» Drama » Wilhelm Tell, Friedrich Schiller [best ebook reader for ubuntu .txt] 📗

Book online «Wilhelm Tell, Friedrich Schiller [best ebook reader for ubuntu .txt] 📗». Author Friedrich Schiller

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Release me from this shot! Here is my heart!

[Tears open his breast.

Summon your troopers - let them strike me down!

GESSLER. I do not want thy life, Tell, but the shot. Thy talent's universal! Nothing daunts thee! Thou canst direct the rudder like the bow! Storms fright not thee when there's a life at stake. Now, savior, help thyself, thou savest all!

[TELL stands fearfully agitated by contending emotions,
his hands moving convulsively, and his eyes turning
alternately to the governor and heaven. Suddenly he
takes a second arrow from his quiver and sticks it in
his belt. The governor watches all these motions.

WALTER (beneath the lime tree). Come, father, shoot! I'm not afraid!

It must be!

[Collects himself and levels the bow.

RUDENZ (who all the while has been standing in a state of violent
excitement, and has with difficulty restrained himself, advances). My lord, you will not urge this matter further. You will not. It was surely but a test. You've gained your object. Rigor pushed too far Is sure to miss its aim, however good, As snaps the bow that's all too straightly bent.

GESSLER. Peace, till your counsel's asked for!

RUDENZ. I will speak! Ay, and I dare! I reverence my king; But acts like these must make his name abhorred. He sanctions not this cruelty. I dare Avouch the fact. And you outstep your powers In handling thus an unoffending people.

GESSLER. Ha! thou growest bold methinks!

I have been dumb To all the oppressions I was doomed to see. I've closed mine eyes that they might not behold them, Bade my rebellious, swelling heart be still, And pent its struggles down within my breast. But to be silent longer were to be A traitor to my king and country both.

BERTHA (casting herself between him and the governor). Oh, heavens! you but exasperate his rage!

RUDENZ. My people I forsook, renounced my kindred - Broke all the ties of nature that I might Attach myself to you. I madly thought That I should best advance the general weal, By adding sinews to the emperor's power. The scales have fallen from mine eyes - I see The fearful precipice on which I stand. You've led my youthful judgment far astray, - Deceived my honest heart. With best intent, I had well nigh achieved my country's ruin.

GESSLER. Audacious boy, this language to thy lord?

RUDENZ. The emperor is my lord, not you! I'm free As you by birth, and I can cope with you In every virtue that beseems a knight. And if you stood not here in that king's name, Which I respect e'en where 'tis most abused, I'd throw my gauntlet down, and you should give An answer to my gage in knightly fashion. Ay, beckon to your troopers! Here I stand; But not like these -
[Pointing to the people.
unarmed. I have a sword, And he that stirs one step - -

STAUFFACHER (exclaims).
The apple's down!

[While the attention of the crowd has been directed
to the spot where BERTHA had cast herself between RUDENZ
and GESSLER, TELL has shot.

ROSSELMANN. The boy's alive!

The apple has been struck!

[WALTER FURST staggers, and is about to fall. BERTHA supports him.

GESSLER (astonished). How? Has he shot? The madman!

Worthy father! Pray you compose yourself. The boy's alive!

WALTER (runs in with the apple). Here is the apple, father! Well I knew You would not harm your boy.

[TELL stands with his body bent forwards, as though he would
follow the arrow. His bow drops from his hand. When he sees
the boy advancing, he hastens to meet him with open arms, and
embracing him passionately sinks down with him quite exhausted.
All crowd round them deeply affected.

BERTHA. Oh, ye kind heavens!

FURST (to father and son).
My children, my dear children!

STAUFFACHER. God be praised!

Almighty powers! That was a shot indeed! It will be talked of to the end of time.

HARRAS. This feat of Tell, the archer, will be told While yonder mountains stand upon their base.

[Hands the apple to GESSLER.

GESSLER. By heaven! the apple's cleft right through the core. It was a master shot I must allow.

ROSSELMANN. The shot was good. But woe to him who drove The man to tempt his God by such a feat!

STAUFFACHER. Cheer up, Tell, rise! You've nobly freed yourself, And now may go in quiet to your home.

ROSSELMANN. Come, to the mother let us bear her son!

GESSLER. A word, Tell.

[They are about to lead him off.

Sir, your pleasure?

Thou didst place A second arrow in thy belt - nay, nay! I saw it well - what was thy purpose with it?

