» Drama » Girl Trouble (Completed), Ayesha Azhar [fun to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Girl Trouble (Completed), Ayesha Azhar [fun to read TXT] 📗». Author Ayesha Azhar

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had crossed Ashley's mind too. She too, was searching the crowds.Mr Owens started to speak again.

      "Well, I hope you do your best,I want all of you here tommorow, 2:30 sharp. Right after school, dont be late. You can all go now."

        There were many 'oohs' and 'yeahs' and then finally the children started to walk out of the auditorium, I caught sight of Mandy walking away.She caught me staring, but didnot change her expression, she just walked on blanky, as if she didnot have a care in the world.I scowled and then turned towards Ashley.

   "Well, see you later then,Steph." She was already walking away.

"Wait,Ash, why wasnt Jake here?" I ran after her.

     "I dont know why you think I should know if you dont."

  "Umm, ok., if you see him, do let me know." I said in a small voice.

       "Most probably I wont, I dont want to anyway." Ashley turned away again.

  "Why not?"

    "Just because."

  "Ok," I knew I was fighting a lost battle there, I knew none of them would tell me what had happened between those two,"See you later then."

     "Ya, bye"

 I walked out of the auditorium, Ashley already had. The hallway was full of girls and boys, the bell had rung, so everyone was rushing to get to class, I opened my backpack and took out my timetable, I had History next, which meant it was going to be a long day. I sighed and then made my way to class.



It was afternoon and I was walking back to my house. I had neither caught sight of Jake or Ashley after I had seen Ashley in lunch.What was going on between those two, what about that 'us'? Were they going out? That thought sent a twinge in my heart.Why was I hurt anyway? Whatever it was was between those two, why did I care? Yes, why did I care? I didn't think I had the answer to that myself.

     There was a crunching sound. As if someone had stepped on a twig. I looked back, the ally was deserted. There was only my shadow behind me. I relaxed and started walking agin. Thach, there it was again, there WAS someone there, following me, like that day. I looked back again, No one. Whoever it was was doing a good job of hiding themselves. I started walking faster, only a little bit slower then running.

    Now I could hear footsteps too. Hurried footsteps, but they werent follwnig me.No, I stopped, they were running away from me.I looked back, I caught sight of someone around the corner, it seemed like a boy from the back, it was dark so I couldnt see the clothes, just the figure.

      "Hey, you! wait! who are you?" I called out, running after the figure, I turned the corner where I had seen him, or maybe her, but there was only darkness around me. No one was here.Nothing.This was crazy. Maybe I had a mind infection or something.I had thought that someone was following me even that time that I was returning from that party at Jake's.But this time there definitely had been someone, but whoever it was had run away.

   I looked around, darkness threatened to engulf me. Even though it was still day, this dark ally represented the scene of night.I had better get out of here fast. I began to run, first running, and then my pace slowed down to a walk.I was nearing home, just a block now. How did Mandy get home? We always used to walk together, or sometimes we would ride our bikes, but I was never this scared before, because we would always be together.Now that I was alone, I thought I could see evil figures lurking in the shadows.

       Jake and Ash.Where were they? Probably everything between them was going to be allright by tommorow.I remembered when Jake had walked me home once.Sweet Jake.My best friend Jake, or really my ex-best friend Jake.Whichever it was, he was still there, he was still my friend.He was still mine. 



Chapter 15

"So, Serena, what's the plot of Sustenance really?" It was the next day, during lunch and I was sitting with a group of girls from the play discussing the progress of the play.The reason behind this was that Ashley and Jake were nowhere to be seen.My doubt was that they had gone off somewhere together but I couldn't be sure.But one thing that I was sure of was the fact that wherever they were, they would be back by rehearsal time.Ashley,certainly wouldn't  miss her first rehearsal as lead.

"Havent you read the dialouges?" Serena asked, turning to look at me.

"I have, but I dont quite understand, it's all so jumbled up, I only know one basic fact, that Merope is Rosalind's sister.What else is there?"

"So you know that.Ok,"Serna started and took a deep breath,"Merope, the second female lead and the lead,Sandy are very good friends."

"Best friends?" I intervened.

"You coould say,then Merope is Rose's sister,the other character's are the second male lead,Harry Wakefeild-"

  "Who play's that one?" I interrupted.

"Jake Wilson, now please dont interrupt,Steph."I nodded,"Then there is Ryan Rudolph,and then the male lead,Justin Timberlake, played by Jason Mandley." Serena added because she interpreted by my face that I was about to interrupt again,"And I dont know who play's Ryan's role.Got it till there?"

 "Ya."I nodded.

"Then there are Sandy'd parents, Merope and Rose's mother,there are common people too, you know, just casual roles,one or two lines.Then there is the choir, for the background music, they wont actually be in the play though.I think that's all."

"Dont Merope and Rose have a father?"

 "Nah, father's dead, I think."

"What do they all do?"

  "What do you mean,'what do they all do'?"

"I mean, what's the plot?" I said, annoyed.

  "umm...why arent you with your friends anyway?"

