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and intercostal muscles are visible. The skin and muscles have also been removed from the right limbs; the internal rudiments of the five fingers of the hand, and five toes of the foot, are clearly seen within the fin-shaped plate, and also the strong network of nerves that goes from the spinal cord to the extremities. The tail projects under the foot, and to the right of it is the first part of the umbilical cord.)

How the five fingers or toes with their blood-vessels gradually differentiate within the simple fin-like structure of the limbs can be seen in the instance of the lizard in Figure 1.174. They are formed in just the same way in man: in the human embryo of five weeks the five fingers can clearly be distinguished within the fin-plate (Figure 1.175).

The careful study and comparison of human embryos with those of other vertebrates at this stage of development is very instructive, and reveals more mysteries to the impartial student than all the religions in the world put together. For instance, if we compare attentively the three successive stages of development that are represented, in twenty different amniotes we find a remarkable likeness. When we see that as a fact twenty different amniotes of such divergent characters develop from the same embryonic form, we can easily understand that they may all descend from a common ancestor.

(FIGURES 1.176 TO 1.178. Embryos of the bat (Vespertilio murinus) at three different stages. (From Oscar Schultze.) Figure 1.176: Rudimentary limbs (v fore-leg, h hind-leg). l lenticular depression, r olfactory pit, ok upper jaw, uk lower jaw, k2, k3, k4 first, second and third gill-arches, a amnion, n umbilical vessel, d yelk-sac. Figure 1.177: Rudiment of flying membrane, membranous fold between fore and hind leg. n umbilical vessel, o ear-opening, f flying membrane. Figure 1.178: The flying membrane developed and stretched across the fingers of the hands, which cover the face.)

In the first stage of development, in which the head with the five cerebral vesicles is already clearly indicated, but there are no limbs, the embryos of all the vertebrates, from the fish to man, are only incidentally or not at all different from each other. In the second stage, which shows the limbs, we begin to see differences between the embryos of the lower and higher vertebrates; but the human embryo is still hardly distinguishable from that of the higher mammals. In the third stage, in which the gill-arches have disappeared and the face is formed, the differences become more pronounced. These are facts of a significance that cannot be exaggerated.* (* Because they show how the most diverse structures may be developed from a common form. As we actually see this in the case of the embryos, we have a right to assume it in that of the stem-forms. Nevertheless, this resemblance, however great, is never a real identity. Even the embryos of the different individuals of one species are usually not really identical. If the reader can consult the complete edition of this work at a library, he will find six plates illustrating these twenty embryos.)

If there is an intimate causal connection between the processes of embryology and stem-history, as we must assume in virtue of the laws of heredity, several important phylogenetic conclusions follow at once from these ontogenetic facts. The profound and remarkable similarity in the embryonic development of man and the other vertebrates can only be explained when we admit their descent from a common ancestor. As a fact, this common descent is now accepted by all competent scientists; they have substituted the natural evolution for the supernatural creation of organisms.



Among the many interesting phenomena that we have encountered in the course of human embryology, there is an especial importance in the fact that the development of the human body follows from the beginning just the same lines as that of the other viviparous mammals. As a fact, all the embryonic peculiarities that distinguish the mammals from other animals are found also in man; even the ovum with its distinctive membrane (zona pellucida, Figure 1.14) shows the same typical structure in all mammals (apart from the older oviparous monotremes). It has long since been deduced from the structure of the developed man that his natural place in the animal kingdom is among the mammals. Linne (1735) placed him in this class with the apes, in one and the same order (primates), in his Systema Naturae. This position is fully confirmed by comparative embryology. We see that man entirely resembles the higher mammals, and most of all the apes, in embryonic development as well as in anatomic structure. And if we seek to understand this ontogenetic agreement in the light of the biogenetic law, we find that it proves clearly and necessarily the descent of man from a series of other mammals, and proximately from the primates. The common origin of man and the other mammals from a single ancient stem-form can no longer be questioned; nor can the immediate blood-relationship of man and the ape.

(FIGURE 1.179. Human embryos from the second to the fifteenth week, natural size, seen from the left, the curved back turned towards the right. (Mostly from Ecker.) II of fourteen days. III of three weeks. IV of four weeks. V of five weeks. VI of six weeks. VII of seven weeks. VIII of eight weeks. XII of twelve weeks. XV of fifteen weeks.)

