» Bibles » LEGION 4, Guillaume Mwamba [best finance books of all time txt] 📗

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6 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, 2 Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. Hebrews 6:1-2 KJV


The archangel of the Lord named Angel was sitting on the golden bench telling about her beginning.

    And Sam and Victor are rampaged to hunt down the mother of all evil called the Pheonix.

    With worst nightmare occurring to them in every corner, they have to stay strong in Christ faithfully which they know best.

    And the silver Holy Blade that killed her too, now that's their only chance.

    What they encountered with is beyond their strength to overcome it, but with Christ in them anything is possible.

    Hannah the fatally Pheonix is moving around, hiding from everyone who seeks to kill her.

    Yet from the mightiest heavenly archangel, she can't hide forever.

    Stayed tuned and find out where is this serious is heading! Jesus loved you very very much. Amen-Hallelujah.


Previously on leaving soon two, Angel discovered herself sitting on the golden bench.

  For her testimony, so she might shame the Devil.

  So this is the beginning of her testimony.

  But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

   These are the generation of Noah who was perfect and walked with God.

 With his children Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

  God saw the world was corrupted, the Earth was filled with violence:

  And of all flesh had corrupted.

  Till God said unto Noah, the end of the flesh is coming before me.

  For the Earth is filled with violence through them;

  And, behold, I will destroy with the earth.

  He told Noah to make an ark from gopher wood:

 Making from in the ark, and shalt pitch within and the fashion which thou shalt make it of:

  The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits.

  The breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of thirty cub its.

  A window shalt thou makes to the ark, and cubit shall thou finish it about.

  With lower, second, and third stories shalt thou makes it.

  And, behold, I, even I bring a flood of water upon the earth, to destroy all flesh:

   Wherein is the breath of life heavens, and everything that is in the earth shall die.

  (Genesis 8:19 continually to Genesis 7:24).

  From Genesis always to Revelation, I was there.

  So Father tells me with all this up and down circumstances.

  Which to start from the beginning, where you created heaven and earth.

 After that, you create man and woman from your own image.

 Until they were deceived by the Devil.

 Then you chased them out of the Garden of Eden.

  Where Adam's wife who is Eve bared two children Cain and Abel.

  Until Cain raise up against Abel his brother and slew him and You cursed him.

 Later on, the people building the tower of Bebal:

  From where you decide to kill men from the face of the world. But finding grace in Noah when you told him to build an ark. Until you flooded the all earth, only Noah and his family including the



“Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God;“    2 Timothy 1:8 KJV

Sam and Victor are rampaged to hunt down the mother of all evil called the Pheonix.

    With worst nightmare occurring to them in every corner, they have to stay strong in Christ faithfully which they know best.

    And the silver Holy Blade that killed her too, now that's their only chance. 

Could this be even worst? Praise the Lord. Amen, Jesus is the King of kings. Peace


  To Ahab’s death to an angel visited Zachariah and told him that his wife shall get pregnant and shall give him a son whom they called John. 

  Till Gabriel visiting the virgin girl named Mary whom he told her that she shall conceive and shall have a son whose name will be Jesus. 

  He shall take a kingdom of his father David and He shall reign forever and He shall be the Savior of the whole world. 

To baby Jesus, twelve years old in the temple with the teachers, from there always to thirty years where He left his father’s house. 

  Get baptized when a dove came from upon Him, from there to the wilderness to fast for forty days and forty nights after He got tempted by the Devil. 

  He overcomes the temptations, to where He started ministering the Gospel after choosing twelve disciples.

   Following by Him healing and done many miracles, alway to the time of His death when He was thirty-three.

  He was betrayed by Juda Scariot, from there He was captured, beaten terribly and was sentenced to death on the cross of Calvary. 

  But on the third day, He was raised from the dead. Therefore he went back to the Father to prepare mentions for us. 

  Behind that, He appeared before Saul on his way to Damascus, who was persecuting Your children after get baptized by the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost. 

  Who was chosen to be a minister to the gentiles from there always to Revelation?

  Where John had a revelation from God about what will occur into the future at the end times. 

