» Biography & Autobiography » The Plastic Age, Percy Marks [top 10 books of all time TXT] 📗

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No Good,  Norry. I'm An--An

Excreeshence,  An Ex-Cree-Shence,  Tha's What I Am."


"Something Of The Sort," Norry Agreed In Disgust. "Here,  Let Me Take Off

Your Coat."


"Leave My Coat Alone." He Pulled Himself Away From Norry. "I'm No Good.

I'm An Ex-Cree-Shence. I'm Goin' T' Commit Suicide; Tha's What I'm Goin'

T' Do. Nobody'll Care 'Cept My Musher,  And She Wouldn't Either If She

Knew Me. Oh,  Oh,  I Wish I Didn't Use A Shafety-Razor. I'll Tell You What

To Do,  Norry." He Clung Pleadingly To Norry's Arm And Begged With

Passionate Intensity. "You Go Over To Harry King's Room. He's Got A

Re-Re--A Pistol. You Get It For Me And I'll Put It Right Here--" He

Touched His Temple Awkwardly--"And I'll--I'll Blow My Damn Brains Out.

I'm A Blot,  Norry; I'm An Ex-Cree-Shence."


Norry Shook Him. "Shut Up. You've Got To Go To Bed. You're Drunk."


"I'm Sick. I'm An Ex-Cree-Shence." The Room Was Whizzing Rapidly Around

Hugh,  And He Clung Hysterically To Norry. Finally He Permitted Himself

To Be Led Into The Bedroom And Undressed,  Still Moaning That He Was An



The Bed Pitched. He Lay On His Right Side,  Clutching The Covers In

Terror. He Turned Over On His Back. Still The Bed Swung Up And Down

Sickeningly. Then He Twisted Over To His Left Side,  And The Bed

Suddenly Swung Into Rest,  Almost Stable. In A Few Minutes He Was Sound



He Cut Chapel And His Two Classes The Next Morning,  One At Nine And The

Other At Ten O'clock; In Fact,  It Was Nearly Eleven When He Awoke. His

Head Was Splitting With Pain,  His Tongue Was Furry,  And His Mouth Tasted

Like Bilge-Water. He Made Wry Faces,  Passed His Thick Tongue Around His

Dry Mouth--Oh,  So Damnably Dry!--And Pressed The Palms Of His Hands To

His Pounding Temples. He Craved A Drink Of Cold Water,  But He Was Afraid

To Get Out Of Bed. He Felt Pathetically Weak And Dizzy.


Norry Walked Into The Room And Stood Quietly Looking At Him.


"Get Me A Drink,  Norry,  Please," Hugh Begged.


"I'm Parched." He Rolled Over. "Ouch! God,  How My Head Aches!"


Norry Brought Him The Drink,  But Nothing Less Than Three Glasses Even

Began To Satisfy Hugh. Then,  Still Saying Nothing,  Norry Put A Cold

Compress On Hugh's Hot Forehead.


"Thanks,  Norry Old Man. That's Awfully Damn Good Of You."


Norry Walked Out Of The Room,  And Hugh Quickly Fell Into A Light Sleep.

An Hour Later He Woke Up,  Quite Unaware Of The Fact That Norry Had

Changed The Cold Compress Three Times. The Nap Had Refreshed Him. He

Still Felt Weak And Faint; But His Head No Longer Throbbed,  And His

Throat Was Less Dry.


"Norry," He Called Feebly.


"Yes?" Norry Stood In The Doorway. "Feeling Better?"


"Yes,  Some. Come Sit Down On The Bed. I Want To Talk To You. But Get Me

Another Drink First,  Please. My Mouth Tastes Like Burnt Rubber."


Norry Gave Him The Drink And Then Sat Down On The Edge Of The Bed,

Silently Waiting.


"I'm Awfully Ashamed Of Myself,  Old Man," Hugh Began. "I--I Don't Know

What To Say. I Can't Remember Much What Happened. I Remember Bringing

Cynthia Up Here And You Coming In And Then--Well,  I Somehow Can't

Remember Anything After That. What Did You Do?"


"I Took Cynthia Home And Then Came Back And Put You To Bed." Norry Gazed

At The Floor And Spoke Softly.


"You Took Cynthia Home?"


"Of Course."


Hugh Stared At Him In Awe. "But If You'd Been Seen With Her In The Dorm,

You'd Have Been Fired From College."


"Nobody Saw Us. It's All Right."


Hugh Wanted To Cry. "Oh,  Lord,  Norry,  You're White," He Exclaimed. "The

Whitest Fellow That Ever Lived. You Took That Chance For Me."


"That's All Right." Norry Was Painfully Embarrassed.


"And I'm Such A Rotter. You--You Know What We Came Up Here For?"


"I Can Guess." Norry's Glance Still Rested On The Floor. He Spoke Hardly

Above A Whisper.


"Nothing Happened. I Swear It,  Norry. I Meant To--But--But You

Came--Thank God! I Was Awfully Soused. I Guess You Think I'm Rotten,

Norry. I Suppose I Am. I Don't Know How I Could Treat You This Way. Are

You Awfully Angry?"


