» Drama » TAINTED LOVE (PART 1), Kiera Thomas [motivational books for students .TXT] 📗

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that way before but it fit her well. He opened the door and allowed her to step inside then got in the car himself. Inside the two Listened to music before Laala spoke

" Eli, um Mikey called me before I came out and threatened me again . I wanted to be honest with you y'know in case he really tries something"

Elijah's jaw clenched . Something Laila noticed he did when he was upset.

" I appreciate your honesty , now give me your phone" stopping at a red light and holding his hand out

Laila didn't even question what he had told her to do. She placed phone in his hand and watched in fear as he rolled down the window and launched it out the car. It cracked into pieces

"I'll get you a new one. This nigga ain't getting near you now that your Mines. I ain't got time for games"

Laila was flattered by the him calling her his girlfriend but also shaken at the fact that he just threw her phone the way he did.

He took her shopping at all her favorite stores, to a movie and just before the sun set out by the peer to watch the sun go down

" Thankyou .. For this For everything Eli you really don't know how much this means to me" Laila spoke in his arms

He squeezed her closer in flexing all his muscles around her in security

" No problem. It's one thing I need you to do before we really do the dame thing"

Laila lifted her head under his chin

"Anything, Wassup?"

"I need you to tell your Sister the truth about you and her Brother. It ain't right holding on to baggage and your Mother too "

The thought of telling the truth devastated Laila, Ebony would hate her for sure and she just couldn't have that happen. She didn't say a word, instead she held on to Elijah as hard as she could.




" So , i was thinking you could stay over here for a while" Nicole stated plopping on the couch next to Tasha in her condo

Tasha elbow deep in a bag of Doritos stopped searching for a chip, laughed and questioned

" What you mean ? Like move in? Why the hell would I do that"

" Yeah heffa actually thought it would be nice for us to really give this relationship a shot. I mean we have been fucking like crazy Besides now that your sister is coming home and giving all that she's going through maybe she could stay at your apartment until she gets through all this come on you gotta admit it sounds good"

Tasha thought real fast. It did sound good , Ebony was going through so much and needed a break from everything . She could stay at Nicki's and enjoy her Lesbian Lover for a whiles and good Eb the space she needed.

" I would love to wake up to your pretty ass everyday plus your right Eb really can use some peace and quiet, just let me give her a call"

Nicole kissed her after her response and dug into the bag of Doritos as well.



Ebony was released from the hospital finally just as September began and she allowed Charles to take Yasin to his first day of school, but it was the only thing she let him do. Tasha had called about her proposal and Ebony was so thankful God had answered her prayers. That's exactly what she needed after all this bullshit. While Yasin was away from 8 to 4 she took a cab home to get some of her shit since her car was fucked up. She left Her and Charles apartment with just a few clothes for her and Yasin to have at their stay at Tasha's . Ebony was happy for Tasha's new found relationship and interest in girls when she told her, she always knew Tasha would go down that route not having a man all this time. She was finally at peace with herself and away from Charles. The only person she'd hadn't heard from was Laila, and she started to get annoyed. Ebony even Questioned Tasha about her where-abouts but even she said she rather her hear it from Laila herself. Ebony wanted to get to the bottom of her Mysterious Questions.


Laila and Elijah spent everyday and all day with eachother besides work doing all the things they could imagine, and fucking everywhere . Laila’s life was doing better than ever even Samantha noticed how happy she was. She kept taps on both sisters with the new phone her new man had brought her But from a distance. She explained to her sisters she needed some time to herself failing to have yet tell Ebony the truth. Tasha was still staying at Nicole's and the two were more in love than ever both still working at the strip club, Ebony enjoyed life on her on with her son and even Got her old Teaching job back, never speaking to Charles or telling anyone about what really was the cause of her accident. No one heard from Mama char or even cared to they were each so caught up in there lives, and Mikey was still trying to get at Laila if it was the last thing he did.


September came and Went , October was here and just when things started to get good they got worse.


Laila was in bed stuffing her face with Dominios cheese and sausage pizza when Elijah came her bed room door . She had given him keys to her house and he was using full advantage of it .

" Don't eat your fingers kid" He laughed plopping on the bed next to her and grabbing a slice .

He noticed lately her face was getting plum and new it had to be from all the food she was eating lately.