  Explain to me heavenly Father, is this path I am taking is righteous before Thee? 

   A path of falling in the deepest love with a merely human. 

Therefore help me O God, or else I will choose the path of distraction just like Lucifer did till he rebel against You…’ 

  When Angel had said this testimony in tears, the brightest light from heaven shining upon her. 

  Then she heard the voice of God saying: “Hang in there my faithful Cherubim for the path you’re taking is righteous. 

  It is not your fault that you have fallen in love from the beginning.

   I knew that my faithful human girl named Angel as deepest affections for Sam Cleanliness before she fell into a terrible coma. 

  For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” (Jeremiah 29:11).




8 Be sober, be vigilant; because of your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8 KJV

After Angel reports her struggling of falling in love with a human boy to the Lord, she told a tales of the Cleanliness boys. 

  With Hansen kidnapping Sharon when she was enjoying her book after calling Sam and Victor.

   The Slayers arriving at the house but they were too late.

   Discovering the kidnapper being in Virginia, Jamestown. 

  Will they arrive at it in time or Sharon is doomed? 

  Therefore stayed tuned and finding it yourself. God God bless you. Amen.


As the story of Sam and Victor Cleanliness, this is the beginning of their story.” Angel said. 

  Mrs. Alex’s daughter Sharon was sitting down at her home reading that Saturday night.

  When all the sudden, she saw the light begin to flickering and hearing some strange noise on the upper ceiling. 

‘Oh, great rats and what’s the problem with your light? Here I was enjoying my book unless you start doing your monkey businesses.’ Sharon thought out loud. 

  Until her door was busted wide open by the strongest wind. 

  A few minutes late two stranger beings came in who was a man and a woman. 

  “What? And who are you? Oh, never mind your demons.” She panicked. Unless she called Sam in panic, luckily the Slayer answer her call. 

  “Howdy, Sharon what’s up? And how should I help you?” Sam asked. 

  Just as Sharon was about to explain to him for help, Shed uses his telekinesis to sent her flicking on the wall harder. 

  As she collapses to the ground unconscious, with Sam overhearing them answering after Sharon screamed painfully. 

   He told Victor that Sharon is in great danger. “Victor, let’s go it seems like Sharon is in another trouble.” Sam gulped while Victor agreed with him.

  “Yup. she sure is in another one,” Victor answered as both of them rushed to Sharon’s house. 

   “Ha-ha, a polish girl calling on the Slayers for help!” She laughed in a devilish way while Even carried her on his shoulders.

 "Yeah, you can say that again sister." Even agreed after they disappeared in thin air. 

   Sam was driving towards Sharon's house fast, arriving at it in time, and arriving at the door in time. 

   Victor knocked on the door but they weren't anybody, till they decided to burst the door open. 

   Heading in and smell a horrible dreadful odor when Sam saw a crate on the wall. "Eww,  this some smell covering the air is awful!" Victor whined.  

   "Hmm, yeah, it seems like we are too late. It seems like the Fallen arrived before us," Sam gestured while pointing at the huge crater. 

   While Sam and Victor were investigating, Victor looked at Sam's phone were here discovered a map with a red dot. 

   Blicking on the southeast of Virginia in Jamestown. "Um, I think I know where Sharon is." Victor interrupted.

   "Okay, where?" Sam informed. "Well, in southeast Virginia," he trimmed. 

   "Alright, then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" He exclaimed. 

   When they were just beginning to head out the door and were already out, they met their worst nightmare. The Phoenix who were standing on their pathway.

   "Leaving soon, Slayers?" Castro grinned in the creepiest way. 

  "I believe we won't let you destroyed our mother's evil plan and there is no way you're going to save your friend!" Dreaded interfered. 

"Ah, as I figure. You remember that awful smell, we felt when eentering'shouse?" Sam asked. 

  "Yeah, I guess!" Victor brimmed. "Its was from these two, the Phoenix! 

   And they are the one who kidnapped Sharon." He reposted. 

   "Oh, yeah, the Phoenix. Alright, you boys handle over Sharon our friend or else?" Victor warned.

   "Umm, talking tough I see? Its time to put you on your place!"

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