» Drama » lost love, elizabeth fritz [audio ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «lost love, elizabeth fritz [audio ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author elizabeth fritz

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his weird questions.
He just smiled. “Nothing, don’t worry.”
I raised a curious brow, “okay then!”
“So what were you reading?” He asked completely ignoring my curious brow, and moved his gaze to the book, which I had my arms over.
I blushed, feeling like a number one nerd, “Um, The Da Vinci Code.”
“Awesome, its really good isn’t it?” He smiled, taking it away from me to see what part I was at.
“Yeah, but I’ve read it, it’s just so good.” I said.
He nodded, half impressed, but he was reading the blurb.
Luke soon put it down and smiled, satisfied. “Okay, well that’s that. Lets do something.”
I looked at him again, suspicious, “Like what?”
“Um how about we get outside?” He suggested.
“Sure. Good idea.” I smiled and tucked my book into my bag and got up with my crutches.
He got up and helped me up on my crutches and smiled, “Come on.”
I walked beside him as we left the cafeteria.
There were a few whispers which I decided to ignore, and obviously so did Luke.
Another girl came up to me and tapped my shoulder gently.
“Hey, Shannon! Um, I’m Anna… Can I sign your cast?” She asked, grinning widely. She wore glasses and braces, and had short brown hair.
I felt kind of ashamed that I didn’t know most of the people who knew me. I didn’t want to be the popular girl, it just happened!
So I just smiled and nodded, “Sure thing. Make it quick though!”
She kind of looked flattered, “Really? I mean thanks!” She grinned and fished out a pen from her pocket and bent down. She found a spot right at the back. Where Luke had signed it as well. She signed it and got back up, looking kind of confused.
“You’re going out with Michael right?” she wanted to know.
“Yep…. Um, why?” I asked.
She shook her head too quickly, “No, nothing. Thanks. Seeya.”

Luke smirked, and I knew he knew something.
“What is there that I don’t know?” I asked looking into his pretty eyes.
He shook his head as well, “Nothing! And if there is you’ll obviously find out soon…”

Stealing my thunder and leaving me in suspense… Again! NO

After that we were already outside on the picnic benches type things (the one that has two benches on either side of the table—I don’t know what they’re called!) and I was sitting on one, facing the table and Luke was sitting on the table, feet beside me.

“So…” He smiled down at me.
“So,” I repeated smiling up at him.
“When are you getting that cast removed?” He asked.
“Soon.” I replied.
“Soon? That helps…” he rolled his eyes.
I chuckled, “Three weeks.”
He looked astonished, “Three weeks? Wow.”
“Yep, so anyway how is your life going?” I asked looking up at him, eyes lost in his gorgeous ones as they met mine.
“Life…” he thought for a moment, “Life is life, I guess.”
“No really? I thought it was death.” I said sarcastically.
“Well it kind of is,” he said ignoring the sarcasm.
“What, why?” I asked him.
He shook his head, grinning now, “Yep, so what shall we talk about? I’m getting bored.”
“You’re calling me boring, Luke?” I said dramatically, putting my hand to my chest, and gasped, pretending to be hurt.
“No, no! Of course not!” He said panicking and when I thought he had believed it I started to laugh.
“Chill, dude. I was kidding!” I said still laughing a bit.
Then he smirked strangely and said, “I know.”
And then before I could say anything else, a big bunch of people joined our table, inviting themselves.
So that was that.

Later after school Justin and I were standing in the parking lot.
I looked straight at him, he was just fourteen and he had grown over four inches over the summer. So now he’s nearly as tall as me, and in a few months I’ll have to look up in his bright blue eyes. I’ve heard from many of the kids in his class say that he’s gonna be the dream guy in high school, the one that’s a jock and blonde hair, blue eyes, tan, tall, muscular and smart. And they’re all jealous of his girlfriend, Angela, who is like, a really nice girl, who doesn’t go around in mini skirts and belly button piercings, etc. But she is really decent, and pretty. Justin is too shy. I don’t see how they can talk about him like that!
So anyway I looked at him and I was like, “Right, I’ll call dad.” And so I did and this is the conversation of me and dad.

Me: Daddy I need you to pick us up from school!
Dad: What did you do to your car?!
Me: Um I kind of broke it.
Dad: you WHAT!?!
Me: Dad, chill, you drove us to school today remember? My leg?
Dad: *breathing heavily* Oh… right.
Me: Waiting!
Dad: Sorry hon. I have a very important meeting in 4 and a half minutes.
Me: Ugh, where’s mom?
Dad: She has to be at the meeting.
Me: Whatever… Bye.

