» Biography & Autobiography » Himalayan Journals, vol 2, J. D. Hooker [small books to read txt] 📗

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Hooli festival, i. 73, 389.

Hopkins, Mr., on elevation of mountains, i. 326.

Hornbills, i. 187.

Hornets, ii. 26.

Horse-chestnut, Indian, i. 394.

Horse, wild, ii. 172.

Hot-springs, boy passes night in, ii. 184; of Momay, ii. 133, 180; Seetakoond, i. 88; Soorujkoond, i. 27; Yeumtong, ii. 116.

House, Lama's, i. 317; Tibetan, at Yangma, i. 242; Wallanchoon, i. 211.

Houttynia, ii. 7.

Hydnocarpus, ii. 7.

Hydropeltis (note), ii. 318.


Ice, accumulation of, ii. 47; action of, i. 353 (note), ii. 121; transport of plants in, ii. 247.

Imperata cylindrica, i. 385.

India-rubber tree, i. 102; ii. 13.

Indo-Chinese races, i. 140.

Infusoria at 17,000 feet, ii. 123.

Inglis, Mr. H., ii. 265.

Insects at 4000 feet, ii. 18; Choongtam (5000 feet), ii. 26; Dorjiling (note), ii. 98; Lamteng (8000 feet), ii. 37; Momay (15,300 feet), ii. 132; Tallum (12,000 feet), ii. 68; Tunga (13,000 feet), ii. 93; Zemu river (12,000 feet) ii. 59; Zemu Samdong (9000 feet), ii. 65.

Iron forges, chime of hammers, ii. 296; sand, ii. 310; smelting of, in Khasia, ii. 310; stone, i. 401.

Irvine, Dr., i. 82.

Islumbo pass, i. 280.

Ivy, ii. 32.


Jaws, i. 18, 90.

Japanese plants in Sikkim, i. 126; ii. 39.

Jarool (Lagerstroemia), ii. 327.

Jasper rocks, i. 50.

Jatamansi, i. 217.

Jeelpigoree, i. 384; rajah of, i. 389.

Jerked meat, i. 214; ii. 183.

Jews' harp, Tibetan, i. 338; ii. 219.

Jhansi-jeung, see Giantchi, ii. 168.

Jheels, ii. 256, 309; brown waters of, ii. 263.

Jigatzi (note), ii. 125, 171; temperature of, ii. 171.

Job's tears, cultivation of, ii. 289.

Jongri, i. 349.

Joowye, ii. 316.

Jos, image of, at Yangma, i. 236.

Jummul river, ii. 253.

Juncus bufonius, i. 80, 230.

Jung Bahadoor, ii. 239, 243.

Juniper, black, sketch of, ii. 55.

Juniperus recurva, ii. 28, 45.

Junnoo mountain, i. 123, 258, 264.

Jyntea hills, ii. 314.


Kadsura, ii. 6.

Kajee, i. 182.

Kala-panee, ii. 285.

Kambachen, or Nango pass, i. 250; top of, i. 253; village, i. 257.

Kambajong, ii. 125.

Kanglachem pass, i. 246.

Kanglanamo pass, i. 271, 341, 350.

Katior-pot (Hodgsonia), ii. 7.

Katong-ghat, ii. 233.

Kaysing Mendong (note), i. 286, 332.

Keadom, ii. 101.

Kenroop-bi (Dentaria), ii. 47.

Khabili valley, i. 278.

Khamba mountains, ii. 167.

Khasia, climate of, ii. 282; geology of, ii. 323; leave, ii. 323; people of, ii. 273.

Khawa river, i. 193.

Khutrow (Abies Smithiana), ii. 25.

Kiang, ii. 172.

Kiang-lah mountains, ii. 124, 167.

Kidnapping, i. 341.

Kinchinjhow, ii. 41, 80, 84, 140; glacier of, ii. 134, 180.

Kinchinjunga, i. 344; circuit of, i. 381; view of from Bhomtso, ii. 165; from Choongtam, ii. 14, 188; from Donkia pass, ii. 126; from Dorjiling, i. 123; from Sebolah, ii. 142; from Thlonok, ii. 50.

Kishengunj, i. 98; ii. 249.