"I Was Last Night," Norry Replied Honestly,  "But I'm Not This Morning.

I'm Just Terribly Disappointed. I Understand,  I Guess; I'm Human,

Too--But I'm Disappointed. I Can't Forget The Way You Looked."


"Don't!" Hugh Cried. "Please Don't,  Norry. I--I Can't Stand It If You

Talk That Way. I'm So Damned Ashamed. Please Forgive Me."


Norry Was Very Near To Tears. "Of Course,  I Forgive You," He Whispered,

"But I Hope You Won't Do It Again."


"I Won't,  Norry. I Promise You. Oh,  God,  I'm No Good. That's Twice I've

Been Stopped By An Accident. I'll Go Straight Now,  Though; I Promise



Norry Stood Up. "It's Nearly Noon," He Said More Naturally. "Cynthia

Will Be Wondering Where You Are."


"Cynthia! Oh,  Norry,  How Can I Face Her?"


"You've Got To," Said The Young Moralist Firmly.


"I Suppose So," The Sinner Agreed,  His Voice Miserably Lugubrious.



After Three Cups Of Coffee,  However,  The Task Did Not Seem So

Impossible. Hugh Entered The Nu Delta House With A Fairly Jaunty Air And

Greeted The Men And Women Easily Enough. His Heart Skipped A Beat When

He Saw Cynthia Standing In The Far Corner Of The Living-Room. She Was

Wearing Her Scarlet Hat And Blue Suit.


She Saved Him The Embarrassment Of Opening The Conversation. "Come Into

The Library," She Said Softly. "I Want To Speak To You."


Wondering And Rather Frightened,  He Followed Her.


"I'm Going Home This Afternoon," She Began. "I've Got Everything Packed,

And I've Told Everybody That I Don't Feel Very Well."


"You Aren't Sick?" He Asked,  Really Worried.


"Of Course Not,  But I Had To Say Something. The Train Leaves In An Hour

Or Two,  And I Want To Have A Talk With You Before I Go."


"But Hang It,  Cynthia,  Think Of What You're Missing. There's A Baseball

Game With Raleigh This Afternoon,  A Tea-Dance In The Union After That,

The Musical Clubs Concert This Evening--I Sing With The Glee Club And

Norry's Going To Play A Solo,  And I'm In The Banjo Club,  Too--And We Are

Going To Have A Farewell Dance At The House After The Concert." Hugh

Pleaded Earnestly; But Somehow Down In His Heart He Wished That She

Wouldn't Stay.


"I Know,  But I've Got To Go. Let's Go Somewhere Out In The Woods Where

We Can Talk Without Being Disturbed."


Still Protesting,  He Led Her Out Of The House,  Across The Campus,  Past

The Lake,  And Into The Woods. Finally They Sat Down On A Smooth Rock.


"I'm Awfully Sorry To Bust Up Your Party,  Hugh," Cynthia Began Slowly,

"But I've Been Doing Some Thinking,  And I've Just Got To Beat It." She

Paused A Moment And Then Looked Him Square In The Eyes. "Do You Love



For An Instant Hugh's Eyes Dropped,  And Then He Looked Up And Lied Like

A Gentleman. "Yes," He Said Simply; "I Love You,  Cynthia."


She Smiled Almost Wearily And Shook Her Head. "You _Are_ A Good Egg,

Hugh. It Was White Of You To Say That,  But I Know That You Don't Love

Me. You Did Yesterday,  But You Don't Now. Do You Realize That You

Haven't Asked To Kiss Me To-Day?"


Hugh Flushed And Stammered: "I--I've Got An Awful Hang-Over,  Cynthia. I

Feel Rotten."


"Yes,  I Know,  But That Isn't Why You Didn't Want To Kiss Me. I Know All

About It. Listen,  Hugh." She Faced Him Bravely. "I've Been Running With

A Fast Crowd For Three Years,  And I've Learned A Lot About Fellows; And

Most Of 'Em That I've Known Weren't Your Kind. How Old Are You?"


"Twenty-One In A Couple Of Months."


"I'm Twenty And Lots Wiser About Some Things Than You Are. I've Been

Crazy About You--I Guess I Am Kinda Yet--And I Know That You Thought You

Were In Love With Me. I Wanted You To Have Hold Of Me All The Time.

That's All That Mattered. It Was--Was Your Body,  Hugh. You're Sweet And

Fine,  And I Respect You,  But I'm Not The Kid For You To Run Around With.

I'm Too Fast. I Woke Up Early This Morning,  And I've Done A Lot Of

Thinking Since. You Know Ave Already Settled The Matter. Why Speculate

In Vain? Let Us Seek Repose. _Chaplain_. Victory To Your Majesty.




_King_. Vetravati,  I Am Bewildered. Conduct Me To My Apartment.


_Portress_. Follow Me,  Your Majesty.


_King_ (_Walks About. To Himself_).


  With A Hermit-Wife I Had No Part,

  All Memories Evade Me;

  And Yet My Sad And Stricken Heart

  Would More Than Half Persuade Me.


(_Exeunt Omnes_.)