TELL (confused). It is the custom with all archers, sir.

GESSLER. No, Tell, I cannot let that answer pass. There was some other motive, well I know. Frankly and cheerfully confess the truth; - Whate'er it be I promise thee thy life, Wherefore the second arrow?

Well, my lord, Since you have promised not to take my life, I will, without reserve, declare the truth.

[He draws the arrow from his belt, and fixes his eyes
sternly upon the governor.

If that my hand had struck my darling child, This second arrow I had aimed at you, And, be assured, I should not then have missed.

GESSLER. Well, Tell, I promised thou shouldst have thy life; I gave my knightly word, and I will keep it. Yet, as I know the malice of thy thoughts, I will remove thee hence to sure confinement, Where neither sun nor moon shall reach thine eyes, Thus from thy arrows I shall be secure. Seize on him, guards, and bind him.

[They bind him.

How, my lord - How can you treat in such a way a man On whom God's hand has plainly been revealed?

GESSLER. Well, let us see if it will save him twice! Remove him to my ship; I'll follow straight. In person I will see him lodged at Kuessnacht.

ROSSELMANN. You dare not do it. Nor durst the emperor's self, So violate our dearest chartered rights.

GESSLER. Where are they? Has the emperor confirmed them? He never has. And only by obedience Need you expect to win that favor from him. You are all rebels 'gainst the emperor's power And bear a desperate and rebellious spirit. I know you all - I see you through and through. Him do I single from amongst you now, But in his guilt you all participate. The wise will study silence and obedience.

[Exit, followed by BERTHA, RUDENZ, HARRAS, and attendants.

FURST (in violent anguish). All's over now! He is resolved to bring Destruction on myself and all my house.

STAUFFACHER (to Tell). Oh, why did you provoke the tyrant's rage?

TELL. Let him be calm who feels the pangs I felt.

STAUFFACHER. Alas! alas! Our every hope is gone. With you we all are fettered and enchained.

COUNTRY PEOPLE (surrounding Tell). Our last remaining comfort goes with you!

LEUTHOLD (approaching him). I'm sorry for you, Tell, but must obey.

TELL. Farewell!

WALTER (clinging to him in great agony).
Oh, father, father, father dear!

TELL (pointing to Heaven). Thy father is on high - appeal to Him!

STAUFFACHER. Hast thou no message, Tell, to send your wife?

TELL (clasping the boy passionately to his breast). The boy's uninjured; God will succor me!

[Tears himself suddenly away, and follows the soldiers
of the guard.



Eastern shore of the Lake of Lucerne; rugged and singularly
shaped rocks close the prospect to the west. The lake is
agitated, violent roaring and rushing of wind, with thunder
and lightning at intervals.


KUNZ. I saw it with these eyes! Believe me, friend, It happen'd all precisely as I've said.

FISHERMAN. Tell, made a prisoner, and borne off to Kuessnacht? The best man in the land, the bravest arm, Had we resolved to strike for liberty!

KUNZ. The Viceroy takes him up the lake in person: They were about to go on board, as I Left Flueelen; but still the gathering storm, That drove me here to land so suddenly, Perchance has hindered their abrupt departure.

FISHERMAN. Our Tell in chains, and in the viceroy's power! Oh, trust me, Gessler will entomb him where He never more shall see the light of day; For, Tell once free, the tyrant well may dread The just revenge of one so deep incensed.

KUNZ. The old Landamman, too - von Attinghaus - They say, is lying at the point of death.

FISHERMAN. Then the last anchor of our hopes gives way! He was the only man who dared to raise His voice in favor of the people's rights.

KUNZ. The storm grows worse and worse. So, fare ye well! I'll go and seek out quarters in the village. There's not a chance of getting off to-day.


FISHERMAN. Tell dragged to prison, and the baron dead! Now, tyranny, exalt thy insolent front - Throw shame aside! The voice of truth is silenced, The eye that watched for us in darkness closed, The arm that should have struck thee down in chains!

BOY. 'Tis hailing hard - come, let us to the cottage This is no weather to be out in, father!

FISHERMAN. Rage on, ye winds! Ye lightnings, flash your fires! Burst, ye swollen clouds! Ye cataracts of heaven, Descend, and drown the country! In the germ, Destroy the generations yet unborn! Ye savage elements, be lords of all! Return, ye bears; ye ancient wolves, return To this wide, howling waste! The
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