» Drama » The Comedy of Errors, William Shakespeare [love letters to the dead TXT] 📗

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tag="{}a">113. another] the other Hanmer.

115. healthful] F1. helpful F2 F3 F4.

117. bark] backe F1.

120. That] Thus Hanmer. Yet Anon. conj.

122. sake] F1. sakes F2 F3 F4.

124. hath ... thee] have ... they F1.

of] om. F4.

128. so] F1. for F2 F3 F4.

130. the] om. Pope.

131. I labour’d of a] he labour’d of all Collier MS.

144, 145. These lines inverted by Hanmer.

145. princes, would they, may] Hanmer. Princes would they may F1. Princes would, they may F2 F3 F4.

151. Therefore, merchant, I’ll] Ff. Therefore merchant, I Rowe. I, therefore, merchant Pope. I’ll, therefore, merchant Capell.

152. help ... help] Ff. life ... help Pope. help ... means Steevens conj. hope ... help Collier. fine ... help Singer.

by] thy Jackson conj.

155. no] not Rowe.

156. Gaoler,] Jailor, now Hanmer. So, jailer, Capell.

159. lifeless] Warburton. liveless Ff.

Act I: Scene 2

Scene ii.] Pope. No division in Ff.

The Mart.] Edd. A public place. Capell. The Street. Pope. See note (II).

Enter ...] Enter Antipholis Erotes, a Marchant, and Dromio. Ff.

4. arrival] a rivall F1.

10. till] tell F2.

11, 12. The order of these lines is inverted by F2 F3 F4.

12. that] then Collier MS.

18. mean] F1. means F2 F3 F4.

23. my] F1. the F2 F3 F4.

28. consort] consort with Malone conj.

30. myself] F1. my life F2 F3 F4.

33. Scene iii. Pope.

mine] F1. my F2 F3 F4.

37. falling] failing Barron Field conj.

37, 38. fellow forth, Unseen,] fellow, for Th’ unseen Anon. conj.

38. Unseen,] In search Spedding conj.

Unseen, inquisitive,] Unseen inquisitive! Staunton.

40. them] F1. him F2 F3 F4.

unhappy,] F2 F3 F4. (unhappie a) F1. unhappier, Edd. conj.

65. score] Rowe. scoure F1 F2 F3. scour F4.

66. your clock] Pope. your cooke F1. you cooke F2. your cook F3 F4.

76. stays] stay Rowe.

86. will] would Collier MS.

93. God’s] Hanmer. God Ff.

96. o’er-raught] Hanmer. ore-wrought Ff.

99. Dark-working] Drug-working Warburton.

99, 100. Dark-working ... Soul-killing] Soul-killing ... Dark-working Johnson conj.

100. Soul-killing] Soul-selling Hanmer.

102. liberties] libertines Hanmer.

Act II: Scene 1

The house ... Ephesus.] Pope. The same (i.e. A publick place). Capell, and passim.

11. o’ door] Capell. adore F1 F2 F3. adoor F4.

12. ill] F2 F3 F4. thus F1.

15. lash’d] leashed “a learned lady” conj. ap. Steevens. lach’d or lac’d Becket conj.

17. bound, ... sky:] bound: ... sky, Anon. conj.

19. subjects] subject Capell.

20, 21. Men ... masters ... Lords] Hanmer. Man ... master ... Lord Ff.

21. wild watery] wilde watry F1. wide watry F2 F3 F4.

22, 23. souls ... fowls] F1. soul ... fowl F2 F3 F4.

30. husband start] husband’s heart’s Jackson conj.

other where] other hare Johnson conj. See note (III).

31. home] om. Boswell (ed. 1821).

39. wouldst] Rowe. would Ff.

40. see] be Hanmer.

41. fool-begg’d] fool-egg’d Jackson conj. fool-bagg’d Staunton conj. fool-badged Id. conj.

44. Scene ii. Pope.

now] yet Capell.

45. Nay] At hand? Nay Capell.

and] om. Capell.

45, 46. two ... two] too ... two F1.

50-53. doubtfully] doubly Collier MS.

53. withal] therewithal Capell.

that] om. Capell, who prints lines 50-54 as four verses ending feel ... I ... therewithal ... them.

59. he is] he’s Pope. om. Hanmer.

61. a thousand] F4. a hundred F1 a 1000 F2 F3.

64. home] Hanmer. om. Ff.

68. I know not thy mistress] Thy mistress I know not Hanmer. I know not of thy mistress Capell. I know thy mistress not Seymour conj.

out on thy mistress] F1 F4. out on my mistress F2 F3. ’out on thy mistress,’ Quoth he Capell. I know no mistress; out upon thy mistress Steevens conj.

70. Quoth] Why, quoth Hanmer.

71-74. Printed as prose in Ff. Corrected by Pope.

73. bare] bear Steevens.

my] thy F2.

74. there] thence Capell conj.

85. I last] I’m to last Anon. conj.

[Exit.] F2.

87. Scene iii. Pope.

93. blunts] F1. blots F2 F3 F4.

107. alone, alone] F2 F3 F4. alone, a love F1. alone, alas! Hanmer. alone, O love, Capell conj. alone a lone Nicholson conj.

110. yet the] Ff. and the Theobald. and tho’ Hanmer. yet though Collier.