Act Vi





Separation From Shakuntala


Scene I.--_In The Street Before The Palace_


(_Enter The Chief Of Police,  Two Policemen,  And A Man With His Hands

Bound Behind His Back_.)


_The Two Policemen_ (_Striking The Man_). Now,  Pickpocket,  Tell Us

Where You Found This Ring. It Is The King's Ring,  With Letters

Engraved On It,  And It Has A Magnificent Great Gem.


_Fisherman_ (_Showing Fright_). Be Merciful,  Kind Gentlemen. I Am Not

Guilty Of Such A Crime.


_First Policeman_. No,  I Suppose The King Thought You Were A Pious

Brahman,  And Made You A Present Of It.


_Fisherman_. Listen,  Please. I Am A Fisherman,  And I Live On The

Ganges,  At The Spot Where Indra Came Down.


_Second Policeman_. You Thief,  We Didn't Ask For Your Address Or Your

Social Position.


_Chief_. Let Him Tell A Straight Story,  Suchaka. Don't Interrupt.


_The Two Policemen_. Yes,  Chief. Talk,  Man,  Talk.


_Fisherman_. I Support My Family With Things You Catch Fish

With--Nets,  You Know,  And Hooks,  And Things.


_Chief_ (_Laughing_). You Have A Sweet Trade.


_Fisherman_. Don't Say That,  Master.


  You Can't Give Up A Lowdown Trade

  That Your Ancestors Began;

  A Butcher Butchers Things,  And Yet

  He's The Tenderest-Hearted Man.


_Chief_. Go On. Go On.


_Fisherman_. Well,  One Day I Was Cutting Up A Carp. In Its Maw I See

This Ring With The Magnificent Great Gem. And Then I Was Just Trying

To Sell It Here When You Kind Gentlemen Grabbed Me. That Is The Only

Way I Got It. Now Kill Me,  Or Find Fault With Me.


_Chief_ (_Smelling The Ring_). There Is No Doubt About It,  Januka.

It Has Been In A Fish's Maw. It Has The Real Perfume Of Raw Meat. Now

We Have To Find Out How He Got It. We Must Go To The Palace.


_The Two Policemen_ (_To The Fisherman_). Move On,  You Cutpurse,  Move

On. (_They Walk About_.)


_Chief_. Suchaka,  Wait Here At The Big Gate Until I Come Out Of The

Palace. And Don't Get Careless.


_The Two Policemen_. Go In,  Chief. I Hope The King Will Be Nice To



_Chief_. Good-Bye. (_Exit_.)


_Suchaka_. Januka,  The Chief Is Taking His Time.


_Januka_. You Can't Just Drop In On A King.


_Suchaka_. Januka,  My Fingers Are Itching (_Indicating The Fisherman_)

To Kill This Cutpurse.


_Fisherman_. Don't Kill A Man Without Any Reason,  Master.


_Januka_ (_Looking Ahead_). There Is The Chief,  With A Written Order

From The King. (_To The Fisherman_.) Now You Will See Your Family,  Or

Else You Will Feed The Crows And Jackals. (_Enter The Chief_.)


_Chief_. Quick! Quick! (_He Breaks Off_.)


_Fisherman_. Oh,  Oh! I'm A Dead Man. (_He Shows Dejection_.)


_Chief_. Release Him,  You. Release The Fishnet Fellow. It Is All

Right,  His Getting The Ring. Our King Told Me So Himself.


_Suchaka_. All Right,  Chief. He Is A Dead Man Come Back To Life. (_He

Releases The Fisherman_.)


_Fisherman_ (_Bowing Low To The Chief_). Master,  I Owe You My Life.


(_He Falls At His Feet_.)


_Chief_. Get Up,  Get Up! Here Is A Reward That The King Was Kind

Enough To Give You. It Is Worth As Much As The Ring. Take It. (_He

Hands The Fisherman A Bracelet_.)


_Fisherman_ (_Joyfully Taking It_). Much Obliged.


_Januka_. He _Is_ Much Obliged To The King. Just As If He Had Been

Taken From The Stake And Put On An Elephant's Back.


_Suchaka_. Chief,  The Reward Shows That The King Thought A Lot Of The

Ring. The Gem Must Be Worth Something.


_Chief_. No,  It Wasn't The Fine Gem That Pleased The King. It Was This



_The Two Policemen_. Well?


_Chief_. I Think,  When The King Saw It,  He Remembered Somebody He

Loves. You Know How Dignified He Is Usually. But As Soon As He Saw It,. I Think,  When The King Saw It,  Heht That He Loved Cynthia,  Times When He Was Sure That

He Didn't; When He Had Just About Made Up His Mind That He Hated Her,  He

Found Himself Planning To Follow Her To New Rochelle; He Tried To

Persuade Himself That His Conduct Was No More Reprehensible Than That Of

His Comrades,  But Shame Invariably Overwhelmed His Arguments; There Were

Hours When He Ached For Cynthia,  And Hours When He Loathed Her For

Smashing Something That Had Been Beautiful. Most Of All,  He Wanted

Comfort,  Advice,  But He Knew No One To Whom He Was Willing To Give His

Confidence. Somehow,  He Couldn't Admit His Drunkenness To Any One

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