Kollong rock, ii. 293.

Kongra Lama, ii. 155; pass, ii. 80.

Kosturah (musk-deer), i. 269.

Kubra, i. 123, 272.

Kulhait river, i. 281, 370; valley, i. 282.

Kumpa Lepchas i. 137; Rong, i. 137.

Kunker, i. 12, 29, 50, 89, 94:

Kursiong, i. 109, 110, 405.

Kurziuk, i. 284.

Kuskus, i. 42.

Kymore hills, geology of, i. 32; sandstone of, i. 39.


Lac, i. 9.

Lacheepia, ii. 112.

Lachen-Lachoong river, ii. 14, 186.

Lachen Phipun, ii. 22, 43, 149; conduct of, ii. 61; tent of, ii. 78.

Lachen river, ii. 30; length of, and inclination of bed, ii. 176.

Lachoong Phipun, ii. 105; valley, headstreams of, ii. 120; village, ii. 103; revisited, ii. 183.

Lagerstroemia grandiflora, i. 401. Reginae, ii. 327.

Laghep, ii. 197.

Lagomys badius, ii. 156.

Lagopus Tibetanus, i. 93.

Lailang-kot, ii. 286.

Lake-beds in Yangma valley, i. 232, 234, 238, 244.

Lakes caused by moraines, ii. 119.

Lamas, arrival of at Tumloong, ii. 224; dance of, i. 228; music of, i. 313; ii. 218; Pemiongchi, ii. 225; of Sikkim, i. 290; of Simonbong, i. 174; worship of, i. 365; ii. 178.

Lamteng, ii. 34, 96, 148.

Landslips, ii. 16, 20, 97, 115.

Larch Himalayan, i. 255; sketch of, ii. 55.

Larix Griffithii, i. 255; ii. 44.

Lassoo Kajee, ii. 2.

Laurels, i. 162.

Lautour, Mr., ii. 345.

Leaf-insect, ii. 305.

Lebanon, Cedar of, i. 256.

Lecidea geographica, i. 221, 352; ii. 130; oreina, ii. 179.

Leebong, i. 143.

Leeches, i. 107, 167; ii. 17; upper limit of, ii. 54.

Leguminosae, absence of in Himalaya, i. 112.

Lelyp, i. 205.

Lemma minor, i. 306.

Lemon-bushes, wild, ii. 233.

Lepchas, i. 127; diseases of, i. 134; dress and ornaments of, i. 130; ii. 194; food of, i. 132; music of, i. 133; peaceable character of, i. 128, 136.

Lepus hispidus, i. 399; oiostolus, ii. 158.

Leucas, a weed in fields, i. 383.

Leuculia gratissima, i. 193, 276; Pinceana, ii. 286.

Leycesteria, i. 206.

Lhassa (note), ii. 168; notices of, i. 299; ii. 27, 172.

Lichens, Arctic, i. 352; ii. 130, 165, 179.

Licuala peltata (note), i. 143.

Lignite, i. 403.

Liklo mountain, ii. 50.

Lilium giganteum (note), ii. 33.

Little Rungeet, cross, i. 157, 175; guardhouse at, i. 371; source of, i. 181.

Limboos, i. 137; language of, i. 138.

Lime, deposit of, i. 407; ii. 97; nitrate of, i. 43.

Limestone, at Rotas, i. 40; nummulite, ii. 266, 346; of Churra, ii. 278; spheres of, i. 55; Tibetan, ii. 177.

Lime-tuff, impression of leaves on, i. 44.

Limosella aquatica, i. 230.

Linaria ramosissima, i. 42.

Lingcham, i. 281, 313; Kajee of, i. 282, 284, 371.

Lingo cane-bridge, ii. 12.

Linum trigynum (note), i. 16.

Lister, Colonel, ii. 329.

Lizard, i 37; ticks on, i. 37.

Lohar-ghur, i. 402.

Luminous wood, ii. 151.

Lushington, Mr., sent to Dorjiling, ii. 227.

Lycopodium clavatum, ii. 19.

Lyellia crispa, ii. 19.

Lymnaea Hookeri, ii. 156.


Machoo valley, ii. 109.