111. That others touch] The tester’s touch Anon. (Fras. Mag.) conj. The triers’ touch Singer.

and] Ff. yet Theobald. an Collier. though Heath conj.

111, 112. will Wear] Theobald (Warburton). will, Where] F1.

112, 113. F2 F3 F4 omit these two lines. See note (IV).

112. and no man] F1. and so no man Theobald. and e’en so man Capell. and so a man Heath conj.

113. By] F1. But Theobald.

115. what’s left away] (what’s left away) F1. (what’s left) away F2 F3 F4.

Act II: Scene 2

Scene ii.] Capell. Scene iv. Pope.

A public place.] Capell. A street. Pope.

3, 4, 5. out By ... report. I] F1 F2 F3. out By ... report, I F4. out. By ... report, I Rowe.

12. didst] did didst F1.

23. Beating him] Beats Dro. Ff.

28. jest] jet Dyce.

29. common] comedy Hanmer.

35-107. Pope marks as spurious.

38. else] om. Capell.

45. Why, first] First, why Capell.

53. next, to] next time, Capell conj.

to] and Collier MS.

59. none] F1. not F2 F3 F4.

76. hair] hair to men Capell.

79. men] Pope, ed. 2 (Theobald). them Ff.

91. sound] F1. sound ones F2 F3 F4.

93. falsing] falling Heath conj.

97. trimming] Rowe. trying Ff. tyring Pope. ’tiring Collier.

101. no time] F2 F3 F4. in no time F1. e’en no time Collier (Malone conj.).

110. thy] F1. some F2 F3 F4.

111. not ... nor] but ... and Capell conj.

112. unurged] unurg’dst Pope.

117. or look’d, or] look’d, Steevens.

to thee] om. Pope. thee S. Walker conj.

119. then] thus Rowe.

130. but] F1. om. F2 F3 F4.

135. off] Hanmer. of Ff.

138. canst] wouldst Hanmer.

140. crime] grime Warburton.

142. thy] F1. my F2 F3 F4.

143. contagion] catagion F4.

145. distain’d] unstain’d Hanmer (Theobald conj.). dis-stain’d Theobald. distained Heath conj.

undishonoured] dishonoured Heath conj.

149, 150. Marked as spurious by Pope.

Who, ... Wants] Whose every ..., Want Becket conj.

150. Wants] Ff. Want Johnson.

155. By me?] Pope. By me. Ff.

156. this] F1, Capell. thus F2 F3 F4.

167. your] you F2.

174. stronger] F4. stranger F1 F2 F3.

180-185. Marked ‘aside’ by Capell.

180. moves] means Collier MS.

183. drives] draws Collier MS.

184. sure uncertainty] sure: uncertainly Becket conj.

185. offer’d] Capell. free’d Ff. favour’d Pope. proffered Collier MS.

187-201. Marked as spurious by Pope.

189. talk] walk and talk Anon. conj.

goblins] ghosts and goblins Lettsom conj.

owls] ouphs Theobald.

sprites] F1. elves sprites F2 F3 F4. elvish sprites Rowe (ed. 2). elves and sprites Collier MS.

191. or] and Theobald.

192. and answer’st not?] F1. om. F2 F3 F4.

193. Dromio, thou drone, thou snail] Theobald. Dromio, thou Dromio, thou snaile F1. Dromio, thou Dromio, snaile F2 F3 F4.

194. am I not?] Ff. am not I? Theobald.

203. the eye] thy eye F2 F3.

204. laughs] Ff. laugh Pope.

211-215. Marked as ‘aside’ by Capell.

Act III: Scene 1

Scene i. Angelo and Balthazar.] Angelo the Goldsmith and Balthasar the Merchant. Ff.

1. all] om. Pope.

11-14. Put in the margin as spurious by Pope.

11. Say] you must say Capell.

13. the skin] my skin Collier MS.

14. own] F1. om. F2 F3 F4.

you] you for certain Collier MS.

15. doth] dont Theobald.

19. You’re] Y’are Ff. you are Capell.

20. here] om. Pope.

21-29. Put in the margin as spurious by Pope.

31. Ginn] om. Pope. Jen’ Malone. Gin’ Collier. Jin Dyce.

36-60. Put in the margin as spurious by Pope.

32, sqq. [Within] Rowe.

46. been] F1. bid F2 F3 F4.

47. an ass] a face Collier MS.

48. Luce. [Within] Rowe. Enter Luce. Ff.

there, Dromio? who] there! Dromio, who Capell.

54. hope] trow Theobald. Malone supposes a line omitted ending rope.

61. Adr. [Within]. Rowe. Enter Adriana. Ff.

65-83. Put in the margin as spurious by Pope.

67. part] have part Warburton.

71. cake here] cake Capell. cake there Anon. conj.

72. mad] F1. as mad F2 F3 F4.

as a buck] om. Capell.

75. you,] your F1.

85. so] thus Pope.

89. Once this] Own this Malone conj. This once Anon. conj.

her] Rowe. your Ff.

91. her] Rowe. your Ff.

93. made] barr’d Pope.

105. slander] lasting slander Johnson conj.

upon] upon its own Capell conj.

106. housed ... gets] Collier. hous’d ... gets F1. hous’d ... once gets F2 F3 F4. hous’d where ’t gets Steevens.

108. mirth] wrath Theobald.

116. Porpentine] Ff. Porcupine Rowe (and passim).

117. will I]

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