"Which friends? I have many types."I said, still annoyed.

  "You know what I mean, Ashley and Jake, where are they?"

   "i dont know."

"You do, please Steph,they should be back by rehearsal time."

  "They will be, I dont know where they are, but I do know that they will be back by rehearsal time."

  "What's going on between you all?"


"Fine, if you dont wanna tell."

   "No, really.Nothing is going on, what made you think so?"

  "I just thought.Anyways, so the plot. Harry Wakefeild and Sandy,"Serena stopped, she took a look at my face and laughed,"Guess I had better tell you the real names, or else it will confuse you."

I nodded.

"Ok, so there are two couples in the story, Jake and Ashley are destined to marry."

  "What?!" Even in the play, did Jake and Ashley HAVE to be together?

"Ya,then Mandy and whoever is playing Ryan's role are to be married too. I think Michael Tsui has that role."Now about who lves who.You are Mandy's sister and you love Jake.Ok?"

I nodded.I couldnt help but feel that that was more right then Serena thought it was.

  "But Jake is going to be married to Ashley.He loves her,but Ashley doesn't love Jake."

"Who does she love?"

  "This is where Jason Mandley comes in.Ashley loves Jason, and she loves her too, and they plan to run off together."

I was beginning to like this story.If Jake and Ashley weren't together then it was an excellent plot.

  "Mandy loves Jason too, and she and Ashley are best friends as you said, so Ashley tells Mandy that she is going to run off with Jason."

Mandy and Ashley best friends?Ha!Never!They hated each other.Even the thought made me laugh.

  "Mandy wants to stop Ashley and Jason from running off because she loves Jason."

Just like Mandy to want to ruin other's happiness."Then?"I asked.

"So she asks her sister Rosalind for help, which means she wants you to do something to stop Ashley and Jason from running off.So, what do you do?"

 "Help her?" I guesses.

"No,you dont.You love Jake.If Ashley and Jason dont run off together then Ashley will be married to dont want that,so you dont help Mandy.You sacrifice your sister's love for your own love.Got it?"

 I nodded and smiled.pretty interesting story so far.But what I really wanted to know was whether Jake and I got together in the end.

"Do Jake and I get together in the end?"I asked.

  "Listen,na, you will spoil all the suspense like this.Patience.Now,you dont help your sister.You go against help Ashley and Jason to run off as soon as they can."

 Do I really? I felt insulted that I had such a selfish character in the play, but when it really came to that, I wasm't sure that I wouldnt do something selfish like that for Jake.

"When Mandy comes to know that Ashley and Jason have run of and that you helped the do it,she kills herself-"

"No!! I wont let Mandy die!" I screamed.

"We are not talking about you here,Steph, we are talking about Rosalind and Merope.Ok?"

"Yeah,yeah."I saidd,breathing hard,"Rosalind and Merope."

Even the thought that Mandy could die was enough to bring tears to my eyes.Maybe Mandy and I were'nt talking now,but she was still there,she was still alive.I knew I wouldn't be able to live if Mandy wouldnt be there.

  "So then Mandy dies?"

Serena was talking on, but I was still trying to relax,it's just a play, just a play.

  "Merope.Merope dies.Please call her Merope,Serena."

"Ok, so when you hear that merope has died, you are devastated, she's your sister afterall.You visit her grave where you cry and ask her to forgive you.But then,Jake arrives at the graveyard.He has came to know that you helped his wife to be,meaning Ashley, and Jason to run off together.And he's angry.You beg, but he doesnt listen.He kills you."

"Jake kills me?" Ugh.I wasnt quite sure I liked this play afterall."But,didnt he love me?"

  "No, he loved Ashley?"

Serena had no idea how true her words were, and how much her words were hurting me.Couldn't Jake love me in a play atleast?No, he had to love Ashley.Just like in real life.The day of the announcing of the roles flashed into my mind.Ashley and Jake hugging.Together.Ashley's words,

"You cant forget what you promised me!!"

Yes, what had Jake promised Ashley? I would probably never find out.

  "So there you are, that's all."

"Ok,"I started,"But why does everyone say my part of Rosalind is a minor one, I think it's quite a big one."

     Serena laughed,"It IS small,Steph, you are just one of the puppet roles."

I stared at her blankly."What do you mean?"

   "Look,"Serena said, looking serious again,"It's like in a band,there are lots of fans, admirers, but they are just playing a role, arent they? Making the band famous. So suppose you like the band too, so you are just one of the fandom, nothing special. But if one of the bandmates were to like you,THEN you would be something." 

"So my part is small just because none of the characters love me?"

   "You could say,you are just the second lead's sister, like in a battle, lots of people die, but not all are remembered, there are other main roles, mine for instance.I am Sandy's mother."

"Oh."I nodded.I was beginning to understand this now,"Who's is Sandy's father?"

   "I really dont remember,Steph."

"It's sad,"I started,"Everyone dies, only Jason and Ashley live happily ever after. What happens to Jake?"

   "He doesn't die, he goes on to another country, get's

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