Maddaobund, i. 18.

Magnolia, Campbellii, i. 125, 166; excelsa, i. 125; distribution of (note), i. 166.

Magras, aborigines of Sikkim, i. 139.

Mahaldaram, i. 111.

Mahanuddy river, i. 98, 375; ii. 250.

Mahaser, a kind of carp, i. 398.

Mahowa, i. 16, 63.

Maidan (term as applied to Tibet), ii. 170.

Mainom mountain camp on, i. 307; summit of, i. 310.

Maitrya, the coming Boodh, i. 357.

Maize, hermaphrodite, i. 157; roasted, ii. 78.

Malayan plants in Himalaya, ii. 39.

Maldah, ii. 250.

Mamloo, village and waterfalls of, ii. 278.

Mango, blossoming, i. 61.

Mani, or praying-cylinder, i. 135, 172, 211; turned by water, i. 206.

Mantis of Khasia, ii. 305.

Marlea, ii. 33.

Marmot, i. 93; head and feet of, ii. 106.

Martins' nest, spiders in, i. 46.

May-fly at 17,000 feet, ii. 141.

M'Lelland, Dr., i. 3.

Mealum-ma (nettle), ii. 189, 336.

Mechi fisherman, i. 404; river, i. 383; tribe, i.101, 140.

Meconopsis, i. 81; ii. 281; Nepalensis, ii. 53.

Meepo, i. 198; house of, ii. 194; joined by, ii. 11; wife of, ii. 193.

Megna, altered course of, ii. 341; navigation of, ii. 338.

Melastoma, ii. 18.

Mendicant, Tibetan, ii. 189.

Mendong, i. 211, 332; Kaysing (note), i. 286.

Menziesia, ii. 113.

Mesua ferrea, ii. 328.

Midsummer, weather at, ii. 59.

Mirzapore, i. 64.

Moflong, ii. 288.

Momay Samdong, arrival at, ii. 118; climate of, ii. 143; second visit to, ii. 180.

Monastic establishments of Sikkim, i. 367.

Monghyr, i. 87.

Monkeys, i. 278; ii. 37.

Mon Lepcha, i. 342.

Monotropa, ii. 19.

Monuments of Khasia, ii. 319.

Moormis, i. 139.

Mooshye, ii. 314.

Moosmai, ii. 268.

Moraines, ancient, at Lachoong, ii. 104; at Tallum, ii. 67; at Yangma, i. 231, 246; extensive, ii. 118; indicating changes of climate, i. 380.

Morung of Nepal, i. 378, 382.

Mountains, deceptive appearance of, ii. 127.

Moss of puff-ball, ii. 13.

Mudar (Calotropis), i. 86.

Muddunpore, i. 35.

Mugs at Chittagong, ii. 345.

Mulberry, wild, i. 151.

Mules, Tibetan (note), ii. 228.

Mungeesa Peak, i. 55.

Munnipore dance, ii. 331; frontier, ii. 334; (note), ii. 329.

Murraya exotica, i. 44.

Murwa beer, i. 133, 175, 285, 291; grain, i. 133.

Mushroom, eatable, ii. 47.

Musk-deer, i. 209; ii. 37.

Muslin, Dacca, ii. 254.

Mutton, dried saddles of, ii. 183.

Myong valley (East Nepal), i. 181.

Myrung, ii. 292.

Mywa Guola, i. 137; sunk thermometer at, i. 198.


Nagas, ii. 332.

Nageesa (Mesua ferrea), ii. 320.

Namten, ii. 223.

Nango mountain i. 236; or Kambachen pass, i. 250.

Nanki mountain, i. 183.

Napleton Major, i. 92.

Nardostachys Jatamansi, i. 217; (note), ii. 164.

Nauclea cordifolia, i. 26; parvifolia, i. 26.

Neongong temple, i. 311.

Nepal, East, journey to, i. 178.

Nepalese Himalaya, i. 125,

Nepenthes, ii. 315.

Nettles, i. 157; gigantic, i. 182; ii. 188.

Nightingales, i. 332.

Nimbus of the ancients (note), ii. 195.

Ningma, Boodhist sect (note), i. 366.

Nipa fruticans, i. 1; ii. 355.