Then I hang up on him and turn back to Justin.
“So? What did he say?” Justin asked moving his gaze towards me again.
“He said that we’re going to have to learn how to fly, to get home faster.” I said casually.
He rolled his eyes, “Shannon, is he coming or not?”
“Not.” I said, “We’ll have to walk. Come on.”
He flung his backpack over his shoulders and carried mine. How generous of him.
I was walking really slowly due to my crutches…

He was walking behind me anyway because obviously he was too busy texting his friend about some party they’re planning (Don’t ask, I have my ways!) and he’s a guy and guys can’t multitask unlike girls… Yeah yeah yeah.
So when he decided he would put it back into his pocket safely, well surely because it ran out of battery, he suddenly started laughing!
I turned around and scowled at him, “What?!”
He shook his head, “Whatever.”
I rolled my eyes, “ Everyone is acting suspicious! Its so annoying!”
He laughed a bit more, “Says you, Shan.”
I sighed, and continued walking.
After a moment Justin breaks the silence again, “Why couldn’t your boyfriend give us a ride?”
I stopped and then started again, “I- I didn’t ask him…”
“Why not?” he asked obviously amused.
And as always, I use my skills and answer something mysterious.
“It’s personal.” I say and shrug as if that settles that.
Have I ever mentioned that our house is like two miles away from school? I mean I would usually walk, but it’s horrible with a broken leg!

Anyway, as Justin caught up with me and stood by my side, looking kind of annoyed that I was walking so slowly, but he had to stand beside me just in case I stumble over some rocks and fall or something just like what I almost did a few minutes ago...

Then a car pulled up and waved at us. I turned my head to the left and looked at the driver who was waving and I waved back with a small smile.
“Luke. What a surprise.” I said.
“isn’t it always?” he joked. “Why are you walking?”
“Parents at work. Can’t drive.” I shrugged.
“You guys want a ride?” he offered kindly.
“Wow, thanks Luke. This means a lot.” I smiled widely, and nudged Justin, “Right Justin?”
“Huh? Oh, right. Thanks.” He said.
Luke just kept his little smile and got out of the car and helped me in the front seat and told Justin that he could sit at the back.

When we got into the car he put on some unfamiliar music that sounded surprisingly good.
“Whoa, who’s this by?” I asked impressed.
“It’s all me and my band.” He grinned watching the road as he drove.
“Oh yeah. I forgot you were in a band. It’s really good, Luke, really.” I said again.
“Thanks. But if you like this you’ll love my other albums. I’ll send them to you one day.” He said as he glanced at me.
I glanced back at him and smiled, “Really? That would be great, thanks.”
“Don’t mention it. If you don’t want to…” He smirked.
I rolled my eyes playfully and smiled softly, “Sure thing.”
“So how’s your violin practise going?” He asked me.
“Violin..? Oh! Of course. Um I haven’t practised recently but I’m getting there soon enough.” I said, amazed at myself for forgetting I was a talented fine violinist.
He laughed softly, “Right.”

After a while we ended up in a small but deep conversation about cars. Don’t ask how; one minute it was just violins and now it was cars. I could tell it was deep because with in three minutes Justin had the most annoyed expression I’ve ever seen.

He parked by his house on the driveway (because we’re neighbours if you forgot!) and then Justin helped me out, handing me my crutches. I took them gratefully and waved to Luke.
“Bye, Luke. Thanks so much for the ride.” I said grinning and walking backwards skilfully with my crutches.
And then the most typical thing happened, and I can guess that you’re guessing it as well.

You’re right.

Well of course I didn’t know I was about to trip because I was too into showing off my skills…


 The days flew by… Everyone was still acting strange, for some reason Kelly was more unhappy with Luke but at the same time wouldn’t leave his side… and now Michael was around again, not wanting to leave myside.
That was kind of annoying because I was insisted to sit with his friends and listen to their boring conversation about sport.
Not that I couldn’t ditch… I could do that.

Anyway, I was just walking with Emily into the cafeteria at Lunch when she finally decides to tell me.

“Shannon.” She sighed grabbing my shoulder.
“Sexy cast, keep it up, winking face, XX L.D” she said.
“What the heck?!” I asked confused.
“Some one signed your cast with the initial L.D and that’s what you wanted to know right? Everyone is acting weird when they see your cast is because you have a boyfriend and someone is flirting. No one flirts with the girlfriend of the basketball team captain.”

I was then quiet for a moment and I had stopped walking, “L.D, Hmm, could it be, Em?!” I asked squealing.
“What!” she demanded.
“Luke Dawson.” I laughed “Oh my god!”
Emily laughed along, “You’re so lucky that Michael doesn’t know!”
“And he won’t...” I sighed and continued walking with my crutches. “I’m pretty sure. He doesn’t look anywhere near that cast when he looks at me.” I rolled my eyes, “Plus, did you see what he wrote? ‘Get better babe, my smokin’ hot lady! Can’t wait to take you out again… Michael Peters XOXOXOX’ … wasn’t that a bit too much?”
Emily laughed a bit more and nodded, “Yeah, saw that one.”

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