" Boy shutup. I'm starving"

Elijah bit into his slice of pizza cracking up

" Look I was thinking about Calling Ebony y'know telling her the truth about her Brother "Laila said moving the box of pizza aside and laying back on her bed full of pillows

" Go see her Instead, you could use the activity" Elijah joked

Laila gave him a neck roll and a slap on the arm

" You tryna say I'm getting Fat nigga" she snarled

"La shutup. It ain't even like that, Im just saying face-to-face is more respectable ok Fatty" Elijah let out a snort

Laila shrugged off the comment standing up and looking into her full length mirror. Her stomach was getting a pudge and as much as she hated to admit it, Elijah had a point on her needing activity and decided to go see Ebony once and for all



I wonder what she wanna talk about? Ebony thought to herself after getting a serious call from Laila . Nervous she called Tasha to fill her in

"Girl Ms. mia wants to come over and talk all of a sudden " she spoke into the cordless phone

" It's probably nothing bitch relax! But look ima get Nicki to Drop me over there. I wanna see Ms. Top model myself I miss y'all!" Tasha nervously laughed pondering on what Laila could want to talk about knowing it could most likely be about what had happened in the Hospital Room a Month ago. She wanted to be present on the drama if it unfolded.

" I ain't beat. She hasn't been there for me since I got out the hospital giving me bullshit ass excuses but that's Laila for you. I'll see you when you get here she on her way now" Ebony hung up the phone and waited for them both.


Laila arrived at Ebony's then Tasha. Ebony set out some refreshments and made the girls some homemade Jerk Chicken and rice something her Mother taught her as a child. The three sat on Ebony's new couch her teaching Job landed her along with a bunch of other furniture

"Girl Why you in Tasha joint" Laila spoke in between licking the jerk sauce off her fingers

" Well if you been around then you'd know but FYI me and Charles are done and I needed a place for me and Ya-Ya to crash , since T went gay and had been staying at Nicki's she said I could have her spot for a while" Ebony informed

It was more information than Laila thought she'd missed

" Wait.. wait You turn down the other street and didn't Let me know" Laila turned to Tasha who had a mouth full of rice

Tasha swallowed

" Whatever ho, yeah I did. And I love it" she said licking her lips and bouncin twice on the couch

" You need to come around more, you been neglecting us too much Wassup with that" Tasha went on

" About that.." Laila sighed putting her plate in the mini glass table in front if her " Im really sorry y'all , I was stressed the fuck out but I'm better now, my job and Relationship with Elijah are going well. I promise to be more in the loop"

Ebony nearly choked on her chicken.

" You got a Man"?

Laila nodded

" Well damn that's why you been distance bitch you dick struck I ain't mad at you shit Charles was too at least you getting some . His ass was giving my shit to another Nigga" Ebony laughed hysterically . This was the first she's spoke of Charles's Infidelity and realized how crazy it sounded

The room filled with silence

"What the fuck you say.. Charles did what" Tasha spit out

Ebony explained the whole thing laughing in the process. It was about time she told somebody this stupid shit

" Oh Ebony I'm so sorry, How could he do that to you.. To Yasin .. To Malcome. You should have said somehing" Laila sympathized

Tasha in agreement to her every word

" Girl it's fine! He wasn't fucking me so his ass got it from somewhere else, he been stopped taking care of home. I ain't mad, everything happens for a reason. God knows best. And besides I feel better than ever. Got my groove and Job back" Ebony assured the girls

Instantly Laila felt horrible about why she was there in the first place. Seeing Ebony smiled and laugh the way she was made her regret telling her the truth about her secret life but new it had to be done

" Ebony.. I .. I had sex with your Brother.. ive been having sex with your Brother" Laala slipped out

Tasha's eyes widened with shock and Ebony stopped laughing completely

" Girl for a moment I thought you said you fucked my Brother" Ebony sarcastically blurted

" Ebony.. I.. He manipulated me , he raped me when I was 15 and since then its been crazy. I was stupid and young fresh out of college just starting my dreams! I.. I'm sorry Eb I really am. My mother allowed him to do this while the whole time Her and Cornel was together because Mikey was blackmailing him. He felt like your father did more for me and char then you and him, Cornel …He knew too, and probably still does while she lived her Luxurious life style I was paying the price ..She’s on drugs and Mikey has been her supplier for years , stealing my money out the bank while Mikey used me in every way possible . He's been harassing me every since I stopped us from seeing eachother you have to talk to him " Laila said as fast as she could as Ebony remained quiet

Silence broke ass Ebony rised and slapped Laila so hard spit flew From her mouth . Laila screamed In pain


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