Nishung, or Moormis, i. 139.

Noacolly, ii. 339; extension of land at, ii. 341.

Nonkreem, ii. 310.

Nummulites of Khaaia limestone, ii. 325.

Nunklow, ii. 300.

Nunnery at Tumloong, ii. 191.

Nursing, i. 124, 347.

Nurtiung, ii. 318.

Nut, Himalayan, ii. 114.

Nutmegs, wild, ii. 353.

Nymphaea pygmaea, ii. 312.


Oaks, i. 109; distribution of in India (note), ii. 336; Sikkim, i. 157; upper limit of, ii. 114.

Observatory at Benares, i. 74.

Oil of Bassia butyracea, i. 151; of B. latifolia, i. 16; Kuskus, i. 42; mustard, linseed, and rape, i. 13; uggur, ii. 328; wood, ii. 348.

Olax scandens, i. 31.

Olibanum, Indian, i. 29.

Olivine (note), ii. 123.

Omerkuntuk, i. 32.

Onglau (mushroom), ii. 47.

Opium, East Indian, cultivation and manufacture of, i. 83; quality of, i. 85.

Opuntia, i. 205.

Orchideae, growth of in Khasia, ii. 321; of Khasia, ii. 281.

Orobanche, Himalayan, i. 262; Indica, i. 16.

Ortolan, i. 98.

Otters, i. 198.

Ovis Ammon, i. 244; ii. 132; skulls of, i. 249.

Oxalis sensitiva, i. 102.

Oxytropis Chiliophylla (note), ii. 164.


Pacheem, i. 111; vegetation of, 112.

Painom river, ii. 167.

Palibothra, i. 90.

Palms, distribution of in Sikkim, i. 143; fan, i. 29; of Khasia, ii. 267.

Palung plains, ii. 84, 152; view of from Sebolah, ii. 142.

Pandanus, i. 300; ii. 9.

Papaw, ii. 350.

Paper, manufactory at Dunkotah, i. 190; of Astragalus, ii. 162; of Daphne and Edgeworthia, i. 205, 303; ii. 162; of Tibet, ii. 162.

Papilio Machaon, ii. 65; (note), ii. 68.

Paras-nath, i. 12, 32; geology of, i. 32; summit of, i. 21.

Paris, ii. 18.

Parochetus communis, ii. 50.

Patchouli plant, ii. 314.

Patna, i. 82.

Pawn, i. 99.

Peaches, Sikkim, i. 158; cultivation of, ii. 185.

Peacock wild, i. 30.

Peat at Calcutta, ii. 341.

Pea-violet, ii. 309.

Peel, Sir L., garden of, i. 2.

Peepsa, i. 157.

Pelicans, mode of feeding, i. 80.

Pemberton, Capt., treatment of his embassy in Bhotan (note), ii. 202.

Pemiongchi temple, i. 327.

Pemmi river (East Nepal), i. 192.

Pepper, Betel, i. 99.

Perry Mr., i. 98.

Peuka-thlo, ii. 81.

Phadong Goompa, ii. 192; confinement at, ii. 209.

Phari, ii. 110.

Pheasant (Kalidge), i. 255; horned, ii. 37.

Phedangbos (Limboo priests), i. 138.

Phenzong Goompa, ii. 192.

Phieungoong, i. 332; ii. 198.

Phipun, Lachen, ii. 22, 149; of Lachoong, ii. 105.

Phoenix acaulis, i. 145; (note), i. 143, 400; dwarf, i. 22, 382; paludosa, i. 1; ii. 355; sylvestris, i. 88.

Phosphorescent wood, ii. 151.

Photinia, ii. 22.

Phud (Tibet mendicant), ii. 186.

Phyllanthus emblica, i. 273; (note), i. 16.

Picrorhiza, i. 272.

Pigeons, ii. 37.

Pines, gigantic, ii. 108; Himalayan, i. 256; ii. 44, 198; rarity of in Sikkim, i. 169.

Pinguicula, ii. 40.

Panus excelsa, ii. 45, 105; _Khasiana, ii. 282, 288, 301; longifolia, i. 145, 182, 278, 280; ii. 3, 45.

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