The essential agreement in the whole bodily form and inner structure is still visible in the embryo of man and the other mammals at the late stage of development at which the mammal-body can be recognised as such. But at a somewhat earlier stage, in which the limbs, gill-arches, sense-organs, etc., are already outlined, we cannot yet recognise the mammal embryos as such, or distinguish them from those of birds and reptiles. When we consider still earlier stages of development, we are unable to discover any essential difference in bodily structure between the embryos of these higher vertebrates and those of the lower, the amphibia and fishes. If, in fine, we go back to the construction of the body out of the four germinal layers, we are astonished to perceive that these four layers are the same in all vertebrates, and everywhere take a similar part in the building-up of the fundamental organs of the body. If we inquire as to the origin of these four secondary layers, we learn that they always arise in the same way from the two primary layers; and the latter have the same significance in all the metazoa (i.e., all animals except the unicellulars). Finally, we see that the cells which make up the primary germinal layers owe their origin in every case to the repeated cleavage of a single simple cell, the stem-cell or fertilised ovum.

(FIGURE 1.180. Very young human embryo of the fourth week, one-fourth of an inch long (taken from the womb of a suicide eight hours after death). (From Rabl.) n nasal pits, a eye, u lower jaw, z arch of hyoid bone, k3 and k4 third and fourth gill-arch, h heart; s primitive segments, vg fore-limb (arm), hg hind-limb (leg), between the two the ventral pedicle.)

It is impossible to lay too much stress on this remarkable agreement in the chief embryonic features in man and the other animals. We shall make use of it later on for our monophyletic theory of descent--the hypothesis of a common descent of man and all the metazoa from the gastraea. The first rudiments of the principal parts of the body, especially the oldest organ, the alimentary canal, are the same everywhere; they have always the same extremely simple form. All the peculiarities that distinguish the various groups of animals from each other only appear gradually in the course of embryonic development; and the closer the relation of the various groups, the later they are found. We may formulate this phenomenon in a definite law, which may in a sense be regarded as an appendix to our biogenetic law. This is the law of the ontogenetic connection of related animal forms. It runs: The closer the relation of two fully-developed animals in respect of their whole bodily structure, and the nearer they are connected in the classification of the animal kingdom, the longer do their embryonic forms retain their identity, and the longer is it impossible (or only possible on the ground of subordinate features) to distinguish between their embryos. This law applies to all animals whose embryonic development is, in the main, an hereditary summary of their ancestral history, or in which the original form of development has been faithfully preserved by heredity. When, on the other hand, it has been altered by cenogenesis, or disturbance of development, we find a limitation of the law, which increases in proportion to the introduction of new features by adaptation (cf.

Chapter 1.

1). Thus the apparent exceptions to the law can always be traced to cenogenesis.

(FIGURE 1.181. Human embryo of the middle of the fifth week, one-third of an inch long. (From Rabl.) Letters as in Figure 1.180, except sk curve of skull, ok upper jaw, hb neck-indentation.)

When we apply to man this law of the ontogenetic connection of related forms, and run rapidly over the earliest stages of human development with an eye to it, we notice first of all the structural identity of the ovum in man and the other mammals at the very beginning (Figures 1.1 and 1.14). The human ovum possesses all the distinctive features of the ovum of the viviparous mammals, especially the characteristic formation of its membrane (zona pellucida), which clearly distinguishes it from the ovum of all other animals. When the human foetus has attained the age of fourteen days, it forms a round vesicle (or "embryonic vesicle") about a quarter of an inch in diameter. A thicker part of its border forms a simple sole-shaped embryonic shield one-twelfth of an inch long (Figure 1.133). On its dorsal side we find in the middle line the straight medullary furrow, bordered by the two parallel dorsal or medullary swellings. Behind, it passes by the neurenteric canal into the primitive gut or primitive groove. From this the folding of the two coelom-pouches proceeds in the same way as in the other mammals (cf. Figures 1.96 and 1.97). In the middle of the sole-shaped embryonic shield the first primitive segments immediately begin to make their appearance. At this age the human embryo cannot be distinguished from that of other mammals, such as the hare or dog.

A week later (or after the twenty-first day) the human embryo has doubled its length; it is now about one-fifth of an inch long, and, when seen from the side, shows the characteristic bend of the back, the swelling of the head-end, the first outline of the three higher sense-organs, and the rudiments of the gill-clefts, which pierce the sides of the neck (Figure 1.179, III). The allantois has grown out of the gut behind. The embryo is already entirely enclosed in the amnion, and is only connected in the middle of the belly by the vitelline duct with the embryonic vesicle, which changes into the yelk-sac. There are no extremities or limbs at this stage, no trace

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