’t wait for Natasha to meet my parents,” Joe said. 

   "Wow, isn't it that excellent? Besides, Devoir, have you ever stop talking for once and breathe? Here we are in the fatal ancient and pyramid's hallways, and the sinister mummy has brought all ten plagues from the book of Exodus. In any minutes we would encounter her. Can you just be silent or else I will shut it for you!" I roared. After that, I unleash my revolver and pointed at his forehead with everyone watching me.

  I am seriously...I don't joke, so why won't you be a good man and tag along silently, understand," I said. Joe gulped with frights. "Wait-wait, Professor Rock! Or should I suggest old friend Agent Mvuela Rock?" Nathan asked. "Howdy, old friend, I recognize you but you didn't. You use to come with old Professor Kross, don't you remember me?" I asked. "I do know, professor. Anyway, what's made you become a professor?" Nath asked. "Hm, seems like luck was on my side. 

   "Professor Kross clumsily slipped on the wet floor and fell unconscious. Now he is in a coma in Tucson's hospital," I explained. "Well, that's not like Professor Kross. Always clumsy anyway, but I am very glad that you came without him." Nath answered. "Sure, well it was very nice seeing you too," I responded. After a while on our way heading towards the west exit, we overheard scarab beetles coming in our direction.

    "Man, scarab beetles I don't think if they will spare you, my friend. So you'll man stops running-." I paused. Well, it was already too late for Natasha's man to run away because the scarab beetles reach us in time but pass by us on the left and right sides. I mean without eating Natasha's man from inside out to the bones. "Excuse me, why didn't the scarab beetles ate him?" I asked.

   "Uhmm, well because he is the Tasha are deep in love. They are inseparable, henceforth, that's why the scarab beetles couldn't touch him. He's Natasha's, first love. Still, he's going to be  Nerfertiabet's first sacrifice," Kenworth answered. "I see. Now can we go!" I signed. When Professor Kenworth had finished saying Joe to be Nerfertiabet's first sacrifice, he didn't pay any attention or heed to what he said.

    All six of us marched within the old and webby pathway. Till we overheard the mummy roaring. All of us gulped and gasped as we flee for our lives. “Seems, like Nerfertiabet, is on our way. Mummy! Mummy! I surely despised them!” I shouted. Professor Kenworth and his grandchildren just laughed hard but Joe scoffed angrily as he went in front of us. 




All six of us marched within the old and webby pathway. Till we overheard the mummy roaring. All of us gulped and gasped as we flee for our lives. “Seems, like Nerfertiabet is on our way. Mummy! Mummy! I surely despised them!” I shouted. Professor Kenworth and his grandchildren just laughed hard but Joe scoffed angrily as he went in front of us. 

    Joe Dans Devoir became furiously even more with me because of the way I made fun of his uncle. He was about to punch me but instead, he punches the sandy wall where it all collapsed to the ground with mummy’s head coming out. “Jesus, mummy. Yikes, I should watch where I strike my fist,” Joe gulped. “See, I told you that all Devoir is cursed and troublemakers-.” I signed.

   Before I would walk away from his sight, we overheard the screeching and squealing flesh-eater insects. At the same time, we overheard screaming and panting as if the person was running from something unless we met face to face with him. He was a Muslim man in his forties, on the run with the heavy sack full of precious treasures, but tripped over his dress as the scarab beetles ate him alive from inside out the bones. 

    After they have left only his bones and the heavy treasury sack, they scattered in different directions and out of our sight. When this had occurred, we reach the dead-end of the west wing. “Man dead end? How could this be possible-? Professor Rock, this is all your fault-!” Joe paused. Well, when I marched up to the wall and began to knock on it to hear if there were any hollow behind till I found it.

    Still, to our greatest surprise but we didn’t realize that the mummy was waiting for us on the other side. We walked for a few moments after I push the heavy entrance with all my might. We overheard mummy’s roar till I look before us and we all saw Nerfertiabet. “Mummy! This cannot be. Natasha and the rest of you run away fast,” I shouted. “Who are you to order us around-?” Joe grunted.

   All ran towards Joe, who was flung on the wall hard. I unleashed my revolver and open fire at her. As we all run away the moment the mummy collapsed and before she would stand up on her feet, and we were out of her sight. Mummy roared furiously that shook the entire ancient pyramid unless we saw screaming of mummies armies coming out of the Nubian’s ancient armies drawing on the wall and chased after us. 

    Mummy armies want to hold me off as their hostage and brought me to Nerfertiabet for sacrifice to revived her dearest husband back from the dead. I and the rest ran as fast as our feet would carry us, I release my revolver and open fire at any incoming mummy. All six of us climbed in Joe’s car, as his driver drove faster as he could yet the mummy caught up to us after bouncing from building to building. Three of them jumped in the car we were in. It was the greatest conflict, but we overcame them on our way.




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